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1st hydro-dbl.straw.des.,blue sat. 2.2&Biko II


New member
Endo said:
what do you have parkensins with the shaky camera? good roots i wonder why they are so small still.... my dad is having the same problem but in soil.

Shaky pics=Old digital camera, im guessing the roots are small cause the plant really hasnt been growing. I thought we almost killed them a lil while back.


Yea Endo i don't know why they're so small... it looks like they'd be a lot bigger with what seems like a decent root structure... I didn't even know the roots look like that, hopefully they'll really take off now that they'll be getting food every 4 hrs?


Yeah guys, that's the kind of root structure you'll want before putting them in the rocks. They haven't grown much because I think they got a little stunted in the beginning, but now that you've got a good root structure to start on, they should perk up soon.

Just watch the pH and ppm's and don't soak the cubes (watch for stem rot).

Good luck!



Hey EatShitake, yea they've been on the table for one day and it seems like we've encountered some negative results... i'm thinking the solution was too strong? They we're being watered every 4 hours... for a day, was this too much? we have no way to measure ppm's and we use the drop system method to see ph so it's hard to get completely accurate. Here are the pic's, any help/ feedback would be appreciated.

The nutes


Blue Sate 2.2

Biko II

What's up with this one?

Does anyone know whats up with the deformed leaf? white tips?

PS. sorry for a few blurry shots, hard to get light in there thats not HPS.



Looks like nute burn. I have the same problem at the moment. Although I'm not sure about the deformed leaves cause I have that problem too. Yours are in better shape them mine thought so :rasta: man.


yo oaktree, just remember that hydro reacts much faster then soil. so you gotta go easy on nutes and slowly work up.

have you pulled out the Sick Guide in the Cannabis Infirmary? I bet all the symptoms will be easily identified in that.

Tips curling up and yellowing is nute burn if i remember correctly.

Which one of those nutes are you using? The middle one will be way to strong to start ,nitrogen rating of 5 is a bit much.

To be honest I wouldn't be using any of those nutes yet. Dont you have Liquid Karma? Next nute feeding, just give 1/2 strength of LK. Its rated at NPK Formula: .1-.1-.5

That way you can start them off slowly and give em a little food. Or just use like 1/4 strength of the stuff you got.

But remember any transplant takes a few days to catch on, remember how our outdoor yellowing went away kinda on its own.


Its been a while since i've updated this thread, finally got some pic's for an update a few days ago but photo upload has been down... anyway after some nute burn, Ontheshelf gave them a flush for a few days, we then added a light mix of LK. They are still only receiving LK for now. They're probably ready for a light solution of nutes. Anyway here are some pic's, i think they've come back nicely from a possible near death experience haha.

The group

Blue Sat. 2.2

DSD & root

looking good Oak... they should really start to take off now that the roots are getting established.

BTW... this is XXXXXXXX - I have changed user name for security reasons.

Last edited:


Hey oaktree :wave:

Looks like your plants have turned a corner for the better! Near-death experience...I like it! Keep it up, man, and they'll be looking stellar soon enough.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
nice good to see the turn around. ... my plants in flower are ****ed... i think im having a nute def somewhere.....


Hey fellas, nice to see you all around. Endo they have gotten a lot better :rasta: greener by the day now. We gave them some nutes and they've improved a lot, didn't over do it this time i guess. I'm sure you'll get those girls turned around.

They've pretty much all recovered, looks like there might be 2 possible runts, one of the DSD's and one of the Biko II's

Blue Sat 2.2

Biko II - lil mutation


Group photo



New member
We also upped the watering to every 3 hours during lights on, and only 2 times with the lights off. Lets see how it works out.
nice m8

nice m8

they are really looking good... can't wait to see them pups in a couple weeks?

What are your plans? feeding regimen, light schedule, training, etc?

They are now the picture of health... keep up the tlc, they are obviously loving it.

cheers m8


New member
We are thinking about scroging them, or reverse scrog. There being fed every 3 hours during light and twice when the light is off. Lights on 16 hours and off 8. Were at half strength nute solution, at the moment. Im afraid of burning them again. Soon were going to start tieing them towards there corners so they have enough room. Anyone got any advice?


well the only problem with scrog is you are starting from diff strains and from seed. You wont have an even canopy to start so you will have to adjust for that, and you don't know sex, so once you flower, those male plants will be tied into the screens and you will have to cut them out. I cant imagine that being fun.

I'd say LST them, veg a little longer, and flower those bushy bitches.
I second Marley1's suggestion. You need to get those pups well established - don't want to subject them to more stress before they have strong roots and stems and you know sex. They should show sex within the next two weeks. Once you pull the males and can see what you are working with in terms of number of females, space and expected yield - then you can determine how to train the plants.

Do you plan on taking clones? If so, you will probably want to top them once they reach 4 to 6 nodes. Just my $.02 - good luck

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