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18 Grind House "Ultra Sonja"


Howdy Folks: I just planted 21 Ultra Sonja Seeds (4 days ago) this is my first Grind House grow and from what I've been seeing on this site I'm hoping for "primobud". As for this guys experience thus far I'm impressed. I ordered two (10 packs) and when the first pack arrived I had "13"seeds. I planted 6 for the "beer cup challenge". All 6 popped and are looking good week two of the contest. The second pack arrived a few days later this time containing "14" seeds! Two 10 packs = 27 seeds, gotta like it.
I planted 21 seeds 4 days ago, one never popped and two looked weak, and now I have 18 healthy looking 4 day old seedings ready for life.
I have a simple method using a 400w MH for veg and a 600w HPS for flower. I always allow my seedlings 8 week veg before cloning in order to ensure I'm cloning a fully mature plant. This is straight out of "jeorge's" bible. I've been told it's BS but it works for me and I always do it. When I take clones from clones this rule does not apply.
With that here we go, lets see if I can get myself a great big pile "PRIMO F_ _ king BUD"!!!

Ultra Sonja 4 Days Old

Watch for weekly updates with pictures and if I start f _ _ king things up, watch for mid week cry`s for help. Yee Haw!
Looking good. Might ought to get out some bamboo skewers and bread ties for some of those stretchy babies. I hate when they get too top-heavy and fall over and die......



should be an interesting grow. Off to a good start i see.

Was just pondering the whole extra seeds thing.....I figure its one of two things either those folks at grindhouse are just Kind and generous and added the extra seeds


2 They been smoking lots of primo ultra sonja weed and have smoked themselves retarded and now they can.t count to ten... :)

either way you win. Good luck finding a couple awesome moms outta the deal.



Go git 'em Primo, no need fer blankin' out tha cuss words bruda, we're all fuggin' adults here, lol.

Bubs and folks, tha count is gonna drop to a consistant 11-12 per pack... I'd snap up tha stock thats available before more stock comes in with tha price increases.



I go with both Bubs...They haven't hit ten yet for me always over...you are most certainally gonna find some keepers Primo..The hard part is gonna be which ones NOT to keep IMe so far..pal


^^ It seems with any good breeder, that seems to be the issue :tiphat:

Force me to make those tough decisions :laughing:



7 Days

7 Days

7 Days, I've transplanted to Styro Cups and am now under 400w. The plants will be raised 6 more inches tomorrow and we'll go from there. I took a couple from my Beer Cup Challenge and put em on the table for comparrison the beer cups are 12 days old.



Holy Shit boys I've become so hooked on the Mag that I never noticed the "real" sports season as begun!!! NHL Hockey Lads check it out.


14 Days

14 Days

Right on Grind House!!! Day 14 and all is looking good. Don't let the yellow fool ya it's from the flash. The real colour is what you see in the back rows. Again I put two I have in the BCC that are 10 days old. I now have them 14 inches from my 400MH and things are looking good.



Purty damn nice fer 14 days 'bove soil. Slay them mutha fuckas...



21 Days

21 Days

Here we are at day 21 looking good. On Saturday the big plants (Crop Two) will be transplanted to 8 inch pots and moved into my flowering area. On Sunday the Ultra Sonja`s go from the Cups to 6 inch pots for another 5-6 weeks of Veg before cloning & flowering.


Looking good. Might ought to get out some bamboo skewers and bread ties for some of those stretchy babies. I hate when they get too top-heavy and fall over and die......


FWIW stay away from bamboo, it tends to attract mites.


Ultra Sonja Transplanted

Ultra Sonja Transplanted

Tonight I transplanted into 6" Pots. They're looking good. These plants are known as Crop 3 in my grow and the styro cups are 3 clones from my 1st Crop that I'll grow with the US if space permits. These clones flower in 70-84 days and should fit right in.
