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18 gallon rubbermaid DWC don't hateme

What up sticky (nice name bro) thanks for the tips.. I only have the one rubbermaid going (just to try) and bulging isnt really a problem. But if it does become one I will fo sho take your advice with the duct tape. Also nice idea on hanging the air pumps (I've seen some folks doing that) I might try that. As far as noise I not really concerned about that, just me and my lady here (and the pumps are super quite) Actually the loudest sound is the box fan I have running fresh air around the veg room. But serisousley thanks for the suggestions. That Gh dual diaphram pump is nice and quite.

Really though bro nice shots of the purple kush (nice camera work, can you stop by overhere and take some pics for me please) They are looking lovely, looks like you know WTF your doing.

One more thing as well, I think I will be doing another rubbermaid soon, cuz Im gonna take my first run with some seeds (trainwreck that was gifted to me) I only have 5 total so I think Im going to try 3 first and see what I can get to pop. So hopefully I will be having to cut some holes in a rubbermaid lid soon for those lil ones.

Again thanks for stopping by sticky and everyone else...

I will be posting some more pics soon (just waiting for them to get a lil bigger so it doesnt look like the same pics I posted the other day)


I love rubbermaid dwc - had a few myself in years past.

Props, no hate - looks great.

Good luck...

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