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1st Indoor Grow White Widow


Soil : FFOF
Lights : 2 54w High Output 6400K T5
Started out with a 150w HPS - Switched to a 400w HPS with a GrowBright 55,000 lumen bulb as of 5/25/2010.
Nutrients: General Organics Bio Thrive Grow, Bio Thrive Bloom, Bio Bud, CaMg+, Blackstrap Molasses.

Germinated using paper towel method. Planted seedling in a solo cup. Used 24/0 light cycle.
Weeks 1 - 3 : Veg'ed under my T5 for around 3 weeks.
Weeks 4 - 5 : Transplanted into 5 gal pot beginning of week 4. Veg'ed under 150w HPS.
Weeks 6 - Present : Flipped to 12/12. Noticed pistils in week 6. Changed to 13/11 in week 3 of flower for 10 days due to a temporary work schedule change. In week 4 changed back to 12/12.

I think it is a little slow and behind schedule for being 5 weeks in to flower. It may be due to using only a 150w HPS, or maybe from switching to 13/11. Or a combination of the two.

Right now I am having a little bit of a deficiency problem I believe. Yellow tips which are now turned up at a sharp angle and drying out. Not curled. Almost like if you were to take the tip and fold it like a piece of paper. And some of the blades are showing some yellowing as well. It's worse on top. It started on top and has progressed it's way down. I do know it's not nute burn. I think it's either a cal, mag, or a K deficiency. Although I feed her 1 tbsp of molasses every other watering. I quit using cal mag + because of the molasses having cal, mag, iron, etc... in it. But maybe it needs some cal mag + so next watering I am going to use water/cal mag + instead of molasses. My run off after water/molasses has been around a 6.5 and water/nutes it's been around a 6.3. I ph my water/molasses but not my water/nutes.

Anyway that pretty much brings you up to date with the grow so far.



Well just got back from my local hydro store. Needed to get some GO camg +. They were out of it for the longest time. I have Botanicare calmag + but didn't want to use it as it's not organic. Fed with 10ml and skipped my molasses this time. I didn't know if I should or could mix it with molasses so I decided to just use it alone w/ water. I know I can use it with my other nutes but it wasn't time to feed. But I didn't want to wait neither. I need to try and get this problem fixed with the yellowing tips/blades. So I went ahead and gave her some now and will probably give her some more when I do my scheduled feeding. And then from that point I probably will continue to mix it in with my regular feeding schedule. That way I can get back to using just water/molasses in between feedings.

Guess time will tell if I am on the right track and if this will fix the problem.

hey brotha! didn't even notice you had a diary going. But the problem looks to me like its a potassium deficiency....that's my best guess. Keep us updated with whats going on



Hey bro what's up? Thanks for stopping by. Good to hear from ya. Yeah man I was thinking it was a K deficiency too. Although I am not for sure. It will be feeding time probably Sunday so it will get some K then. I doubled the recommended application rate from 10ml to 20ml last feeding. Their chart says that they recommend doubling the application rates for heavy feeding plants. So I will be doing that again this Sunday and here on out. I'm hoping to get it figured out soon and that it don't get a lot worse. It sucks but at the same time, it's a good learning experience. Hard to learn anything if nothing goes wrong if that makes any sense.

Anyway take it easy bro.


Here are a few pics I took today.








the thumbnails show up, but no big pic when you click on them.

Wow. I don't know what the prob is. The 4 thumbnail pics in my first post work when I click on them. They come up full size. And I can see the full size pics I posted in my 3rd post. I thought Dr Green Thumb for some reason was the only one who couldn't see those. Guess you can't see those either? I will try it again here.


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yes!...i can see the pics now...looooks nice


Hey Dr. Thanks man. Glad you can see now. Are you talking about the 4 thumbnails in my above post? Or can you see the big full size ones? Just curious.

Yeah man it's coming along. Still a little ways to go. But the buds are picking up and starting to pop now. I wish it was ready now man.


Got bored so I took a few pics. Let me know if you can't see them. I will re-post them. Been having a problem it seems with them being viewable. I have no idea why.





OMG I know its killing me too...especially since I sampled some from the lower popcorn buds I removed, taste was ok but I got an ear ringer and havent been stoned like that in a lonnnng time! I can only imagine how good it`ll be when its done and properly dried and cured.

Our patience will pay off, my friend!


OMG I know its killing me too...especially since I sampled some from the lower popcorn buds I removed, taste was ok but I got an ear ringer and havent been stoned like that in a lonnnng time! I can only imagine how good it`ll be when its done and properly dried and cured.

Our patience will pay off, my friend!

Oh man have I ever been resisting the urge to remove a little bit of the small popcorn buds down below. I know some of them aren't going to be worth much. I wanted to cut off a couple of the bottom stems that weren't producing much so it would concentrate on all the others. But I got talked out of it. I'm still very tempted to. The buds on them are pretty far behind most of the others.


Decided to take a few pics out from under the light. Did a feeding yesterday of 1.5ml Bio Bud/20ml Bloom/1tbsp molasses. Makes 2 feedings in a row. Think I may just stay with this schedule of feeding 2 out of every 3 times when I water.

Anyway that's about it.







Weed Cannasaur
Getting close :D
They look very nicely crusted with trichomes, good job there!


Getting close :D
They look very nicely crusted with trichomes, good job there!

Yeah man it's getting there. Every day that goes by is another day closer.

It's pretty sticky too. I was hoping that more of the top would fill in but I don't know if it will. I have probably 4 or 5 weeks left. It is what it is I guess.

Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comment. I appreciate it.

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