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1st grow, 600w, bagseed & nirvana


The soil is basically blazeoneup's recipe. It is 50% FFOF, 50% peat, perlite, vermiculite, lime mix, + 1 cup blood and bone meal and a half cup of lime. No feeding necessary, just plain old water.

The basil plant is really weird, majority of the leaves are just a single finger, and a few of them have two... it smells pretty funky though.


good news update: 5 of the 8 clones previously mentioned have now successfully rooted. Not anything picturesque, but alive and rooted none-the-less. Hopefully, the others will root soon, even if not, i am more than pleased with 5 of 8 on my first try ever.

More pics to come soon, probably tomorrow.


Pics from this AM, Day 18 flower. Ordering my carbon scrubber soon, me thinks its about to get stinky.



Basil Plant...


Bag seed #1

Kush in front, basil back right, bagseed #3 back left

All 4 looking nice...
Flfunk youre doing a great job but unfortunatly I think you're going to be disappointed I am not seeing any trichomes yet from your "basil" plant. I usually have plenty stink and trichs by week 4... Hope I am wrong


Thanks for the kind words gents!

Unfortunately though not everything can go smoothly... I went in to water this morning and a few of the leaves on bagseed #3 and 2 leaves on the basil plant looked like this...





Basil plant

Anybody know what it is? Its not too widespread, so it might not be an issue, but i cant help but worry a little bit as today is only day 20 of flowering. I was thinking it might be a PH issue so i checked and my ph is just a bit high, just a hair over 7. Anyone think this is it? Could it be a calcium deficiency? I'll get them some milk if need be :tongue: Only other thing i can think of is temps have gotten a bit high as we got really hot here recently, canopy got up to about 82 for a couple of hours the last few days... just waiting on my inline to get here and that will not be an issue anymore though.

Any input is greatly appreciated!
Flfunk youre doing a great job but unfortunatly I think you're going to be disappointed I am not seeing any trichomes yet from your "basil" plant. I usually have plenty stink and trichs by week 4... Hope I am wrong

Isn't he on day 18? i.e just over 2 weeks, not 4?

That 'basil plant' looks like a ducksfoot type plant


okay well i am hoping i corrected my issue, pretty sure it was a ph lockout (hadnt checked my tap waters ph and it was at 8, ooops). Really only that one plant was affected, so i gave her a good watering with some water that i got down to about 6.5 with a little apple cider vinegar.

that was yesterday, then this morning i go in to water the other 3 and my bulb is dunzo after only being in for 22 days :sigh: after messing around for too long, i just threw the MH back in. Hoping i can find a new hps soon, the hydro shop is too far away for me to get to before they close on weekdays so i might be rocking the MH till Friday when i am off from work.

6" inline and filter was ordered today though, its needed badly. The ladies are getting quite stinky already :)


As much as I would like to take credit, I posted pics in the infirmary and got some help.

Actually have some free time today when the hydro store is open, time to get another hps and better ph testing system. Hopefully the inline comes in today too, i'd like to get it set up while i have the extra time.

Edit: pics coming soon too.


Pics from 3 days ago, exactly 4 weeks into flower...




one of the bagseeds, it smells AWESOME



Other bagseed that has/hopefully had, the lock out...



and the basil plant, she got some lockout too :( Smells probably the best of all the ladies...



woot woot, it appears the lockout has subsided!

things are looking pretty good in there, almost ready for round two to be put in. Have 3 clones that have vegged for about 2 weeks now, will probably put them in next week. 1 is the jack horror (friend had 2 females, i got the male), another is Colorado big bud x skunk (i think, cant remember the cross) and a random seed we dont know the genetics of, but my friend is about to chop a plant of it and it is really nice looking. Also have one Master Kush clone, but it is far behind the others, it took almost 3.5 weeks to root.

Looking to get a small veg cabinet set up myself in the next week or two as well, just need to find something that i can put in the room without it looking suspicious. grow is now stealth :)


New member
wow you waisted alot of bandwidth uploading them pics you could have just used a hyperlink to the photobucket album to save icm the cost but nice looking ladies.

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