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1st Ever Grow -- Nirvana Blue Mystic Auto


New member
Hi all -- I'm super excited to be able to grow, finally! I've been growing other (non-cannabis) plants for awhile using the first DIY DWC hydro setup that I ever read on these boards with phenomenal success and I'm hoping to have some really nice fruit off this new crop :D

The Setup:

  • DR60
  • 110w PL-L
  • DWC buckets (hydroton/net pot/air stone)
  • GH Micro/Grow/Bloom Nutrients
  • 2x 120mm Computer Fans

I realize that the light is less than ideal, but this is intended to be a small grow that only needs to yield enough for myself. I do have separate bulbs for veg and flower.

Anyhoo -- I found myself with some AK-48s (non-auto) and some of these Blue Mystic autos and figured I'd go for the autos first since I'm pretty eager to have a fast first harvest. My plan is to let the AK-48s veg for a decent amount of time once these autos finish and, hopefully, I should have a respectable yield (I'll most likely switch to a 250w HPS by the time those are ready to flower).

Germed 2-for-2 in these neat little foam plugs from the local hydro store. They stayed nice and damp and the roots were poking through them into the net pot and water below in no time.

The little gals went into the setup on 6/23. I wasn't sure when I was supposed to start giving them nutes, so they were in plain water for 10 days or so until they got a bit bigger. No pics from the earlier stages, unfortunately, but here are some pics from today -- which would be right about 3 weeks of being under 20/4 lighting:

This one is about two days ahead in for some reason -- not sure why she's growing fast, just seems to be her nature.

This girl is slower, but coming along, I think

So, both of these are roughly 3 weeks now, and I'm not sure that I'm seeing any signs of flowering. I took two macro shots (below). The newer formations at the nodes look like more leaves to me rather than flowers, but this is my first grow, so I might be fucking up.


That's it for now. Any advice? Things I'm missing, etc? PH seems to be right around 6.5-7.0, but I'm using the dropper/compare to side of bottle method, so the accuracy is suspect.

I have fed them half doses of what GH recommends as a normal dose (they seem a bit small -- don't want to overfeed). Should I give them more? I'm anxious to see some flowers! Thanks for any and all help and advice. I'll post more pics Saturday or Sunday!


lookin good zee,and dont worry about the sexing as the few auto's ive grown the only ones not to of shown by week 3 are the girls......so fingers crossedu got harem.


hey welcome to the world of autos and dwc fella it always nice to have like minded growers alongside :)

your plants havent shown sex yet but will do between weeks 3-4 so you should see some sexing this week

i see your growing in a dr60 not really the best choice for growing plants in dwc as from my experince space will become an issue in there when these take off :)

your ph is outta wack you wanna aim for between 5.6-5.8

and the tips on your leaves are starting to discolour which could mean that your over feeding or ph is outta range

you wanna be on .6 ec at this stage of the grow and monitor it for any increase or decrease

good luck with the grow

if you need any advice just holla



New member


Welp, the good news is that one of the two plants decided to show. The bad news:

That is a dude, right? Looks like little ball sacs to me :(


New member
Welp, looks like I ended up with two males.:covereyes:

Disappointing, but these things happen. Already have some more seeds germinating. Assuming the above is male (it's not quite as obvious as the one before, but I'd say it's looking pretty masculine), it'll give me a chance to do a bit of cleanup on the setup and wiring, so that's good. I think that my overall setup was pretty good, although I'm going to give nutrients just a bit sooner this next time around.


cant really tell in that pic to be honest but if you trun the plant around 180 degrees it does look like a pollen sac on the opposite side, but i cant say for definate with out a proper pic



New member
aren't these Blue Mystics meant to be all fem seeds? I'm sure they are only being distributed as fems


New member
7/22 -- Wrap-up "Round 1"

7/22 -- Wrap-up "Round 1"

Well the other dude is 100% completely male and is coming down tomorrow.

I think that his growth in just eight days from:


is/was impressive.

In retrospect, I'm bummed both of the plants turned out male, but I think that I have a better idea of when and how much to feed. If nothing else, I think that I produced a very healthy male plant, so at least my methods seem ok -- now I just hope I get a lady in this next pair :)


Well-known member
I'd suggest making your next grow in soil, it's easier and less things to go wrong. Having 2 males out of 2 feminized seeds says you did something rather wrong.


they probly sprayed a young male plant before its old enough to sex ith colloidal silver thus ruining theire seedstock and tarnishing their advertisement as femenized seeds


Active member
Let Alice at Nivarna know what has happened to you man asap. Your beans will be re-placed with an appologie im sure. If ya get to 50 posts ill PM you the contact e-mail for her if ya want. Ive got me some NIV Autos, hope mine dont turn, interesting stuff.
Have you caused any sort of stress possibly man? raising lights/pots regularly anything you can think of that may have stressed them? Hope you have better luck with the next lot, ill mark my Auto BM's as '?' just to be sure i keep an eye on them! They are supposed to be 100% FEMS according to Nivarna, they need to be told about this asap bro. Good Luck!


as stated before you ph was outta sync @ 6.5 -7.0 this is more for soil and in hydro ph needs to be 5.5 - 6.0. and if you wanna get more technical aim for 5.5 - -5.6 for veg and then go for 5.6 - 5.8 when they sex and head into flower :)

just my opinion peace


Active member
Great advice skotty,
yeah its important to get that PH down from 6.5, this is way too high for deep water culture.
The latest PH chart & info for water culture shows '5.2 - 5.8' a more optimal range, & like skotty says i like to keep it lower during Veg, 5.3-5.6 & slightly higher in the 5.5-5.8 range for Bloom-concentrating it around 5.5/6. Allsorts of problems are gonna start to happen real soon if you dont attend to this. Good Luck with your grow!


New member
Quick Update

Quick Update

Just an update -- the next two seem to be doing well after nearly a week, but there's not much to show aside from a few small leaves.

I did bring the pH down after being told that it was too high. Like I said before, I'm using drops not a digital meter, so I can't be sure that it's 5.5 on the nose, but it looks between the 5.0 color and the 6.0 color. If anything, closer to the 6.0, so pH prolly still a bit high.

I can't think of anything that would stress the plants aside from the pH. The light is on a 20/4 timer and is roughly 6" above the plants. I could probably move it a bit closer, but they didn't look like they were stretching. Temp in the tent runs about 75F +/- a degree or two depending upon the weather outside.

I'll update in another week or so, or sooner if there appears to be any sort of problem.

Thanks for the input all and for helping a new grower out. Much appreciated :).


Having 2 males out of 2 feminized seeds says you did something rather wrong.

These are fem seeds, or supposed to be. If he stressed them in any way, there would not be a complete sex change . You would have seen more of a hermi than a total sex change if the plants had been stressed or mistreated. The Vigor alone tells you that he was doing something right.

6.5 -7.0 this is more for soil and in hydro ph needs to be 5.5 - 6.0.

Couldn't agree more on this one. Unbalanced pH will kill a plant, Period.


Active member
If the PH aint in the correct range the plant cannot eat, its gonna starve itself of vital elements, stuff basically is locked out!. if you have a full spectrum liquid test drip kit, Find Yellow first(if yellow is 6) then just add a few more drops & repeat untill you see Just Orange. That should put you in the upper 5.5-5.8 range, if its slightly Red youve gone too far, add unadjusted solution(Water + Nutes Only as PH up). What liquid test kit have you got. Is it the General Hydroponics one?
I use 6(yellow) as a tester to make sure my Digi meters are working correctly, as the colour liquid test never lies & i know the yellow 6 shade. practice & you'll nail it down. I do sugest you get a digi meter if your running DWC, it makes it simple, as long as you calibrate your meters your fine! Good Luck.