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1800w CHRONIC grow


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Hey man. Its snowing pretty good up north. Feb should be prime.

I believe flower production took about 5 days but I wasnt really keeping track.

I'm gonna try to let them go atleast 9 weeks, so probably another 2 weeks. I'm gonna try to find some carbs to feed them a couple times, maybe continue adding some molasses for a couple days then straight water.


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:D nah fuck aspen.

i live in the city, mountain people are too wierd bro

show em who's boss with the shopvac

another tip:

don't know how you like to dry your bud, but.......don't use drying racks. make sure you hang your buds upside down to dry. this is because any mites leftover after trimming will collect at the tip of the stem while they're drying. you can go in real quick with the shopvac at that point and clean up to make sure you're not jarring up any live mites

have fun trimming!


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Rooted, good looking out :) Maybe I'll come say what up :)

I plan on hanging my plants. I dont even think there is much live mite left at all, I trimmed all the fan leaves off, hopefully they will still go to maturity...I think I chopped away all there sugars in effort to remove any spider mites!


Active member
Rooted, good looking out :) Maybe I'll come say what up :)

I plan on hanging my plants. I dont even think there is much live mite left at all, I trimmed all the fan leaves off, hopefully they will still go to maturity...I think I chopped away all there sugars in effort to remove any spider mites!

Just when you think you have defeated the borg....

Go hydro next time man! Cut that flowering by 3 weeks!


Active member
Hydro? No thanks :)

I can't see anybody cutting flowering time by changing how my pot is grown...I thought flowering period was strain dependent and had little to nothing to do with what it was grown in?

I could be mistaken, but I dont think I am.

I thinking finishing time has more to do with strain and feeding schedules (when to layoff the N, etc)


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Ok things are starting to fatten up and get some good frost production. Some look farther done then others, and the ones that look almost done look really juicy and sweet. I can't wait to smoke some of it..hopefully they all turn out like the one that is most near done.

Here are some pictures I took tonight after my mite-check up and watering. I barely found any mites what so ever, so I am pleased with that.


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Holy shit thats looking good! congrats on the mites too! hopefully gone for good. get some co2 in there if you can and pump it! should kill em off

i've just flipped today! i copped one boy (was fatty indica styles) but two mixed looking girls! only @ about 1ft maybe but i have run out of time! that Ak trip is coming up shortly!


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Hey everyone. The mites dont like the Co2 huh?? I was thinking about purchasing another exhaust fan, and putting my intake/exhaust on a thermostat, with supplemental co2..but I dont think I'll go that route until summer.

After my snowboard trip (decided since im gonna be missing mammoth, im gonna hit up big bear for the day with some friends) I came home super exhausted after a long day to check on my garden. I did have some more mites, but nothing crazy. I decided not to tear everything out and closer inspect for mites until tonight, consider how exhausted I was I probably wouldn't have done a very good job.

Watering/Mite inspection tonight.

I myself think I am doing ok for the complications I ran into. Personally, I think that if I didnt run into the issues that I did as far as the crumbling leaves (possibly cal/mag, i still dont know for sure) that I wouldnt have ran into the mite issue that I did. They definitely went after the unhealthy plants first, and spread from there.

Also, I'm wondering why some of them dont even look close to done, whereas 1 looks days from done, about 3 look close to done, and the other 24 look weeks from done. The long white hairs on them are outrageously long still, maybe they'll change overnight.

Today is day 53.


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Things are getting close. This plant looks the most ready to me, but im still gonna let her go for a couple days.

Some plants look farther along then others, so we'll see how the ones that are lagging a little bit turn out. i'm gonna take some to 65+ days and chop some around the 60 day mark. Maybe one or two.

Oh and if anyone tries to enter my house I dont own a gun but you're still gonna have to face my dog!! hehehe here is a playful picture.


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Ok, soo wtf?? Today I was inspecting my plants, doing a little pre-harvest trimming...

I came across a nug that felt dry, just a part of one big nug. So I snapped it off to inspect, I didnt notice anything wrong except for the fact that it seemed to be very dry for still being on the plant.

anyways, I checked it out further and nothing seems to be wrong. There is no rot, but where the stem "snapped" off (not bent, mind you) there is a dot of brown on what looks like the inside of the stem. Just the open wound....

So.. I shredded it up a little and put it in my bong to see if it was as dry as I was imagining...

Sure enough, that fucker lit right up and snapped through. I took the snap right before I started writing this and well lets just say im fucked up!

does anyone know why this nug was like this?? Is this the plant telling me "im done" ??

I still see white hairs, and it looks much more ready then the majority of the plants, but I dont have a microscope to check trichs.

I'll get one tomorrow..this bitch may be ready to pull down!


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i've had that happen before on some out door plants, i was thinking an animal did it however, but it was how you described and was a brown dot/tiny hole, the bud just snapped right off.

it only happened on one branch of the plant. and it was a healthy one too..


Active member
i've had that happen before on some out door plants, i was thinking an animal did it however, but it was how you described and was a brown dot/tiny hole, the bud just snapped right off.

it only happened on one branch of the plant. and it was a healthy one too..

I figured it out!! It's natures way of saying "Here, smoke this!!" a little pre-harvest treat!!

What happened was the little bud went "something with an N" and cut its source of water off to the bud. Dried and ripened on the stem itself.. Smokes great! :D


I figured it out!! It's natures way of saying "Here, smoke this!!" a little pre-harvest treat!!

What happened was the little bud went "something with an N" and cut its source of water off to the bud. Dried and ripened on the stem itself.. Smokes great! :D

Hey you for sure cant argue with that! Everything looks great dude! How many days into harvest are you again?