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18 days until harvest Spotting Powder Mildew

i have 12 girls 18 days from harvest and i have found powder mildwew on fan leaves i have 2 dehumidifiers running to keep the RH down what is a good option to settle this situation?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
carefully remove the leaves most badly affected to slow the spread (don't shake em about if you can help it, the spores get everywhere)

you can also remove some of the bigger fan leaves that are not affected, go easy on this (or if uncertain just don't!) but you can reduce some of the humidity by removing larger, lower fans (especially so close to harvest, a lot of thier work is done) but go easy!

once you have it under control put more fans in for air circulation (both above and below canopy) in the meantime dont put fans directly on affected plants, it just blows spores around... but again be careful as you need to increase, not decrease air movement in your area.

whats the current temps (lights on and off) and RH?


New member
Wash it off with water

Wash it off with water

This blueberry was pulled at 6 wks because of bad bad PM. Fought it for 3 wks with all the usual suspects.
PM hates to be drenched or soaked in water.
The fix...pull plants...soak in water submerged for 1 hour....blast with fine spray to remove mechanically the soaked waterlogged PM each bud cluster individually (took 2 days)...soak again for 30 min....rinse with clean water inspecting well. Spin in Salad Spinner to remove all surface water....hang to dry. Buds are a little small because of early pull, but smoke is good. Saved 7 Gallons of buds. Trichomes held up amazingly well.
more air movement, more light... oh, be careful if you took clones off those girls.. pm is usually in the plant without visible signs before it comes out to say hello...


Neem oil works great, its organic, and you can use it late in flower right up to harvest without any detrimental effects on the plants. Sometimes they sell it at walmart as Schultz Fungicide 3 in a bluish green bottle, that works. Or you can get it in concentrated from at a garden shop and get a sprayer, that works a lot better imo and you get a lot more for your money. You can spray it all over the leaves, buds and stems and it won't harm it and prevent any pm from spreading to the sprayed areas.


Active member
- after you have removed the effected areas -
if you don't want to use products b/c your so close to harvest, you can always mist them with high ph'ed like a 8.0 or 10.0 water but not before lights out...note, your relative humility is at its peak when your lights are out. pm wont grow on high ph'ed surface that's why sulphur burners work so well in early stages that is... and you may want to take-m a few days early...


Active member
2 parts milk 8 parts water. Use 2% milk. Put into strong sprayer. Blast the crap out of the plants. Spray everywhere. Take you time. Spray under leaves. Spray top down and blast off the pm. Make sure everything is dry before turning the lights back on.

I have had todo this treatment on two grows so far. Saved most of my yield. You may have to re-spray every 5-7 days to keep the pm held back.
Oh yeah

Oh yeah

forgot something that will add to the problem the ones finishing in 16 days are showing the PM yet there is another set that are 30 days behind them on the cylce in the same room

With the 2 dehumi the RH seems to go down to as low as 31 with lights on Temp 83-85 and i noticed today whith lights off temp is 91..... and RH is 44
Ground Zero

Ground Zero

This is where it all started...




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New member
Gopher gas for outdoor PM

Gopher gas for outdoor PM

I just got some gophers, and when I was putting the gas bombs in the holes I noticed the 39% sulphur. If you had PM outdoor (or indoor) perhaps tenting the plant and setting of a gopher bomb inside will be a usefull solution. I just burned elemental sulphur in my room for the first time with a hot plate and coke can. 1 hr with timer, and all day closed up. Still smell it after 10 days. Confidence level is high. Hope I got the gophers, though. They're after by best 2 girls. I used a shop vac to blow the gas into the holes and sulphur gas was coming up all over the yard. Seemed effective.



These Oregon nights are full of humidity recently.

i spent 2+ hrs last night clipping infected leafs and only got 1 complete girl done. next time i will try wearing glasses my eyes were killing me.

thinking about getting a sulfur burner but i need to cut a hole for send the air outside before i go into a room full of sulfur


Active member
thinking about getting a sulfur burner but i need to cut a hole for send the air outside before i go into a room full of sulfur

check out pirates diy sulfer burner I made one but bought a reptile heat emmiter so theres no light at all.
best used, during veg, then about 3 to 5 weeks into flower... dependent on the strain... I have use it consistently for a couple years now at 3 days a week for 1 hour at a time... in a 12x10 room and havent had a problem with pm ever again....

your situation may differ, but this works... I battled pm hard.... added 5 big fans, an ac that has dehumidifier, another big dehumidifier, sealed the room, painted it with zinc mold resistent paint, changed the light schedual to come on at night, and ran my electric bill thru the fucking roof - fuck that!

now with my little sulpher burner all of that is over! my electric bill is back to nomal its was 3 times hudge... and its works...

I do remember useing organicside for pm but that shit is almost as nasty as neem - it worked for about two weeks then the pm woukd come back... you got a nice grow sure hope you get it under contol.
Due to the weather and vineyards in my area, I got PM for the first time. I keep a perfect environment, but still got it, and fought the PM for the whole run, what a total PITA.

After reading Krunchbubble's thread on PM, I bought a bottle of Eagle-20 and used it on my next crop in veg, and when I flipped to 12-12. I'm a believer now. Day 34 and ZERO PM.

I would read the thread, and buy a bottle of Eagle-20, and use it the next time you're vegging (Eagle-20 can only be used before flowering, it is a systemic) and you won't get PM any more.

For plants late in flowering, the Zone/Penetrator combo worked for me, saved my ass. Info on the Zone/Penetrator is in the PM sticky here in the infirmary.
this PM has been messing with my sleep, so last night i jumped on and order a couple things. Eagle 20 EW found a pint for $56.54 total on ebay, also found Potassium Bicarbonate, 1 lb on Amazon for $22.14 total i was going to purchase Greencure but the active ingredient is %85 Potassium Bicarbonate and i already orderd a lb so i held back the other %15 may be super important Spreader/Sticker not sure what i should use with the Potassium Bicarbonate to help it stick and cover better.


Active member
Milk solution I gave you earlier will work. It also feeds the plants. Greencure will burn bud pistols. Milk is harmless.
The Answer

The Answer

i came to the decision to just chop everything infected down it wasn't bad so i did get something from it but they probably would have put mass on the last few weeks.. either way the other half that is 30 days behind is looking good not showing any mildew and i hope it stays that way i bleached the room where the plants were and bleached ea fan.... was wondering if it was a good idea to use the Eagle20 and let them flower more than 30 days..