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180 degrees south....patagonia!

Collie Man

Patagonia one of the beautiful landscapes in the entire world...over 2 million acres saved for conservation...It was all started by 2 guys who went on a adventure in the 60's and bam! Thats how the ball started to roll...

Very stunning and moving movie that everyone has to see!
Check it out on netflix...

Anyone ever been to patagonia? I might be going this winter if I have enough funds...


New member
The allure of adventure

The allure of adventure

I have never been to Chile, but would love to go someday. Every picture I have ever seen of Patagonia has been stunning. The documentary is good, I really enjoyed it.

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I like what Doug Tomkins
said in the film, "People say you can’t go back, but what happens if you get to the cliff and you take one step forward. Or you turn 180 degrees and take one step forward…. Which is progress? "

Yvon Chouinard (founder of Patagonia clothing/Black Diamond gear and also one of the adventurers in the documentary) along with many other conservationists have put and continue to put an immense amount of effort and resources into protecting Patagonia. I believe one of the main issues concerning conservation in Patagonia today is the damming of rivers with huge hydro-electric dams. Would be sad to see for sure.
