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1k Coco Closet



Hello Everybody just udating my thread here is a pic from day 1 flowering. Everything about my grow is diy and recycled except the new ballast for the 400. The grow is 100% coco coir and are grown in recycled containers. Right now there in 2 liter bottles and a lord calvert bottle. Theres 9 plants total. I dont know the exact lineage of them. Diesel, DieselxCheese, dieselxgb My grow is 100 percent recycled. I have less then $200 into it. 400 watts. I know the title is 1 k coco closet but i couldnt splurge for the ac so heres the 400 version.


More important than the ph of the compressed coco is the ec of the runoff, which will tell you whether or not there are lots of salts in the coco. It's measured in ppm's or parts per million of dissolved solids. Many times the compressed coco will have to be thoroughly rinsed to get rid of the salts. That's especially true for the cheaper brands. I recommend you either take a reading of the rinse water or if you don't have an ec meter, just assume that it would be high and rinse the coco very well before using it.


Good advice dramamine. I just started using coco recently because of "fungus gnats" that use the soil for food/reproduction. I love Coco. The fungus gnats are gone and all plants seem happy. The only problem is when I run the plants out to the garden I worry about uprooting as they do not hold the coco as well as the soil.


I updated the pic at the top today sorry ive been out so long. Im gonna get some more up tonite. Day one flowering. All organic all recycled 45 days veg. This is my first time messing around with coco and i love it. Im going for an extreme low cost grow with a decent yield. The less plastic and chemicals into our planet, the better for me. Might as well get some use out of it. The nutrients are the whole general organics nutrient set. I will always support gen hydro ,they make excellent products. And they gave me a free "go pack" at a trade show with all the supplements and the base flowering and veg. There about ready for transplant now im just trying to find a recycled source of 2 gallon containers. Im going to have the final transplant buckets amended with my special bat guano blend. These are all from a diesel cut that was gifted from a kind person i do not know all the details. its theres 1 sd 1sdxcheese, 7 sdxgb. The really small one got accidently dropped down a few stairs and damaged the 2 main tops:( they were unsaveable


Nice training and topping on those gals GI, good job on growing them compact. I can't get the indoor thing down myself, so I have to start them inside and then move them out under the big hps when there's not enough room left.
Here is a couple day old pic of my 400 in the tent,

maybe it would do better with more watts to keep them compact?


I have always been a firm believer in training. I start out with lst and if they respond good to that i just start topping. I just keep a combo of both. I also trim off all the lower areas that would develop into popcorn buds its just a waste of light penetration. i just make sure that i got no growth where the light cant get. That way the buds that do get the light are super developed. (we all want the a grade):)Me and you are kind of in the opposite right now. Ive never got a chance to do outdoors Except once or twice:( it dont do well here i got a really harsh climate. your indoors that you start look really nice. Hps in veg give strong stems theres not doubt about that. no wonder they turn into beasts when you let em outdoors:) My opinion on proper outdoor weed vs proper indoor... The outdoor has more complex flavors and aftertastes. I think propper indoor has alot more bag appeal just for the fact you can keep them clean and controlled and there not exposed to any harsh elements. Thats just my 2 cents im sure theres some die hard outdoorsman that would argue me that tho:)


Day 4 12/12

Day 4 12/12

I know it really boring at this stage but if you got a good imagination you can prolly see these diesel hybrids filling up the closet:) At least thats what im hoping for. It got kinda cold in my room last night thats why there lookin a little mellow today:)


Hehe, my personal view is that full bags have appeal.

For me its hard to accept what the 400 yields vs. starting under it and finishing outside. I ran a couple cycles in the tent before the denial that I bought too small of a light went away, and I'd already blown more dough than I had so that is why I went outside. Might as well take advantage of living in so cal and use free sun, the cost of living here paid for that already. Hash bags wash dirt off pretty good anyways, and the tent works great for hanging plants for a week or so after they get chopped and defoliated.

Reclaimed lumber (from a gazebo no longer wanted by its previous owners) is gonna be my new greenhouse frame this year, I am stoked!

Your plants look ready to start getting fat soon. I can see a zip a plant in yer future if you can keep temps up - except the one ya kicked down the staircase probably. :)


Hehe, my personal view is that full bags have appeal.
I guess that u cannot argue with that lol:)Im really glad that your setting up a greenhouse. And if i were you id be doin it all outdoors to. You can get a respectable yeild off a 400 if you really put it in with a good strain and do it perfect. Nowadays i can get close to a g per watt indoors but i will settle with.7 i havnt exceded the 1g mark. Maybe this will be the one...I hope:) I imagine outdoors your getting around a qper or more per plant. And how the f can you beat that:). Are you a medical user to? P.S I think if you save up enough of those giant dried stems you could build a greenhouse out of them and it might be stronger then the wood one:)


Yep, its medical for me. Outdoor yields are almost unbelievable after running just the 400. I got my first pound plant last year. Germed May 13 inside, put in the dirt on June 20 or so and cut on October 5 - with no topping she got 4.5 feet tall.
The back right plant in the tent is a clone I took off her last July and have been keeping her stunted since, so I will see what comes from that this year. Its become an obsession for me, the growing is more than the using I think.

Keep on keepin' on man :tiphat:


" Its become an obsession for me, the growing is more than the using I think."
Thats the truth man. Right now i dont even got any meds but just growing eases my mind and my back. Once you start growing if you dont always have some project your working on ,something just dont feel right. Man im jealous of your backyard i like how you have that one in between the pavers like that. I bet you could just sit out there for hours and chill and just look at them beautiful plants. I like the ones you have pruned to look like bushes too:) When are you gonna start building the greenhouse? i bet you cant wait to get that started. Im working on getting set up in cali i just done really know anyone from there. I need to man, where im at i probably couldnt find sum good if i tried. And if i did its gonna cost over 60 for a 2.7 g bag of popcorn buds:( I know in cali i could get a a whole bag stuffed with popcorn buds for 60. Makes me sad just thinkin about it:(



(8' x 16') Started on it right after my last post, still gotta put the last upright in so I can get it squared up close enough for gardening work. The GH is only gonna be for the ones I black-out over the summer after the ones I'll put out in mid-Feb are done to get a few small early harveys in.

Its funny about indoor demands here in cali. I've had people say they would give me dispensary prices for my meds after trying it out, and when I tell them its just plain ole outdoor they don't believe me. Organic outdoor is good cannabis and the best meds for me, I won't pay for dispensary meds again - it would cost way too much to make a decent batch of brownies. Hehe, I won't sell anyway, it ain't worth the worry for me. :)


Lookin good, It makes me really happy to see people reusing materials thats always a good thing. Whats your plan for the roof on it? I dont know much about your climate (rainfall and such). Im sure you got a plan for it. For a really simple roof you could just make 2 of the beams a couple inches higher (on the wide side) then you got your little slant and you could make a little gutter on it and that would help the side if you get alot of rain so the ground dont get so soft. Also you could run the gutter right into a barrel to collect rain water. Sorry ill stop rambling:) that will be a great addition to your yard. What kinda panels are you gonna put on it?


Lookin good, It makes me really happy to see people reusing materials thats always a good thing. Whats your plan for the roof on it? I dont know much about your climate (rainfall and such). Im sure you got a plan for it. For a really simple roof you could just make 2 of the beams a couple inches higher (on the wide side) then you got your little slant and you could make a little gutter on it and that would help the side if you get alot of rain so the ground dont get so soft. Also you could run the gutter right into a barrel to collect rain water. Sorry ill stop rambling:) that will be a great addition to your yard. What kinda panels are you gonna put on it?
btw heres my backyard. I got some pretty frosty outdoor plants to :)


btw heres my backyard. I got some pretty frosty outdoor plants to :)

That just makes my bones hurt looking at it. In my younger days, I spent weeks at a time with my house on my back in upstate NY freezing balls in that kind of scenery :(

I am still trying to figure out exactly what top the GH is going to have(cost and durability are both issues), but I made sure to size it so that 26" x 8' corrugated panels would fit perfectly across the short span, and come out to the ends of the long span with 8 panels. Depending on what I can come up with, it will be either those panels or 11 mil woven poly on the top, and probably 6 mil hodepo poly for the sides. Just have to come up with some dough either way.


Are the corner posts going into the ground? I hope you dont mind me brainstorming a little bit. For durability as well.Maybe just bolt down a header to one of the wide sides. Then you could run joices ever 2 feet or something. The braces that you use for the joices will make the whole structure a little bit stronger. Add some hurricane straps and that greenhouse aint goin anywhere:) I think a standard roof would be a pita. You could just keep it flat on top and put the two joices in the middle a little bit lower then you could have a drain going straight down into a barrell. Maybe some lines that come out of the barrell that are gravity fed that can go to the base of your plants.


Hehe, the corner posts are 4 x 6's about 8 feet long with 4-6 inches in the dirt. The 8 crossmembers are 2 x 6's. It will have one more 2 x 6 across the long span to support the corrugated roof panels I think I have lined up. I am pretty certain it ain't going anywhere without human help, but I will drive a rebar(used) anchor in 2 opposite corners just to be safe. The strongest gust of wind here in the last 8 years was nowhere near hurricane force - we get earthquakes more than storms, and my luck held with the roofline having just enough tilt to keep it from pooling.
I'm set on doing a flat roof, but saw one where a guy had trenched along the dripline, lined with poly sheet and backfilled with gravel to collect rainwater in an internal trough that helps with low humidity issues too.

Mind questions, nope. I'm making this up as it goes along. Planning often turns out less than good for me so I just wing it and pray.


Hey GI,
where is the latest pic update on the gals? Gotta see the progress man.


I'll show ya mine if you put up a recent pic

here is the top of a white russian in "the hoosegrow", that is what I call the greenhouse

here is what it looks like from the inside

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