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150W HPS stacked minifridge


weed fiend
d-man, the freezer door looks good. Glad you got it worked out. Things are looking really good.

btw, spray adhesive might work on that foam. Put it on both sides and let dry to tacky. Pretty strong stuff.
i wasnt trying to be harsh i just always thought people did stealth micro and indoor growing to save money. to each his own. i wouldnt attach anything to foam the foam is the weakpoint and will eventually break off when you least expect it.

i looked at my grow(s) the most expensive parts of all of them were the lights, and recently the nutes which i bought 2 years ago and have hardly used 1/20th of 2, 1qt bottles. the most expensive things behind nutes was the box i bought for my last grows cost $30 the nutes cost about that much, and the 2 lights in total were $100 or so. over the past 10 years ive spent less than $200 i guess it will work out in the end when you save money on buying weed.

hey stihg i didnt take it as harsh at all man and i apologize if it seemed like i took it harshly. its completely cool i understand its hard for some people to see what im doing and wonder why i would spend so much. this is pretty much the only "activity" for myself. with the amount of time i spend at work plus driveing to and fro, along with quality time with the ol lady and my daughter( an absolute must) i dont have much time for myself. i enjoy createing things and i see fabricateing as an art and i really like to dive in head first with whatever it is i build. so i hope that theres no hard feelings bro i was just trying to explain why i do what i do.

d-man, the freezer door looks good. Glad you got it worked out. Things are looking really good.

btw, spray adhesive might work on that foam. Put it on both sides and let dry to tacky. Pretty strong stuff.

thanx bro!! iv been thinking about that door nonstop since iv cut it out. im thinking of fabricateing a tool to evenly cut out the insulation about 1" deep, so i can recess the plexi glass in and gain some room. to attatch the plexi to the foam im going to try the drilling holes in the foam in all different angles, so the resin fills in the holes for added strength. the recessed plexi will be a cube minus one side, my hopes with the drilled holes will add stength since it will be holding on 5 sides. i hope it will work out and hopefully we will find out soon.


New member
disfunktional said:
good luck on gutting the fridge. a lil tip for you on gutting, make sure you suck out all the freon first. this fridge is full of freon lines, both side walls have them running up and down and are foil taped to the walls. if you need any help on it feel free to ask man.

so uhh.. I'm thinking about starting to tackle the gutting of mine tomorrow. having gone through yours and could do it again, where should one start and what should be done? definitely appreciate the guidance..

id start with removeing the freon from the system first. then remove all of the components in the hump. then to the freezer to remove everything thats screwed down. behind the plastic vents theres a radiator that needs to be removed, from what i remember you can get a lil of it before gutting but to remove it easier take your time with a sawzall on the back and it should slip right out. before you can start gutting the plastic top needs to be removed. it takes a lil time to get because the foam insulation has bonded to it somewhat. for removeing the foam and inner fridge plastic i would recomend a sawzall with a 12" blade it would make the whole process so much easier. be careful with the white plastic on the inside that shit will cut you deep quick(i know from experience). a repirator of some sort wouldnt hurt either that foam goes everywhere.
im glad that i can help bro, unfortunately its a closed system and i have no idea how they got it filled and closed. i made the mistake of trying to cut around the tubeing so i could gut around it and pull it all out at once, dumb idea cuz i found a line a luckily it leaked out into the insulation. if i had to do it over again i would find somebody that knows about refridgeration. i think that theres a "tap" that you can install onto the tube and drain it that way but i have no exxperience in that department.


When i was destroying my first fridge, i used pinch-off pliers, like these.
Just squeeze the tube in three-four places, about inch apart, and cut in the middle. Im not shure about regulations for freon disposal in USA, but regardless you should ask around for safe way to dispose it.
That thing is destroying our ozone and it's not good idea to vent it in to atmosphere.
I was lucky to have company that fixes those cooling showcases for pepsi, coca-cola etc and they were kind enough to take it to recycling.
Good news!! I have oredered all the acrylic plexi glass for the sump and door panels. There should be some progress to report in the near future.


Dis funk, the fridge looks A+ mate... Excited to hear there's more on the way! This is gonna be cleeaaan!


Eugene Oregon
Stumbled upon this searching 150w grows, sorry I missed out.

Fill us in with the latest bro, hope everything is well!
hey HerbGlaze and DiscoBiscuit thanx for stopping in. Iv received all the plexiglass needed for the sump and inside of the doors and i just ordered the eco plus 4 air pump with 24" air wands, plus instead of useing fiberglass resin for the foam inside of the door i found a 2 part epoxy thats used for bar counter tops. all thats lacking is me getting up off my ass and makeing it happen. When that happens Il get the pics of the progress posted. Thanx again guys!!!
Holy shit!!!! thanx for the heads up on my thread DB. thanx to all who have rated my thread. 5 stars awsome thanx to everybody, hope to have some noteable progress soon.


Very clean setup. Might be taking a few things from your design for a fridge that I have. Its old and leaking, so I might gut it and grow in it. The one I have is full sized with a freezer on top, and I like the idea of using the freezer as a utility room. I was thinking about making it into a propogation room with a section for utility, but I might just leave it at utility and put a bigger fan/light in it. I was thinking either 400 hps or 8-18 42w cfls. Not sure yet, but the CFLs might be a better option.

Can't wait to see what you work up for next time, I'm pretty jealous of that last crop. :smokeit:
Very clean setup. Might be taking a few things from your design for a fridge that I have. Its old and leaking, so I might gut it and grow in it. The one I have is full sized with a freezer on top, and I like the idea of using the freezer as a utility room. I was thinking about making it into a propogation room with a section for utility, but I might just leave it at utility and put a bigger fan/light in it. I was thinking either 400 hps or 8-18 42w cfls. Not sure yet, but the CFLs might be a better option.

Can't wait to see what you work up for next time, I'm pretty jealous of that last crop. :smokeit:
Man take as many ideas that work for you bro!! A larger fridge done like mine would be absolutely awsome man. So much potential with that amount of room. My vote is for the 400w HPS.

Sounds good. One of the best diy threads is about to crank back up.

Lol, thank you for your kind words man. Unfortunately it will still be a bit slow, Ive ran into a few financial obstacles to get around but the fridge will make it to completion with or with out the obstacles.
Alrite got a lil progress today. I now have the eco plus 4 air pump with 4-24" diffusers, the epoxy for the inside of the doors so that i can atatch the plexi glass(not installed yet), Iv cut the plexi glass for the inside of the flower door, and I have most of the plexi glass cut for the sump. Nothing picture worthy but its progress none the less. Il keep posting more info as the build progress'


Alrite got a lil progress today. I now have the eco plus 4 air pump with 4-24" diffusers, the epoxy for the inside of the doors so that i can atatch the plexi glass(not installed yet), Iv cut the plexi glass for the inside of the flower door, and I have most of the plexi glass cut for the sump. Nothing picture worthy but its progress none the less. Il keep posting more info as the build progress'

Nothing picture worthy?!?!
I cant believe your progress is not worthy showing! So far every picture has been damn awesome!
We are waiting for pictures! :clock watch:

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