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1st grow...bagseed

Flower - Day 15

Flower - Day 15

green_grow said:
the flowers will start getting bigger now ... good times !

I can't wait to see how big they are in two weeks compared to today. Definitely excited...starting to see why flowering is so much fun.


She's seems to be liking the new solution as she's sucked up atleast 1L of it today...maybe more.

Flower - Day 17

Flower - Day 17

She just wont stop growing up into the light...had to tie her back down some more again today. Took some pics of the tops prior to that.
Flower - Day 18

Flower - Day 18

That's all I could take before the battery died. :badday:

As you can see I tied her down a bit differently...spreading her out more as well as pulling some of the tall tops away from the light. Hopefully this gets more light to the undergrowth...trying to get the best yield possible and I figure this should help some.


Looks like your gonna have a couple ounces of nice buds in another 50-60 days. Make sure you get a jewelers loupe so you can check out your trichomes and know when to harvest.

Make absolute certain you don't harvest too early, taking your plants a week early won't seam like much at first, but waiting those extra couple of days for the trichromes to start turning amber will be well worth it in the end.

As for increasing your yield, it is a bit late to be training your plants, so I'd just let them grow for the light and you will get the best yield possible at this point. Don't move your big top colas out of the light, they are what is going to yield the most.

You will find that you never get many buds on the lower branches, especially with a 250w light, so don't worry about it, get some nice huge buds on top and smoke 'em!

Next time, make sure you get a SCRoG screen set up. This will help you increase your yield dramatically with a 250w light, but it is too late to do with these bigger plants. Take a look at some other peoples small grows and get a good idea of how to improve yours.

Your light should have no problem producing 4+ ounces of quality buds every 60 days, you just need to get some high quality genetics. Don't skimp on beans, go for the best you can get. Serious Seeds, DJ Short, Soma Seeds, etc are all highly recommended breeders for nice buds and even better yields.

Here is a month old Buddas Sister from Soma Seeds. It has just started flowering about two weeks ago. Under a 400w light, as you can see, this beauty is going to yeild 8-12 ounces when it finishes flowering in around another 45-50 days. Grown in b'cuzz coco, with PBP nutrients.

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Flower - Day 19

Flower - Day 19

The glue holding those brackets onto the bucket sucks and almost all of them came off. Its cool though...it got trained enough with the 2 days they were on. I just didn't want the colas to hit the glass of my light and they were getting awfully close. Now they are spread out more and are still getting good light to them...and they seem to be loving it.


SuperToker said:
Looks like your gonna have a couple ounces of nice buds in another 50-60 days. Make sure you get a jewelers loupe so you can check out your trichomes and know when to harvest.

Make absolute certain you don't harvest too early, taking your plants a week early won't seam like much at first, but waiting those extra couple of days for the trichromes to start turning amber will be well worth it in the end.

As for increasing your yield, it is a bit late to be training your plants, so I'd just let them grow for the light and you will get the best yield possible at this point. Don't move your big top colas out of the light, they are what is going to yield the most.

You will find that you never get many buds on the lower branches, especially with a 250w light, so don't worry about it, get some nice huge buds on top and smoke 'em!

Next time, make sure you get a SCRoG screen set up. This will help you increase your yield dramatically with a 250w light, but it is too late to do with these bigger plants. Take a look at some other peoples small grows and get a good idea of how to improve yours.

Your light should have no problem producing 4+ ounces of quality buds every 60 days, you just need to get some high quality genetics. Don't skimp on beans, go for the best you can get. Serious Seeds, DJ Short, Soma Seeds, etc are all highly recommended breeders for nice buds and even better yields.

Here is a month old Buddas Sister from Soma Seeds. It has just started flowering about two weeks ago. Under a 400w light, as you can see, this beauty is going to yeild 8-12 ounces when it finishes flowering in around another 45-50 days. Grown in b'cuzz coco, with PBP nutrients.

Thanks SuperToker...if I can end up with a couple ounces off of this grow then I will feel very accomplished. I didn't expect to get anything really...especially off this plant when I had almost killed it.

I was going to pick up a cheapo Radio Shack microscope...judging by the reviews on their site it seems to work great for checking the trichs out.

Would moving to a 400W HPS increase my yield considerably? I have one that I bought some time ago that I never really tested out or messed with as the one wire going to the socket got broken like the day I got the light. If so I may have to work on that...

I've been looking at SCRoG quite a bit and am impressed by it...I think I will have to give it a try especially if I keep with this 250W as my main light.

Unfortunately for beans I am pretty much just stuck with what I have. I tried ordering in some of Rezdog's DSD but the order was nabbed by customs. I had to have it sent to the farm since I have nowhere safe to send it to...and I really just don't want to risk having anything else sent here. It sucks as DJ's Blueberry has been at the top of my wish list for a very long time and now I am pretty much convinced I'll never have a chance to grow it out. :badday:

Oh well...I'll make do with what I already have and it'll be great...:joint:

That is a great looking girl you have there too...8-12 oz...that is awesome. I hope to get that type of yield myself one day.
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You'll get the yield you want soon enough. All it takes is a little practice. Make sure you do a scrog next time, and you'll increase your yield substantially. All you have to do is add a screen to the top of your canopy, and then train the plant to grow out the different openings in the screen so that you have a nice flat canopy of buds.

With a 250w you can yield more than enough for one or two regular smokers. If you had a small area to grow a mom or two for clones, you could flower three or four clones every 60 days under your light with a scrog, and then you'd have no problem getting at least a QP of nice buds every two months. Switching to a 400 will allow the light to penetrate better, and you can get bigger colas, but it is more than one needs to supply themselves. A 250 can easily provide 8 ounces each grow after you have a little experience. Check out some of the other micro-grows to see how others are yielding with different setups and experience levels.

Also, don't worry too much about the seeds. Just think about it in the future. The money you spend is more than worth it for the high dollar strains. If you spring for anything from DJ Short, you won't be disappointed. Both his blueberry strains and his Flo are very nice. Serious Seeds is also a sure hit; AK, kali mist, and white russian are all very good. Just have a look around at what other people are growing, and factor in your personal tastes, and try out some new strains when you get a chance.
Disaster & Recovery

Disaster & Recovery

Its been a while since I've posted...I've had a lot of my mind and keeping this updated unfortunately fell to the backburner. Not to mention I couldn't upload pics and I figure a thread like this without pics is kinda pointless.

Root rot took over and nearly killed my girl...to the point I seriously considered chopping and just starting over. One of the few people that personally know of my grow insisted that I not give up on her and I am so thankful they were as after a week the SM-90 started to do the trick. New fresh roots are slowly taking over the root ball and the bud growth has become downright explosive since. This is one top pic I took on Saturday...

...she's becoming more and more beautiful with each day. I'll try to get some updated pics up here in a bit.

When the rot was at its worst 3 stalks appeared to have died off completely so I cut them, dried the tiny tiny buds that were on them, and had a little taster. Very soft smoke even with no flushing or curing. They were extremely immature but still had decent resin production for their age and had a nice soft sativa stone that left me giggling. :joint:
Flower - Day 36

Flower - Day 36

I forgot to mention that I did switch the light over to the 400W HPS...and I am so happy I did. The buds are all now becoming very tight...very dense. Even pretty far down on the plant they're becoming quite nice. :rasta:

She's sucking up a LOT of water...I need to change the bucket out every other day now or she'll suck it all up.

I'm hoping that through everything she's been through she can still end up giving me atleast an ounce...if I get anything more I will be extremely happy.
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green giant SA

New member
nice one dude. she looks lank sexy! (id give her shots ;)
also doing my first grow at the moment....in dwc hydro...they not in flowering yet..but will be this sunday...roots are already starting to suck up water like mad tho! just have to keep topping up i suppose! keep the ph in line! is it a mission?
Flower - Day 40

Flower - Day 40

I've cut back on the chem ferts...only 5mL of Grow/Micro/Bloom 2L of RO. I used 10mL of Mother Earth Bloom Super Tea to supplement the additional needed P & K.

I am really impressed with the trich production so far. These pictures really don't do it justice...atleast not at the resolution they get resized to here...but almost every flower is covered and more are appearing each day.

Also for the first time today when I opened the door the smell of pot smacked me in the face. This plant really don't smell for the most part unless you handle the buds so for that to happen I was a bit suprised. When the door is closed I can't smell anything.

Getting pretty excited and so tempted to take a taster. Thankfully I have reasonably strong willpower and never succumb to my temptations...I just keep reminding myself how that little bud could end up being a nice sized nugget if I am patient. It makes me feel a little better until I sit down and smoke some of this shitty mids...then I feel tempted all over again. :muahaha:
oro, love your grow man, mad props! I am waiting to do my first ever grow, it will be a dwc set up. I just hoope I can get the love and affection you did from other members. Good luck, keep at it and I will be watching!


Non Conformist
High Oro, good job on yer first grow!

High Oro, good job on yer first grow!

I saw you were wondering about N in flower ( in another thread ). Well, to be honest, you taper it off in the first 2 weeks of flower. At that point there is enough for the rest of the flower period. The deeper into flower ya get the less N they need/use. Too much N in flower will slow or reatard the flower process. I would suggest finishing them with just yer tea, it has everything they need at this stage. They still may bulk up alil. No more N tho. You don't want excess N at harvest time, it tastes like shit in the finished product! If yuv used very much of the chem nutes be sure an flush real good the last week or so. Having excess nutes in the plant at harvest will make the bud not want ta burn right, and like I said, makes it taste like crap.... Reading through yer thread, I see you try ta have -everything- perfect. Imo this makes a great grower, not just a good one. You jus need alil experience dailing in the flowering nutes, everthing else looks great! Maybe do a search on N in flower and geta better idea of what I'm talkin about. Anyhoo, I hope this helped alil bit. If ya have any questions, I'd be glad ta try an answer them. Good luck! Take care... BC
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B.C. said:
I saw you were wondering about N in flower ( in another thread ). Well, to be honest, you taper it off in the first 2 weeks of flower. At that point there is enough for the rest of the flower period. The deeper into flower ya get the less N they need/use. Too much N in flower will slow or reatard the flower process. I would suggest finishing them with just yer tea, it has everything they need at this stage. They still may bulk up alil. No more N tho. You don't want excess N at harvest time, it tastes like shit in the finished product! If yuv used very much of the chem nutes be sure an flush real good the last week or so. Having excess nutes in the plant at harvest will make the bud not want ta burn right, and like I said, makes it taste like crap.... Reading through yer thread, I see you try ta have -everything- perfect. Imo this makes a great grower, not just a good one. You jus need alil experience dailing in the flowering nutes, everthing else looks great! Maybe do a search on N in flower and geta better idea of what I'm talkin about. Anyhoo, I hope this helped alil bit. If ya have any questions, I'd be glad ta try an answer them. Good luck! Take care... BC

Thanks BC...you explained it perfectly. I have quit using everything except the bloom tea and molasses. Next time around I'll definitely cut it out much sooner.

green giant SA

New member
looking good man!
mine are a week into flowering in DWC check my signature...
should put a 400watt in tonight :)
put some hydrogen peroxide in (50% strength at 1ml per litre = 50mls) helps alot!
ph was at 5.0 so i put 3mls of ph up in and its now at 6.5
good luck!
need some comments on my grow (first grow too) if anyones up for it!
shot guys :)


Another heatwave and another case of root rot. :badday:

I've started to flush her with some ph'd water and I'm hoping she'll manage to take enough of it up to get some of the excess chem nutes out of the buds. I figure that I'll chop here in a week...maybe two if she keeps growing through this next week...but its time to let this experiment end and prepare for my next grow where I will be working to get a much bigger yield.

On the bright side I have 2 rooted clones of this plant and one is really starting to thrive...so her genetics will live on. Plus I'll still get some nice buds to smoke on in the meantime...I'm hoping for 14g...if there's anything over that I will feel very fortunate.


Active member
looking good for your first grow. root rot happens sometimes even to experienced growers. just take note of the cause and correct for your next grow.
I'm currently battling high temps as my fan went out on my ac unit in an enclosed room system. Temps are currently at 88.3 and water temp is about 74.
Not good for the roots but so far they are still white and have started out with sm-90 so they should be ok for short term. I'm gonna get a flouro unit until my a/c is fixed. That should lower the temps quite a bit as i'm running a 600hps.
Flower - Day 53

Flower - Day 53

Harry - Thanks for stopping by. Yeah...I think I will be shutting the flower room down during the summer. A few other room design changes I have in mind should help as well...but taking a summer vacation is probably the best idea.


Since the last post the plant seems to be doing a bit better. I flushed for just 2 days when I noticed it growing again so I went back to feeding her organic super tea and molasses and she seems to be doing ok now. The roots still seem to have a rot issue...although it also seems to have slowed down some and some new roots have even started to form.



told you i would be here man, im lovin it so far, you got my luck when it comes to male/female ratio's.. no doubt... much love brother and im here till the end.. peace

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