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1800w Tent x2 w/ Blumats = 3600w Simplicity Grow




Tent 1 bone dry only weighed out to 30.5oz not including lower scarf, etc. Will use that stuff to make butter. We are pretty bummed considering 1st run in this tent w/blumats gave us just shy of 3lbs. This grow we get just shy of 2lbs. What the hell happened to that other pound?

New strains and didn't use bloombastic this run, but canopy was filled well and garden overall size looked better. I'm shocked that yield was this low. Future grows of mine will get bloombastic as well as heavier lower stripping to promote fatter tops.

around .47g / watt. I'm disappointed in that but overall the quality was top notch and the grow was a success so I really cant complain. Its not like we had to do anything but initial setup, one transplant, and topping blumat res.


Unfortunately Tent 2 will not complete as shown.

Person who lives in this house came home to find the glass in the front door smashed out. Nothing was missing and the door was infact still locked, but the unknown is still enough for me to tear everything down and relocate the 8 plants which were under the vertical lights to another location. Going to finish them out there, but they are under horizontal lights for the next 3 weeks or so ..so I'm unsure of how that will effect everything.

My only guesses are.
1.) cold weather caused the glass to break. (door had been sticking a bit due to the cold), but I'm weary to believe this due to how far the glass was inside the house.

2.) crackhead/thief tried to break in and got spooked before entering. (unrelated to grow - business isnt out there like that). This is what I think is what happened.

3.) police or fop doing some shady shit to confirm grow rather then actually investigating. Not likely in our case, but that shit does happen whether people want to believe it or not.

Storm door was left intact so it wasnt like some kid threw a snowball or rock or something.

In any case - everything is down and out and this spot is retired. Was going to be anyways after tent 2 came down as I stated before - this just confirms that its the right decision.

Happy Holidays all..hopefully yours has been going a bit smoother then mine.

- Will try to get pics of the relocated 8 up within a day or so. They are looking pretty fat and smelling even nicer.


Now in technicolor
Good shit Cheeb. Great job setting an example of how to stay safe and secure. Most people would be lazy and brush it off as nothing. The extra vigilance you show is what anyone who wishes never to get caught absolutely needs to possess.


Here are the 8 plants from Tent 2 which had to be relocated.

These were under the 3 vertical 600w lamps, but already had the daystar acs hanging there so just decided to let them finish under horizontal. I was really digging the vertical dropped bulbs and the low plant count. Things look heavy and even the lower buds which weren't removed are pretty decent sized.

I imagine these got a few weeks to go. Just hit'em with 9ml/Florabloom and a small amount of Bloombastic so hopefully they'll really start to swell in their final weeks.

Came From this:

Relocated to here:






Smelling amazing.


Nice work man, was fun going through your journal.
Sorry about the troubles, but safety first was the right call!
Happy growing,


safety first as they say... i agree with rednick maybe it was an amateur crackhead a real one would have barged right on in there if the cops were standing over their shoulder. i tell you what will solve this mystery in the future and thats investing in a relatively inexpensive cctv system for the house, low key enough to not draw suspicion. and some floodlights... sorry your yield was under your expectations. i personally am very shocked. i have an 1800w tent and pulled the same out of it with bagseed in organic soil about the same time as you. i figured with those beastly looking colas and good genes you had me by an elbow at least. live and learn as they say. best of luck to you in your future endeavors brother. peace to you
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thanks for the replies.

Its most likely for the better and I am just so grateful the neighbor didn't see whatever caused the broken glass. She would have called the police in an instant if she saw someone breaking in..and then we'd be in real hot water.

Calling it quits here early is a relief.
This house was bought only the find out the directly neighbor is neighborhood watch. Nice lady, but definitely prides herself on keeping watch over the street. Very observant. She refers to herself as a bulldog and has actually given the tenant that lives there her "permission" to have a party stating that we are too quiet and well behaved. ..some people.

- -

Having someone see a thief breaking in is one of my greatest fears of getting popped. Most things we have control over, but having a neighbor call the police because they assume they are doing you a good thing keeping an eye out on your place. How do you protect yourself in that aspect? I personally keep a dog to "deter" this type of thing, but this particular house did not have any pets. Its one of those things that can get you busted even if you are being very careful in all other aspects.

I've been told to put a padlock on the door leading to the grow room rather then just a regular deadbolt or more natural looking lock.. The reason being is that the police cannot say a thief ran in there and locked the door behind him. They should have no reason to go into a padlocked room in search for anyone as it clearly was locked from the outside.

Aside from that I personally dont like padlocks.. just looks like I've got something to hide if my basement door has a padlock on it.
I once swore that someone tried breaking into my car even though I knew there was no way someone could have tried as my driveway is secure & I was only in the house for 20 minutes. Glass everywhere, looked like somebody shattered it hard.

I didn't figure it out until I got the new window in, and had to put in a 3rd one! It was a coupe & the door gasket was messed up causing excess pressure on the glass, both times it shattered violently throwing glass everywhere but didn't make a peep.

Anyways good move on tearing down, always.

Wanted to ask you, what were the day/night temps in that basement & tent like during that bumper crop?

Cloud 9

New member
Picked these up. Gotta protect the peepers. These things shot my coolness up to about an 11.

Any input welcome.

Take Care. :wave:
are these welding goggles? can you provide a link or something to search, id really like to have a set to protect my eyes on my vertical bulb grows.

thanks in advance
stay safe


Active member
are these welding goggles? can you provide a link or something to search, id really like to have a set to protect my eyes on my vertical bulb grows.

thanks in advance
stay safe

A very wise investment.. Just search ebay or the like for a pair of shade#5 welding glasses. I picked some up for like 7 bucks. Check out the "plea for your health" thread in the vert forums for more references on the subject.:tiphat:


Wow Cheeb your smashing these Blumat grows..... got to get me some and give them a go.... any new blumat grows going? :D
