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18k of pure pleasure


Ganja D

Very nice looking everything!
One question,what do you do about drainage? Or do you just water the perfect amount so you don't over flow the plastic trays under the pots?
Either way nice skills.

Madrus Rose

post 69
looks like a delicate balance or more a pitched battle with the staking
keeping those SLHazes standing tall, nice job on them btw ....

hats off to the man who kept it simple & they
all came out crazy!
thanks ganja d. most of the time i know just how much to water as to keep from overflowing but i also have slanted floors with 4 inch floor drains so i can flood as much as i want. now that I'm into flush iv'e ben getting pretty messy overflowing the tray's with tons of run off.
crazy everything dude, happy smoking to you n ur partner. happy to see some of us here have good partners :)

how high are your ceilings? id love to grow bigger plants but i have 6 foot ceilings and its not really possible.. unless i stay bare bulb and space accordingly..

how come you dont use insulated ducting on those hoods youd lower temps a little, and be able to add a couple hanging bare bulbs in between to make shit ever sicker. not that you need to :)

hope u got a couple people or machines to help with the harvest. it looks like its gonna be huge
thanks guy's
my cielings are 16ft.
one room has insulated ducting and the other doesn't. it was just all about money at the time i biult that room not realizing insulated was only a few more bucks.
i vegged my plants for 6 weeks with lots of supercropping to get them so bushy and i vegged under hps 1000 watters. as the plants got bigger and bigger i turned on more and more lights. hope that answers some of your questions have a good one and happy growing.