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1st Grow_10 Double Gum's_CFL's_450w_Rubbermaid


Looking very nice sman...don't worry about the hairs they can turn color from anything really, like brushing against them or airflow...looking forward to seeing the adjustments



gerneraly you would sex ur plants first then take clone. u may/can order soils and other things off the interweb. other then that they have come around very well. gl man


Your babes look beautiful.

From such humble beginnings to these beauty's.

First grow? Someone got a green thumb.:laughing: :laughing:


Looking very nice sman...don't worry about the hairs they can turn color from anything really, like brushing against them or airflow...looking forward to seeing the adjustments


haha it must be from touching and messing with them! i can't help it!!! and then i smell my fingers and it stinks sooo good. I'm sure that phrase makes perfect since lol.

gerneraly you would sex ur plants first then take clone. u may/can order soils and other things off the interweb. other then that they have come around very well. gl man

thanks for the tip ill consider it next time.

Your babes look beautiful.

From such humble beginnings to these beauty's.

First grow? Someone got a green thumb.:laughing: :laughing:

haha thanks dude, but I couldn't have done it without this community, reading and posting, but I'm not in the clear yet, there is still plenty of time for anything to happen!!! having a green thumb has helped a lot. I also have a 70' (foot) by 50' (foot) veggie garden with a couple years of experience.

my main goal for this grow was to have at least one plant survive and see what it looks like and to do different types of LST and toppings. (someone around page 2 or 3 was asking why such the insane training lol) and to see all the stages they go through 1st hand.

also, mad props to Red_Greenery. I probably wouldn't have even considered it if not for randomly seeing his post randomly somewhere, i don't even remember where.
also, want to thank Chomp for being here from the very beginning! thanks dude!
but, like i said, still have plenty of time to screw it up so ill save all the thanks until harvest time =)


3 stack mod

3 stack mod

ok, it was a pain in the freakish a$$! this material does not cut well at all! and it make it harder to get to the plants but i now have plenty more space for growth (height) so the girls are not touching the light source anymore. DG4 is still the most productive and i still have 1 remaining surviving clone of her. I guess i more or less then halfway finished in flower and the buds are starting to dense up. (DG4 the most) for a CFL grow. but Ive never grown any other way so who am i to compare...... but with my situation and space, id say the CFL's and doing a great job. as Ive surpassed my own goals and expectations so I'm happy... for now..... well , i guess it's pic time.

order.- new bud development before the (3 stack), then, upgraded 3 stack unit.












EDIT-P.S. just checked on it and for some reason im getting hotter temps now with the new set up. lights were just turned on 1 hour ago


Day 93 - Vegged 43 Days - FLOWER DAY 37

Day 93 - Vegged 43 Days - FLOWER DAY 37

About 3 more weeks left! Start Flushing in about 10-15 days!

Did some more defoil, a LOT more actually lol. They look naked but hopefully more light will get in now.

This pic doesn't show the pile good but it was a LOT
Also, my camera does not pick up the frostiness of these buds. They are very sticky icky.









OK now I'm not sure what this is and this is the best pic i could get. Trust me I tried a LOT. Now my guess was that it's either a MALE bud or a fertilized female bud with developing seeds? Heck, maybe its just some fat female thingys.

I SEARCHED AND SEARCHED and this is THE ONLY one like this, now, either i did the right thing and cut off male pollen sacks. OR I MADE a MISTAKE by cutting off the ONLY bud like this throwing away FREE SEEDS?

What ya think about it?





Those look like seed pods to me sman. Just open them up and you should be able to tell. If they are seeds there will be little underdeveloped seeds in there.

Looks great in the box man!


Those look like seed pods to me sman. Just open them up and you should be able to tell. If they are seeds there will be little underdeveloped seeds in there.

Looks great in the box man!

Yep, sure were seeds, but not THAT underdeveloped. They were pretty good sized just squishy. It had to have hermed, I just hope that's the only place, which I'm sure it is cuz I looked and looked.



My BOG Lifesaver used to throw bananas towards the end of flower...I always ended up with a couple seeds per plant...not a big deal really if it's only a couple...



Day 105 - Vegged 43 Days - FLOWER DAY 49

Day 105 - Vegged 43 Days - FLOWER DAY 49

Ok once again poopy pics sry, no justice is served.
Started flush yesterday, I wanted a 2 week flush but for certain issues I have only ONE MORE WEEK. So in 6-7 days I will be cutting! That will = around flower day 55. Got about 50/50 ratio of white and red hairs. With my CRAAAAPY microscope from walmart I can't really get a good look at the trics but from what I can see they are 50/50 clear/milky. HOPEFULLY THAT WILL CHANGE IN 7 DAYS! Worst case it's more uppy right? I also hope 1 week of flushness is good enough. I can't smoke right now because of legal issuses but the ppl that have tested it says it good. and that was 2 weeks ago when there was hardly any trics + the cloro and nutes. aaaanyway, here we go.

p.s. one got nut burn but the buds are still juicy!









Well, it does suck being forced to cut early but I gotta do what I gotta do. It sucks because it's like there's this second wave of growth in the buds right now. They are shooting loads of new white pistils and unleashing tons of trichromes now that are about 60% still clear and 40% milky. Also, DG4 (aka the runt) is by far the most cent-full of sweetness and most frosty. It seems like it's just now starting to fill out A LOT! It's definitely different than the other two and has hardly any red pistils compared to the others. But anyway, I'll try to hold off cutting as long as possible.

As for the clones I took a while back, I'm sending them out in the wild! Only put two out so far but the rest will follow shortly.





and well why not,





Haven't cut just yet trying to hold off as long as possible, but because of house owner getting paranoid.


Oh....hopefully you can keep putting the owner off until it's all the way done...lol

Good luck sman