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1st round with good genetics


Not Veteran
So starts the new year. I was a little behind because i keep getting sick but fingers crossed for a good year. I picked up some gear at the Worcester harvest cup a few weeks ago where i met the infamous Chunkeypigs and grabed a bunch of seeds. For the first seed run i planted 10 gorila breath, 5 forum breath, and 5 scout breath from chunky and 3 feminized i think they were some kind of diesle and 3 reg platinum huklberry cookies. I planted into 70/30 coco perlite and plan to multi feed when its time. I start in starter cups and usually go into 1 gal for their life. But with this first seed run i am probably gonna go into beer cups untill i sex them. They were all planted on 1/12/18 and 5 of them have sterted to come through the coco :woohoo: can't wait to see them all.


I am running GH flora nutes, i charged my coco with 200 ppm of 1-1-1, 1ml per gal of hydroguard, and 1/2 ml per gal of some root stim. I am mixing 3-1 RO-city tap for a 200 ppm base water then mixing nutes to end up at 400 ppm which i will run most likely till flower unless they look hungry. Looking forward to this year adding the RO because last year i didnt have it and basically had to flush with every feed wasting alot of nutes and still not dialing it in. While i harvested about 3 indoor lbs last year i should be doing much better.



Not Veteran
Flower room

Flower room

Currently my flower room has a 600 hps and a 400 mh/hps that i will use for the first run. I want to add a 315 cmh next run. My room is 5×10 with a adjust a wing on each side of it for now. I have seperate res for each side of the room that last year i had up to 6 feeds a day with lots of run off. This year hoping to run with minimal to no run off.



Once i get this room dialed in i will add a flipper and run an identical room next to it :biggrin:

Of course if anyone has any suggestions i am always ears open ready to learn something :comfort:


Bat Macumba
Will you be planting in coco once these are ready to transplant or go into flower?

Why so keen for minimal run-off? Was it a pain to remove or were you seeing issues in plants? Have you ever played with other lines than GH? Just curious... Subbed!


Not Veteran
Will you be planting in coco once these are ready to transplant or go into flower?

Why so keen for minimal run-off? Was it a pain to remove or were you seeing issues in plants? Have you ever played with other lines than GH? Just curious... Subbed!

Yes they will live in coco their whole life. I just got a grow box from my buddy to try Suite Leaf nutrients so i will try this once i start cloning for a few and see how that is. I use GH because it was what i started with last year and have a decent idea of what and how to feed with it. As i learn more i will branch out more i am sure. As far as run off, i see it as a waste and if the plant is getting what it needs you shouldnt really get large salt build up. I am thinking 1 good flush a week and then regular feedings till the tiniest bit of run-off. With my new set up i can put a sump in my rooms and pump to the sink in the other room if i need to. Also the issues i was having with my plants i think was due to such high ppm starting water. My city water supply is 450 ppm and ph fluctuations of 6 - 6.8 so i am hoping to alleviate the problems i had with better water.


Bat Macumba
I just mentioned this in another thread- adsorbtion. Movement and stripping old salts from roots is part of the process. It's not just the salt in the medium- it's the salt which clings to your roots. I'm not against going for minimal run-off but if you don't produce enough movement or pressure to remove old salts, I think you could encounter problems. Not anything that couldn't be fixed with a flush or two but if you wanted to do it right, I would recommend looking into the definition of adsorbtion.

If you roll this out with less run-off, I'm all eyes-and-ears. I have been totally wrong before. Also, the Organic-Hydro threads posit that minimal run-off is no issue whatsoever. Like I said- Subbed and glad to check out your results.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
this looks like a great spot to grow in, man
with those dank beans and a good room like that to build out it sounds like you will be very happy with the results
hvae you grown before?
I met Chunky at Gene Trader events and just put some forum breath beans in paper towels. I'm growing DWC, also using Flora Trio and happy to follow along and check out your grow. Subbed!


Active member
Looks like a good place to post up. I would recommend using drip,clean if you don't want to water to runoff. Last grow I had some light salt build up on the top of the coco. Added drip clean this round no build up to be seen.


Active member
Another one for no run off. Go you will not be disappointed. No need drip cleen at all just keep you ec, ph in check. Cal mag only foliar and do not go crazy with nutes like 1.8-2.0 never. No run off for the win.


Not Veteran
pop_rocks - I just started growing last winter indoor and transition to outdoor for the summer. I have 2 full indoor crops under my belt and 1 outdoor grow. I have pics in my album.

WaxyTaxi - i have been wanting to run chunky`s gear since i first saw it.

packerfan79 - not planning on using drip kleen, while i really appreciate the recommendation i feel i could just flush more if i have to to fix build up.

maimunji - this is what i was thinking. Current ec of .8 400 ppm plan to run this for veg and flower just changing nutrient ratios in flower. Last year i was running high ec because my base water ec was .8 now i am at .8 with nutes should make a big difference.

I thank all of you who are following and helping along the way. Over the summer with my first outdoor grow, this fine community helped me to grow some monsters and learn a ton along the way.
Good luck and happy growing !


Not Veteran
12 up :peacock: 3 of 3 fems, 3 of 3 phc one had to be re burried a bit but should be good, 5 of 5 scout breath, and 1 of 5 forum breath with 1 about to come above ground, 0 of 10 gorila breath but there is still a good week before i go digging :tumbleweed:
So here they are




Not Veteran
1 week

1 week

Its been a week since planting. All the scout breath are up and look good, all 3 fems are up the bottom of the stem on one looks a bit funky but should be fine, all 3 of the huklberry came up but one looks real ruff and its iffy. 2 of the forum breath came up so far one looks great the other is a little iffy. None of the gorila breath are up.



I also started charging beer cups for transplant mid to end of next week. Once i have to feed twice a day i will transplant, feeding once a day now.



passing the gas
hey, sorry those Gorilla Breaths are not up.

did you scuff them? I don't know if you heard the lecture I was giving folks on how to get them started with best results.

scuff in pill bottle with sandpaper for 1 minute shaking before soak.
soak 12-24 hours until you see some cracking and tips out.
put in wet paper towel covered with plastic and when they are 3-4"s and shedding the shell bury bottom 2/3d's in media.
keep them on top of the fridge for a good temp after they go in the paper towel unless you have a drafty kitchen.
soak 1st watering in.

why don't you try the rest of the Gorilla Breaths and Forum breaths like that and see if you don't have an improvement?

here's what the Forum Breath looked like when I tested them.


Not Veteran
hey, sorry those Gorilla Breaths are not up.

did you scuff them? I don't know if you heard the lecture I was giving folks on how to get them started with best results.

scuff in pill bottle with sandpaper for 1 minute shaking before soak.
soak 12-24 hours until you see some cracking and tips out.
put in wet paper towel covered with plastic and when they are 3-4"s and shedding the shell bury bottom 2/3d's in media.
keep them on top of the fridge for a good temp after they go in the paper towel unless you have a drafty kitchen.
soak 1st watering in.

why don't you try the rest of the Gorilla Breaths and Forum breaths like that and see if you don't have an improvement?

here's what the Forum Breath looked like when I tested them.
View Image

I can do that this week. I did hear your lecture and honestly forgot about it as i have had great luck just planting. Will definitely try your way and thank you for everything.


Not Veteran
So i scuffed and soaked in RO for 12 hours and now have them on top of wet papar towel with a plastic bag on top of that. Is this correct or do i fold the wet paper towel so the seeds are in between wet paper towel wit plastic over everything? I thought that by folding the paper towel over it would suffocate the seed?


passing the gas
I fold so there's wet PT on both sides. Put them in a warm spot like the top of the fridge.

Did the seeds crack in the water?


Not Veteran
After consulting the growers bible i did exactly that and folded the paper towel over. The seeds seemd to crack one of them sunk when i touched it. They definitely got a full 12 hour soak and are inbetween paper with a baggie loosly over it. I only tried 5 gorila breath just to get the technique before i crack the rest later this week. I transplanted one of the fems because when it rooted there was a bit of taproot above the coco so it got a little weak. So i transplanted into beer cup and burried more of it for better support. Everything that is above ground looks great and will all be transplanted friday. More pics then.


passing the gas
I hope you put some of these outside in the spring, your garden looked very fertile last year.

I'd love to see you light dep that space or at least part of it.

how was the quality of your outdoor last year? I had some dank cookies.


Not Veteran
I hope you put some of these outside in the spring, your garden looked very fertile last year.

I'd love to see you light dep that space or at least part of it.

how was the quality of your outdoor last year? I had some dank cookies.

Everything was very tasty i got alot of compliments. I pressed about a gram of the outdoor at the harvest cup and it was definitely 15-20 % which is what the seeds i ran said they would be. Definitely plan to go outside in the spring and am planning some sort of structure for netting and a roof of some sort. Will definitely have to look into the light dep as that would help tremendously. Thanks for all the help cant wait for a harvest :peacock: