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1st hydro-dbl.straw.des.,blue sat. 2.2&Biko II



Hey oaktree!

Don't worry, man. Those roots will really start poppin' out of the cube. What you should concentrate on now is keeping those new roots from drying out, while at the same time not soaking the cube. If the cube gets water-logged, you'll start to get rot. Keep the cube just barely moist, and ensure the new roots stay moist, but not drowned. When you've got roots out of all sides of the cube about 2 or 3 inches long, put them back in the rocks.

Cover those sides with rocks, nice and carefully. You'll find that you've gotta water them from the top for a couple days to encourage that growth to keep going down into the rocks til they find your regular flood cycle. It won't take very long, maybe 2 or 3 days, but when the roots establish themselves in the rocks, watch out! Explosive growth!

Keep at it, man. You'll see how incredible the growth is!


Thanks EatShitake, the info is much appreciated as i really have no idea what I'm doing... well thats not completely true i have some idea but any advice received is always appreciated. There are only a few roots poking out at the moment, I'm really looking forward to getting them back on the table, i always here hydro has such explosive growth and I'm dying to see it! I'll keep at it, thanks for all your help, i know i've been saying i'll get pictures up soon but i mean it! soon... very soon.



Well the sprouts are doing better but they're still waaaaay far behind. The edges are yellowing... I'm at a lose, i really don't know what's wrong with them... ph too high? bleaching? here are some pic's if you can help it would be appreciated, i posted in the infirmary section as well. Here are some sad pics
DSD on the right, Biko II in the middle and Blue sat. on the left.


Blue sat.


Hmmm...I'm at a loss, buddy. You got a good amount of roots yet? A very light feeding? pH in check? They don't look overwatered, maybe just hyper-stressed out. I'm not the one to ask about seedlings in rockwool, I just know the basics there from running clones in them, so I'd assume the same basic rules apply.

Keep us posted, and good luck, man!:joint:


Hillbilly they are about 3 feet away from a 600 watt hps, we don't really have a way to run cfl's unless we go out and buy a fixture or something, isn't it ok to run them under hps from seed? someone else told me cfl's too but this is the only thing we have at the moment.

:wave: nice to see you again eatshitake, they are doing better. I just haven't been able to upload any pic's in the past 3 days.. does anyone know what's going on with that? We added some liquid karma to their diet, i'm going to get some more pic's today and hopefully ic will let me post them haha We had a bunch of screw ups already but things are starting to look better, more green then yellow now:rasta:



These are from last night... I'm thinking it might almost be time to put them back on the table, they have some roots now. Is it time to start feeding them a light nutrient solution? They still have a long road ahead of them but hopefully things will work out better then they have been


Biko II

Blue Sate 2.2

The pics with the lights off are a little blurry, sorry about that:rasta:



Active member
oaktree said:
Hillbilly they are about 3 feet away from a 600 watt hps, we don't really have a way to run cfl's unless we go out and buy a fixture or something, isn't it ok to run them under hps from seed? someone else told me cfl's too but this is the only thing we have at the moment.

:wave: nice to see you again eatshitake, they are doing better. I just haven't been able to upload any pic's in the past 3 days.. does anyone know what's going on with that? We added some liquid karma to their diet, i'm going to get some more pic's today and hopefully ic will let me post them haha We had a bunch of screw ups already but things are starting to look better, more green then yellow now:rasta:


I'm not a big fan of using HPS from seed. I think its a good way to end up with a bunch of males.

I agree with hillbilly with using CFL until you get a few nodes of growth. And I think is way too soon to put them in a table. I dunno if you can afford to buy Double Strawberry Diesel, you can easily afford a simple 42W CFL fixture.

Personally, I would run MH until I had a few nodes of growth, and then swap over to HPS. And my feeding regiment would not include liquid karma until they are more established.

I wish you luck with your grow, I for one am very interested in DSD, (I have a few beans) and I would like to see how they turn out for you.


GrowerGoneWild, have you had problems with hps and males? i've never heard of any correlation between using HPS from seed equaling mostly males... As for the DSD's they were 40 bucks.... that seems pretty cheap to for something that is high quality. As for the CFL's if i am able to find the time to find and install a fixture i'll try, but for now they'll be 3' away from that HPS. Then they'll go on the table when they bulk up a little. The LK seemed to boost the growth of the sprouts... also seemed to help with the yellowing, that could also be because the light was raised as well. I'm just going with what works for now, if it doesn't have any ill effects might as well go with it. The amount of LK they received was miniscule. I stuck my finger in the LK and then stirred the water with my finger.

Thanks for the help everyone.



Active member
oaktree said:
GrowerGoneWild, have you had problems with hps and males? i've never heard of any correlation between using HPS from seed equaling mostly males... As for the DSD's they were 40 bucks.... that seems pretty cheap to for something that is high quality. As for the CFL's if i am able to find the time to find and install a fixture i'll try, but for now they'll be 3' away from that HPS. Then they'll go on the table when they bulk up a little. The LK seemed to boost the growth of the sprouts... also seemed to help with the yellowing, that could also be because the light was raised as well. I'm just going with what works for now, if it doesn't have any ill effects might as well go with it. The amount of LK they received was miniscule. I stuck my finger in the LK and then stirred the water with my finger.

Not exactly conclusive proof, but this is interesting evidence. Look at amish farmers pictures of his HPS vs MH in veg phase.


Now if you do some searching on IC mag there is a post that discusses this topic.

I accidently found out that using HPS during seedling stage decreases M/F ratios. Usually I swap my light back to MH but I just left it HPS and I ended up with over 50% males.

Nowadays, if I veg under MH or CFL. I have a female ratio of 75%. Well I transition from CFL to MH. My current grow I only pulled 1 male.

I've found that using additives like LK or GH's Grow or Bloom formula makes it harder for me to maintain PH. But something as little as you described shouldn't affect your plants either way.

15 USD for a 42W CFL. and cheap lamp reflector. And your not wasting so much on energy by burning a 600W HPS.

Its your grow, do what ya want.. I've been there done that, so i'm just sharing my thoughts.


interesting thread, might be something there... still like i said before, if i get the opportunity to put some CFL's in the closet i will, also what about running both? this was going to be SCROG grow, and it still might be but i was thinking of maybe just going with some intense LST instead.... or the reverse SCROG. Still have some time to think about it seeing as the sprouts are only a couple inches tall :rasta:

All thought and opinions are welcome GGW

Updates hopefully soon.



Active member
oaktree said:
interesting thread, might be something there... still like i said before, if i get the opportunity to put some CFL's in the closet i will, also what about running both? this was going to be SCROG grow, and it still might be but i was thinking of maybe just going with some intense LST instead.... or the reverse SCROG. Still have some time to think about it seeing as the sprouts are only a couple inches tall :rasta:

All thought and opinions are welcome GGW

Updates hopefully soon.


I've never tried CFL+ HPS for seedling stage. Might work.. but all in all CFL's alone do a great job of bringing up seedlings. Less chance of light burn, less heat, and you can get tight spacing. Thing about using HPS light too is it makes plants stretchy and leggy, not exactly a good thing.

What is "reverse SCROG"?


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
reverse scrog is when the screen is lower and you train the plants under neath it, instead of the screen being say 12 in above the plant it starts lower like a vew inches and you bend the plants under fromt eh start.

correct me if im wrong...

oak no updates man? pic?


:wave: hello endo, pics coming tomorrow man. Grows not at my place so i can't give daily updates otherwise i would:rasta: you'd have new pics to look at everyday if i could get them.

GGW endo just gave you the definition of the reverse SCROG... another icmager has a thread on it, looks real nice got the idea from him

I popped 3 tatiana kush beans and i want to try them in soil, does anyone know if it's ok to put them in happy frog soil conditioner? its just bat guano and earthworm castings... should be ok?

Update tomorrow night.



Hi oaktree:wave:

We'll wait a day for pics, I guess!

I usually pop the seeds, put 'em in a rapid rooter or peat puck (jiffy peat) and wait for a taproot. My seedling mix is equal parts FFOF, chunky pearlite, and seedling mix like miracle grow or similar from HomeDePot or Wallyworld. Start them in beer cups until they're ready for full-strength soil. Never tried happy frog, but if it's got guano in it, you might want to watch for burn if it's too hot. You can stunt your seedlings that way.

That's my $.02.

ps- what's the lineage/history of tatiana kush?



Hey EatShitake, i don't know the lineage... only thing i found out is that it's an afgani kush strain... at least thats what someone told me, i got it as a freebie from the bay, still waiting for them to pop out of the happy frog, i don't think that was a good idea though, i'm going friday to buy some soil so maybe i'll try and dig them out and replant them in real soil if they don't show by friday.

They're going on the table tomorrow. We're going to start them out on some light nutes and see how they react. They have some roots now so i think it's time...

Some of the cubes look like they might have mold on them? what should we do to take care of this?

Group shot, messed with the color a little. Couldn't really see them plus i was a little high:rasta: so i got into it a little


Biko II

Blue Sate 2.2

DSD Roots


Thins seem to be doing better... maybe with some nutes they'll look a lot better and maybe explode a little, we're hoping anyway

Peace :canabis:
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New member
Ive been slacking on the pics so here you go there back on the table ready for round 2. They made a good recovery while in the dome. Fresh water, good ph, nutes, all the ladies have alot of healthy roots so i hope they do well. I raised the light even more. Watering for 15mins every 4 hours, and adding nutes when needed. Sorry for the blurry pics.




Bekko2 on left, Blue sat in the middle, DSD on right

Enjoy :joint:
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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
what do you have parkensins with the shaky camera? good roots i wonder why they are so small still.... my dad is having the same problem but in soil.