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1800w CHRONIC grow


Well-known member
My first time, with my OG, I pruned around the 2-3 week mark. This time, I pruned a little earlier, but found that they did continue to have some stretch.

If I were to do it again with the same strain I would wait until around day 12 to start removing and remove throughout day 18 or so.

I helped a friend prune one of his plants because he was scared to cut as much off as I like to, and that one lady was noticeably better in weight compared to the others.

Cheers dude im gonna prune my next crop, Ill be doing some Criticl mass next, 4x4 scrog should be fun :D thanks for anwering my question :xmasnut:


if your worried about taste if say u went coco id grow with someone thing like pbp or floranova, someting with some hummic acids in it. my last run in coco with floranova only got flushed six days n actaully tasted pretty good, i was shocked.

in three gall pots u shouldnt have to water the coco much more then u do your dirt now, possibally the same towards the end, a littel more in the middle and the same in the begining as for seedlings coco stays wet awhile.

why dont u just take some average seeds n grow in some pure coco with tap water and some nutes, see what ones give u a perfect ph and result in fast growth. u might have good water and get lucky be able to just run coco and save some work making a mix and carrying all the heavy ass big bags of dirt.

remember the ancestory of chronic is nl+skunk plus nl+ak-47... so some of the plants should be finishing a little differant then the others via the skunk most likely, possibally the ak. just be patient.

but a staright dirt n perlite grow with a little lime is always an easy winner.


Active member
Hey Hilbie, thanks for the response...

I would like to run coco as ive seen beautiful things, it just doesnt seem as "mistake" free as the soil:perlite idea.

I will keep it in mind though, as the CoCo I mixed in my SOIL mix is just amazing!! I love that I can wash my hands through it as I like to mix the top of my soil to get air down there, but dirt is so messy!


Active member
Tonight I found a good amount of mites.. Got some water and a shop vac, misted, found where they were at, and sucked the life outa them!

I also did some thinking -- Today is day 62. 4 of my plants look finished. 24 of them look not even close.

the 4 that look finished got some plain water, like usual, whereas the other 24 got some plain water + Overdrive. i'm tired of them not knowing what to do so I decided to over drive them. I'm gonna water in two days, and continue to flush for atleast another 10. I'm gonna chop the 4 down within the next 2-3 days, so I have something to do while waiting for the other 24.

Pic 1 - not even close
Pic 2 - trichs are gettin milky.


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Active member
ya I am assuming so too. The bad news is, the ones that are unfinished, dont look like they're going to perform as well. They're fat, but leafy. Not my cup of tea, but i'll live.


Active member
So I took some pictures tonight. I may do a partial harvest tonight, probably not. I want to take down the one that looks most ready so I have some clear/milky trich smoke, so I dont fall flat on my ass after smoking. I heard these things really pack on weight if you let them go amber but i want some personal satisfaction for myself too.

Here are some pictures.

In pictures 1,4 you can see what is near finish and what isnt even close. I'm gonna let the ones that are not even close go atleast another 10 days.

In picture 2, you can see hints of color in the middle of all the buds. Those are the ones near finish. They're showing signs of purple leafs, probably because i've been keeping temps down but either way it looks sweet. lol.


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Active member
I swear, sometimes I just need to smoke a bowl and relax..my ADD kills me.
I chopped one down tonight. Why? I dont know why. Could've gone a couple more days but so be it!


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No problem bterzz....you definitely earned it. You are KILLING it. Finish up strong.



Active member
Alright, well some of them still dont look close where as I took one down and 3 others look ready. Here is a picture of one I wanted to take down tonight, but couldnt because trichs are still clear.. I really get scissor happy.


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Active member
So I finally jarred the one I cut down. Fills up a smaller mason jar perfectly. I let them get pretty dry before jarring them, as suggested on the breeders website, as supposedly it helps the aroma out and if jarred to early it could smell hay-like.

Maybe I'll get a weight today. I have a stamp scale but i'm not sure if it weighs grams lol.


Looks good dude!! So how dry exactly do they recommend you let the buds get before you jar them? Does the hay smell come from the buds having just a little bit too much moisture in them still?


Active member
I like them to be crispy on the outside. I also like my stems to crack when i bend them, maybe not snap completely but defiently crack. i'm new to this all still so i'm still experimenting. from what i have noticed, if you let the buds get a little "too dry", and then jar them, they will regain moisture and smell great. but if you put them in to early and they sweat to much, you're going to have trouble getting them to the proper dryness and its gonna smell more like hay/wet grass, forever.

The plant above produced 46.5 grams after I smoked about .5 from it. I wonder how much weight it will lose after a 2 weak cure, cuz some still seem moist in the middle. Its crazy how quickly they rehydrate themselves.


O well awesome dude!! You killed it on this one and on your og kush grow as well!! Im curious as to why you got such a low weight off of that?? I would think that chronic would yield way above that but I guess I dont know much about it yet, I have a single female going in veg right now, about to clone her, let her heal and then throw that bitch in flowering!


Active member
Oh shit eh, the photos are very deceiving! looks like more but i guess you have so much more to go!

looking good!! i hope i get atleast a p haha but i doubt it.

got the cuts off the better looking one for the next go!