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1st Day of Lucas


Active member
This is my first day of Lucas felt good about it. Ph is 5.38 and Ppm is 737. Now i will see if my girl will drink like everyone says. Added another air stone so she should have good oxygen. Hope everything works out.



If I where you I would adjust the pH to 5.6 - 5.9 for nutrient absorption.
Search for a pH and nutrient chart in this forum.


Yea in my flood and drain i run my ph at. 5.8 let it go to 6.0 then adjust it back down. The usual for hydro is like said above 5.6 to 5.9 everyone has a different preference. I was always told run it at 5.8. Let it sway to 6.0 because that way all the nutes can be absorbed. Each nute gets absorbed by the plant at different ph levels.


Active member
1st Day of Lucas

Thanks for the info guys I need all the input i can get thanks for the speedy reply i will get that Ph up.


Active member
1st day of Lucas

1st day of Lucas

Well the Ph is 6.20 and the Ppm is 722 so she is eating. I will check Ph in the morning and adjust where needed. It looks like she has drank a little bit under a half gallon since this morning.


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Premium user
Ideally your ph should begin at 5.7 and drift up to 6.2 then you should lower back to 5.7.


Active member
1st Day of Lucas

The 5th day and the Ph is 5.52 and the Ppm is 598 have not added any nutrients yet but i have calculated that 4 ml Micro and 8 ml of Bloom needs to be added, also a gallon of water has been added. I will check levels and add nutrients in the morning.


Active member
Update 1st day Lucas

Update 1st day Lucas

Keeping my Ph at 5.6 and it drifts at my amazement to around 6.03 which is not bad i think. My starting Ppm was 737. My Ppm was at 498 this morning, and i bumped it up to 800. She is eating very well. It is time that i learn what my limitations are. Going into my 3rd week of flowering tomorrow have not seen an explosive growth yet. Maybe it is too early yet.

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