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1st grow diary in coco



Thanks to all,

Elmo9191, I would say give the Advance Nutrients line a shot if your using coco, i've gotten great results and i don't plan on turning back anytime soon. Also someone told me you only need the MJ A+B grow, and not the MJ A+B bloom which i sotra believe because i feel AN sells a lot of unnecessary stuff they tell you to use on your plants. If you want some more info on the products i use and how much just shoot me a PM and i'd be more than happy to help.

Milkman0923, I LST my plants let them grow a little then place the screen anywhere from 4" to 15" depending on the strain. Sativas like to stretch so you would want to place your screen about 12" above the plants and let them find their way through the holes. If you you need me to be more descriptive i would be more than happy to help you out just let me know.

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What's up bro, I didn't know you had this diary going. You should put it in your sig, Gratephul's Coco Grow or something. Now you got me interested in coco. I never paid any attention before, but your grow is rocking. Been wanting to get away from the ebb and flow, but really don't want to mess with the whole soil thing. I'll have to start searching for sure. Would PBP work with coco? I hate to spend the money on new nutes, I just stocked up on the PBP. Come summer, I'm doing something other than e & f because of res temps. Too hard for me to control temps without a chiller.

Keep on shining the light on the East Coast! One grow at a time.


Active member
Go - Go in the CoCo

Go - Go in the CoCo

Oh my!
Very nice brother!

Just started my first Coco w/ some GA. pretty much unplanned.

Luvin the CoCo.

Funny thing is i have used it for years (10+) as a substrate for my tarantulas.
Never consider it for grow substrate.......TILL NOW

I have procrastinated setting up new nute regimine still using GH Lucas...
:spank: ... but it's working....O.K. I will go today and get coir specific nutes.

I will be watching your grow(s)


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
very nice brotha man.
i ran the kushaze, the one cut i ever lost that i was truly pissed about.
i had a haze dom pheno, that yielded quite well.
fucking rocket power high for hours.
..........the good ole daze........


Flowering Day 49 (Mar. 30, 2008) ~Kush Haze~

Feeding week 7 nutes

Base: Monkey Juice A+B (bloom)
Liquid Karma
Liquid Carboload
Big Bud

Thanks for stopping by RedNine. I want to put it in my signature but i am a moron when it comes to computers and i have no idea how to do it. Growing in coco is great man i love it. I don't think i'll ever go back to soil.

bbing thanks for the kind words and good luck on your first time growing with coco, if you go to the AN site they have feeding schedules.

Cocktail Frank, thanks for swinging thru dude. I hate how long it takes the Kush Haze to finish but i love the yeild, taste, smell, high, and massive buds it can produce. This def a haze dom pheno, it has the lemony citrius smell with that "piff" or haze smell after it burns. This strain has been extremely good to me and i probably could never re-pay her.


Gratephul...Go to the first page of your thread. Highlight and copy the web address at the top of your screen. This is what you want to copy. You can just copy it here. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=80171&page=1&pp=30 Now, go to the menu bar up top. Click on User Menu. Click on Edit Signature. Under the box where you can change the color, there is what looks like a globe. Hold your cursor over this. It will say Insert Hyperlink. Click on this. It will ask you what text you want displayed. This is where you would put something like "Gratephul's Coco Grow". Then it will ask for the URL of your link. This is the web page address I posted above. If you copied it earlier, you can paste it here. It will then be listed in the message box below. If you want to edit it, highlight just the words you used for the title(G's Coco Grow), then click bold, italics, change the size, color, font, etc. If you need more help just shoot me a pm. It's easier than it sounds.


Red Nine,

I can't thank you enough man, I really appreciate all that you did. I've been wanting to do it for a while but felt to stupid to ask anyone. That was simple thanks again man!


flowering day 52 (april. 2, 2008) ~kush haze~

feeding week 7 nutes:

Base: MJ A+B
Liquid Karma
Liquid Carboload

Happy growing!

Delta Force

Dude................i'm running three of 15 cough cuts in coco and.........................im using coco soon. Full switch to happen in time me thinks. I got about an inch more of total growth all around and the stems have about 1-2 mm additional girth. So yeah..........pretty much love it. Gonna work with the floranova and see what they like then pretty much see if its gonna be full on coco mang...................got me hooked lol.

I tried gettin back to ya bro..........................come and VISIT!!! its bubble season :joint:
AK SON!...............lets burn it down



Guys, you've got me thinking the coco thing over as well. What about the taste/burn qualities? How does it compare to soil/hydro in those respects, finished smoke? I know it will depend on nutes, but lets say I use PBP in soil or hydro, and either PBP or a Coco based nute in the Coco. Any thoughts or experience with the two would be great. I'll be checking out the Coco grows, but thought I'd get your opionions.

Great job, all the pics are great!


looks perfect. what kind of coco are you using and how often/how much do you water during the different stages? thanks for posting!


Flowering Day 56 (Apr. 6, 2008)~KUSH HAZE~

feeding week 8 nutes:

Base: Monkey Juice A+B bloom


Notes: I will no longer be using Big Bud, Liquid Karma, or Liquid Carboload. I will be using Gravity which will add girth and weight. I will only use 20 ml for 5 gallons today and the next feeding which will be wednesday. I will be feeding straight water for weeks 9 and 10 to flush. Also some of the buds got to heavy and i had to keep them up with string.

Delta looking good bro :respect:
Glad to hear your liking the coco bro, i wasn't lying when i told you how great it is. I hope everyone that see this thread gives coco a chance, IMO it is much better then soil.

RedNine, def give coco a chance man, I would recommend like delta is doing, only used coco on 3 of his 15 cuts.Strick to what you know how to do best then have a couple on the side you're willing to experiment with and you'll see the results. I could give you all my opinoins on coco and they will all be positive but you won't actually understand it until you do it. If you are worried about a feeding schedule i'd be more than happy to tell you what i give my plants week by week and how much, I keep it real simple.

Super Larry, I use botanicare coco which i think is the best you can buy, but im sure people like using different brands, it all depends on the person. I feed my plants every sunday and wednesday through veg and flowering. Like i said to rednine i keep things simple and it hasn't failed me yet. Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Growing





KEep up the wonderful work man! seriously that is a great SOG. GOod job buddy. I lvoe it man. Keep the pics commin my man! I love it..

Have a good one and keep the pics rollin my man!



do you mix anything in with the botanicare coco? do you water inbetween you feedings? any idea how much water you use when you do water them? thanks for the info