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1847 Log Cabin Revamp Come sit a spell on the Porch With Me

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Thanks Ya'll! I am glad ya'll like the Cabin.

It would still be in a pile if it were not for my friends, I ain't able to do much of the work, but I tell stories and keep em all cracked up...

Went ahead and added a kitchen on the back, another porch, that is where the electric is located.

There will be a wood cook stove in the kitchen.

I found some nice rocks with purple feldspar in them, and chunks of feldspar to put in the inside of the fireplace, and also a geode to put in the rocks that is all sparkly... lol.

I am trying to talk em into putting in secret compartments in the fireplace.... but I ain't having much luck with talkin the masons into that idea... maybe fingers crossed...

I got some more pics around here...

Flying Goat

Looking good, Lola! Tell ya what - I'll be the cigar store indian AND the cook on the wood stove - got tons of native american recipes, corn bread, beans, sow belly & poke salad...

Got an ice cream machine with a hand crank & I'll bring the eggs & goat milk & strawberries - can you supply ice?

Ay, God! But yer gonna have fun staying there... Any room for a couple goat kids to keep the yard mowed & stop the woods from 'croaching in on ya?

How bout a couple cool looking goat skulls, complete with horns? Ya gotta have some kinda skulls on the property...

And, oh yeah! You can't have a cabin like that without a pet coon! Cassie just had her babies... are ya game? Check her out on my FGF album, girl! She's tops for fun, but she'll put her entire face in yer mouth for a shotgun... Silly girl!

Don't worry, she's gentle... She's never known a cage & comes & goes as she pleases... She has 4 tiny babies that should be just about the right age by the time the cabin is finished...

I'll bring a housewarming gift! Mwaaahahahaha!



here's some pics... the kitchen addition in the back, the big hearthstone for the inside of fireplace, the inside of fireplace so far (not done) and the view from the Loft looking down into the fireplace.



Did they catch the bear on your property? Black bears are small but they'll eat ya :yoinks:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i see you have the bearskin rug already to lay down by the fire! LOL wheres the beware of cougar sign??!! heeheehee


I can't tell if that is the bear rug or the buffalo hide. I think buffalo hide. The bear is going up on the wall over the fireplace way up high.

You won't see that part of the fireplace inside. It is going to have rocks on top of the firebox... it ain't done yet.

I like the kitchen addition on the back with the little porch better than I thought I would. My friends sprung that one on me and it was a done deal, electricity and all... heehee.

whatcha gonna do? I couldn't tear it off, after all that work. :)


Active member
Well you are blessed with great friends!!Hell,other than the logs there aint much of 1847 is there!!Thats a completely new cabin from shoes to hat,and first class work to,the chimney alone would push 10 grand!!That place is newer and nicer than any old cabin I been in,lucky girl!!:wave:


Just de-lurking.
Love the idea and the outcome even more.

What is that between the logs? I'm unfamiliar with American ways of building.

Btw, it has always been my secret backup to go study vernacular building / architecture ( basically they teach you to build a house from whatever is available in the nature locally using as few power tools as possible), move to the country and grow there if all else fails.


Just de-lurking.
Love the idea and the outcome even more.

What is that between the logs? I'm unfamiliar with American ways of building.

Btw, it has always been my secret backup to go study vernacular building / architecture ( basically they teach you to build a house from whatever is available in the nature locally using as few power tools as possible), move to the country and grow there if all else fails.

American log cabins were originally put together and then "chinked" with "chinking" to fill the cracks between the logs.

originally, chinking was a mixture of clay mud, straw and was then whitewahed with lime to make it white.

Now chinking is high tech, and made of fancy store bought stuff that lasts a long, long, time.

regular ole timey chinking had to be done every fall, and most American cabin dwellers knocked the chinking out to let the breezes through in the hot summer.


Thanks for the details, I'll sure look into it further.
Around here we stack the logs tight and fill the gaps with minimal amounts of moss or something similar.
COB-houses are also an interesting read, I'm hoping to learn cob building this coming summer.

Building the cabin is an adventure in it self isn't it.


Active member
I talked that friend out of that old log cabin he had stacked up in his back yard.

Cut down a few logs for some new wood, added an upstairs and a new porch.

Everything done for cost of nails so far. Using recycled everything.

My friends and me had a little cabin raisin', and here's what we got done so far.

The dude that makes fireplaces is not done, so no fireplace yet.

Very nice cabin. Makes me want to do a guerrila
grow in the forest there. It looks like very nice water
too. Must be some fish in there. Fishing and smoking
weed. What a life.


yes, I should upload some pics.

The fireplace is finished and burns real good.

Floors are down and are stained. Light fixtures going in, etc. almost finished!

Down to painting doors, etc. little stuff like that.
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