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2-126w LED Tent Grow - Wonder Woman / Cream Carmel


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Looking good.....

I am getting close to wrapping up my autoflower grow and getting ready for the 12/12 grow.

I just got a small assortment of cuttings and plan on using them.



Active member
ive got too say im pritty impressed to see your progress so far using LEDs... your making me consider their usage for a variety of benefits... in Australian where im from they are still very expensive tho.... what sort of yields do u usually/expect to get?


New member
So what happened Hank Moody? You came on to this site with all sorts of enthusiasm and showing off good grows, nice buds, and all of a sudden you're slamming LEDGirl with the same old suspicious meanderings others have been trying to undermine her credibility with...we thought you were a happy customer, and now this?

It seems obvious to me that some growers are better than others, and as a noted Grow Author told me once, 'some people grow because they can't get along with people, only plants.'

And that explains a lot of the grumpy statements being made I think, not everyone is going to get the top yields and best buds. There are always differences in grow techniques, nutrients, heat, humidity; a vast array of things that make up how plants grow which is actually a complicated, delicate balance of factors sometimes beyond even the best informed grower's control.

So in general I think the evidence points overwhelmingly towards LED lights being the next generation lighting system of choice, particularly for small and medium scale medical cannabis growers. How about vegetables?

Geeesh, now I have to go smoke some more Pluto and get over this foul taste in my brain.

We were lead to believe ALOT about this light. There were claims made, which are still publicly available on many other forums, that have not held up or have been outright lies. My comments have nothing to do with my skill or lack there of with growing. It comes from LEDgirls BS.

"the same old suspicious meanderings others have been trying to undermine her credibility with"

You assume she's got some credibility to begin with. Why don't you go read her claims. See the comments she made about other manufacturers changing their claims when proof starts showing up and watch her do the same thing. Don't take mine or anyone else's word, including hers. Go look for yourself.

Here are a few examples that should be easy for you to find.

1. 1 - 126w = 400w HPS - I asked if anyone can show me a grow, not posted by Cammie, with these results. Can they? Her lights been on the market coming on a year now. let's call it 6 months, NO ONE can get those results in 6 months? come on. Look what happens when she's called on it. She asks for comparison grows. Like you can't look at 800 bazillion HPS grows to see what people can do with them. But when someone asks her for evidence she states that they don't have to test because it's based on science. Are you fricken kidding me? Any scientist would laugh her out of their department if she said that to them.

2. Her light would Destroy the 180w prosource and any other LED EVEN as the underdog. Pictures speak pretty loudly here and her words are publicly available. Once it was clear she was losing during flowering we got the next gen. Coincidence on the timing?

3. Ed Rosenthal was testing her lights back in Sept/Oct. This was either a blatant lie or a gross gross exaggeration. I CONTACTED ED. I got a direct email from his staff stating the following

"Ed, LED Lights
Monday, December 21, 2009 4:26 PM
"Angela Bacca" <[email protected]>
Add sender to Contacts
Ed has the lights and is in the process of testing them. Any information on those forums is premature. Ed is in the process of wrapping up a VERY LARGE book project and that his is sole priority at the moment. He has been in contact with the manufacturer and they have made their own arrangements.

Feel free to repost.

Angela Bacca"

meaning when she told us pictures were coming in sept/oct, she was lying (unless she's got an email she's willing to post showing differently) because the grow hadn't even started, shouldn't have been even announced, and wasn't planned on being started by Ed for AT LEAST 3-6 months. Go look at 420 the postings are there.

4. How 4 - 126w units = 1000w HPS. Now all of a sudden her claims change to "my light will beat any other watt for watt". She's doing the exact same thing she accused PS and other manufacturers of doing all fall.

My attitude and piss poor comments regarding her and her company revolve around the above as well as the fact that she can't seem to take criticism but can dish it out pretty good. She was a rude bitch on many many peoples otherwise perfectly polite LED journals with her sales pitch. There's a grow on 420 with a HSS light from a first time female grower. Cammie walked in, trashed the girl, her light and her grow. You want to act like that people are going to call you on each and every word you speak. Best part of this is her words are posted on forums for the world to see, if they take the time to look. If they choose not to that's their decision. If you'd like ALL my feelings including more honest journals than can be found here, come over to 420. Irishboys journal has a decidedly different tone on that forum (as well as a few others). You may want to go read his comments there, as well as his results. Here's a link to his honest assessment which I agree with 100%:


I hear ya Payaso. The last Hank talks about his grow is when he's got the PH all messed with his plants. Not one post after that. I think that speaks for itself. The plants were actually looking good before he got the PH problem.

Dude, if you'd like your members to get lied to and mislead that your call. It's your forum and you can run it any way you like. I'll say this though. Your "trusted sponsor" has been KICKED OFF every other board she's been on. Why? Cause she's rude with no "evidence" to back up her claims. None, 0. Guess what, none of the people questioning her light have been kicked off of any boards.
Most of us are not saying her light doesn't work. We're simply saying it doesn't work up to what she's claimed TO ANYONE. Yes I had ph problems, but I still got a more than decent yield (even though the coverage area was less than represented). Unfortunately, I got BETTER results (with more trichs), with the SAME ph issues, with $80 of cfl's from the HD. $450 vs. $80 You want some honestly, take a little break from your little part of the world here and get out and see what's being said about her elsewhere, AND WHY! Go read irishboys statement on his copy of the journal on 420. If your interested in seeing pics of results you'll have to get out anyway. He's not posting them here at last word.

Look man, she boasted, yelled, stomped, whined and generally acted like the big bully on the block on other boards toting her light as the BEST LED on the market. It's not. Period. You'd think she would have been smart enough to run these comparison tests on her own first before sticking her foot in her mouth and wondering why people call her out on it. If you'd like your site to be known as a platform for HGL propaganda, have at it. People will eventually see her for what she is and than question if they can trust you, your boards or your sponsors.

I'm not as pissed off as a few people. I think the best way I put it was like this. If you hit 5 out of 10 numbers in keno are you mad you didn't win it all or happy you won? In my case I won, just not as much as I could've. Others weren't so lucky. I just hope she doesn't really piss someone off to the point they get vindictive and start calling your other sponsors. Personally I think one bad vendor makes them all look bad.

Keep an eye out on 420. We may be having a fundraiser. When/if we have to have it, you'll be really surprised at the cause. IT may open your eyes. If not, you made your bed.

JJ - why don't you ask her for ALL her emails from the member she had banned for spreading "outright lies" and was "mad for not following her policies" I haven't seen them, but I no reason to doubt the person. Other than that I won't post on your boards, the same thing will eventually happen here that happened at 420. Her biggest supporters became her biggest critics. :peace:


New member
I guess what you were led to believe when you purchase the lights. What you read by LED girls before hand. And what happens with the rest of your grow. Like I've said plenty of times, they work, just not as well as LEDgirl made people believe. Let me see you pull more than 1g/w with that and I may be impressed. Get anywhere close to LEDgirls claims (2g/w or above) on other boards and I may believe she wasn't completely full of shit.

My 2 126w LED's are doing fine...



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