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16,000,000,000,000 trillion gone, and to who


Active member
Its gonna come atime when the people who are responible for these crimes cant continue to walk the streets free or alive. The government for the sake of maintaining an appearance of an honest justice system to the worlds eye has to act before its poor is forced to.


Well-known member
Truly a crime against humanity.

Do your part..

1. Stop saving in paper currency, but rather in Gold & Silver or any other hard physical assets in which the federal reserve cannot debase.

2. Close your commercial bank account and open an account at a non-profit credit union if needing the convenience of a bank account.

3. Eliminate debt and stop taking on new debt... it only enslaves you to their system.

Free yourself from their paper ponzi scheme and stop subjecting your savings/wealth to counter party risk.

There is no plan to turn the economy around. The US Gov. & Federal reserve will print the United States Dollar into oblivion. This is their only plan... do what necessary to prepare and protect yourself.

lost in a sea

trillions went missing the day before 9/11 happened,, i guess someone knew everyone would have something else to talk about pretty soon..


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
thats only like $3 per person in china-

sounds legit to me based on the recent trade deficit numbers I read today




Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I'm about to say something that might be unpopular.

In order for the everyday person(and you are that in spite of how special you've been told you are), to have the kind of life they've had, in North America and Europe. They have had to create this crazy system based on exploiting people indirectly, with a balance sheet that is based on continually spreading debt over future generations and exploiting foreign countries. So the fact that some of your parents had two cars and a house, and were not completely obvious slaves. Is based on the fact that future people will get the shaft, and have to pay off an ever increasing amount of debt. It's just a more long term con than the feudal system was, and less confrontational than the complete dictatorship is.

The simple fact is there are too many of us, and when you breed and are not of the elite class. More than likely all you are doing is creating future slaves. Whose debts are stretched out over their entire lives. You are free to live your life, but you will more than likely owe someone. Cost of living is high, and if you or your family has the economic means. You can make enough off of your principal(which is never spent), to basically live off of the labors of other.

It's sad, but in my experience it's true.

So stop going to college(unless you absolutely need the certification or knowledge i.e. doctor, lawyer, etc..), and save your money. Stop having children you can't afford, and accept the situation in which you live. It's better than a dictatorship, and it's better than feudalism. At least we can enjoy it, if we hustle hard enough.

My 3 cents.

It doesn't matter if it's a t-shirt, tooth brush, or our entire lives. Most of us are living off of the indirect exploitation of others....


Active member
if you feel this is wrong please pass it on to everyone you know
btw has anyone seen anything about this in the news, because my grandpa watches cnn 24/7 and does'nt even know about it. peace and thanks
You're making the assumption that CNN displays the news. I too, have it constantly droning away in the background when I'm not watching TV but need the background noise and to see how much of the daily world events it leaves out is criminal!!!!!!
They have become nothing more than another 'ratings grabber'. At one time when Turner still controlled it and when it was starting out, yes, it was a great news gathering and reporting station but these days.............meh..to quote a relatively new saying.......
"not so much".
When I see and hear something that I am interested in, I go to Reuters or the BBC..At least they are not as bias as the rest of them.....


Active member
thats what you have to add to this thread!
your opinion on cnn!
its about something much larger than your opinion, so if you don't undrstand whats going on then don't post! :thank you:

this is about the fact that the federal reserve gave away 16 trillion in low low interest rate loans and the media isn't even covering it.
You're making the assumption that CNN displays the news. I too, have it constantly droning away in the background when I'm not watching TV but need the background noise and to see how much of the daily world events it leaves out is criminal!!!!!!
They have become nothing more than another 'ratings grabber'. At one time when Turner still controlled it and when it was starting out, yes, it was a great news gathering and reporting station but these days.............meh..to quote a relatively new saying.......
"not so much".
When I see and hear something that I am interested in, I go to Reuters or the BBC..At least they are not as bias as the rest of them.....

Funny that you mention Reuters and Ted Turner.....Turner Classic Movies is airing a movie from 1940 about the origin of Reuters which involved the use of homing pigeons. I'll add this to the coinkydink file.


Well-known member
So stop going to college(unless you absolutely need the certification or knowledge i.e. doctor, lawyer, etc..), and save your money.

I agree.

College has unfortunately been ruined by.. you guessed it.. more government. Everything they touch gets fucked up.

They've now created a massive student loan bubble by stepping in unnecessarily backing student loans. As a result.. tuition has been "bid up" to ridiculous unaffordable levels..levels that can never be paid back by unemployed new graduates in a shitty workforce.

Sounds familiar to the housing bubble the government created by backing home loans? In my opinion..when the student loan bubble pops it wont be so rosy and simple as letting the bank come take their house. It is going to be ugly...generations of kids with no homes, no jobs, and massive amounts of debt.

So.. they've crashed the housing market, crashed the stock market, created a massive student loan bubble, and bankrupt the entire nation... and the saddest thing about it all is the mass populace actually support this government help and believe the government is fixing things!

Why not just let the free market & capitalism do what they were designed to do.

Let companies fail, let competition step in and buy/pick up the pieces..let them bid their services competitively. Let college tuition, home prices, commodity prices, etc be determined by actual market forces.


^and it all results in one thing. The striping of our Liberties as the government "helps" us through these times.

"the kids don't stand a chance."


^^^ Wise words, if only everyone could realize more gov. is not the answer, only the beging to new problems.


Active member
size of government is not the issue here, hell the federal reserve isn't even part of the gov. so whats that tell us? and Flowerfarmer I too am worried about a student loan bubble, because of institutions like ITT and devry who are taking advantage of the government loans that students can receive, so they sign up everyone who walks in the door. Here is an example: I went to school at ITT, and to be able to get in to thier institution you had to take a test and score higher then a 13. Well I passed with a score in the thirty's, but I signed up for electronics engineering wich is the hardest major they offer, and there was a guy with the same major who had to take the test three times just to get a 13, but they still signed him up in Electronics Engineering, and why because the people at ITT get paid commission. the point is do you think that the guy who barely passed the test is going to get a job that can pay off his loans? thats what I would call a risky loan. But sallie mae does'nt know that.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
THIS. And dont forget to add some ammo to that list.

Truly a crime against humanity.

Do your part..

1. Stop saving in paper currency, but rather in Gold & Silver or any other hard physical assets in which the federal reserve cannot debase.

2. Close your commercial bank account and open an account at a non-profit credit union if needing the convenience of a bank account.

3. Eliminate debt and stop taking on new debt... it only enslaves you to their system.

Free yourself from their paper ponzi scheme and stop subjecting your savings/wealth to counter party risk.

There is no plan to turn the economy around. The US Gov. & Federal reserve will print the United States Dollar into oblivion. This is their only plan... do what necessary to prepare and protect yourself.