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150W HPS stacked minifridge

Disfunk, my tot loks came with little metal "pins"... I didn't know what they were for at first until I realized that they are meant for mounting in thicker doors.. they extend the reach of the magnetic "sensor" or "trip" or whatever so that if you have a thicker door, you can still use the tot-loks with success.
Lookin good!

sweet i was hopeing to find a way to stilluse these. il no for sure once i gut the doors out(i am not looking forward to that part at all).

Great job! :yes: Thanks to discobiscuit for tipping me on this :D

:jump:thank you sir, it is an honor.
I love that stamp!

and thank you sir for tipping Pontiac off to the build. id + rep ya but damnit it still wont let me.


Active member
kinda confusing seeing another guy using my avatar. anyway wtf you bought a new fridge? just to tear it apart? why not just go to a junkyard and get an old broke one that doesnt work. meh whatever your money but i hate seeing such waste.
Any updates on this? got the exact same fridge waiting for the hells of gutting it..

no updates as of now, im makeing a lil tme today to work on removeing the plastic on one of the doors so that i can figure all of the acrylic that i will need to order. once i receive the acrylic i can begin the construction of the sump, and then more flower cab work can follow. so it may be a few weeks before there is any noteable progress. good luck on gutting the fridge. a lil tip for you on gutting, make sure you suck out all the freon first. this fridge is full of freon lines, both side walls have them running up and down and are foil taped to the walls. if you need any help on it feel free to ask man.

kinda confusing seeing another guy using my avatar. anyway wtf you bought a new fridge? just to tear it apart? why not just go to a junkyard and get an old broke one that doesnt work. meh whatever your money but i hate seeing such waste.

lol, i cant speak for speedshifter, but i wanted this fridge. this build is kind of a new hobby of mine, step back and take a look at your hobby and see just how much you spend on it. i know hunters that spend thousands of dollars to go sit in the woods and wait for an animal that may or may not come by. to me thats a waste, but to each his own. plus this is by no means a budget build, i seen the fridge and knew that i had to have it for a build.


New member
I didn't pay for mine - got a non working one for free... friend had it for just over a year and it stopped working.. I was told "hey, if you can make it work you'll have a nice little mini fridge" ... oh yes.. yes I will.
hell ya its hard to beat free. is it a fridgidaire brand?

ok iv run into a problem. i removed the freezer doors plastic and a lil bit of foam. i used a swaz all with a 12" blade to try and keep it as flush as i can. the problem is thay im not sure how im going to attatch the plexi glass to the door. would some sort of epoxy stick to both the foam insulation and plexiglass? with a STRONG hold? i plan on mounting a few things to the plexi glass and i would hate to open the door one day and have it all fall onto the floor. any suggestions? any and all are welcome, im frign stumped. for now im going to figure up just how much pllexi glass i will need for the rest of the build so i can get it all at the same time and continue on with the build.

oh iv got a couple pics but once again im not to good with technology and its kickn my ass. as soon as i get it figured out il post a shot of the door minus the plastic, and a shot of the same door mounted back on the fridge.
then you got one hell of a deal bro. i dropped $220 on mine.

i have an idea to fix my problem and i would like to see what others think about it. what if i was to poor some fiberglass resin into the foam insulation? the foam is very pourous which should help it grip and hold. idk just a thought that popped into my head. please fire away with anny ideas or thoughts.


New member
then you got one hell of a deal bro. i dropped $220 on mine.

i have an idea to fix my problem and i would like to see what others think about it. what if i was to poor some fiberglass resin into the foam insulation? the foam is very pourous which should help it grip and hold. idk just a thought that popped into my head. please fire away with anny ideas or thoughts.
I'd almost be afraid of the heat generated from that may start the foam on fire.. haven't done much fiberglass work first hand, but know that shit heats up when it's mixed.
ya hadnt thought of that. its been a while since iv worked with fiberglass. il try it on some foam iv cut out before i try it on the fridge.


weed fiend
...ok iv run into a problem. i removed the freezer doors plastic and a lil bit of foam. i used a swaz all with a 12" blade to try and keep it as flush as i can. the problem is thay im not sure how im going to attatch the plexi glass to the door. would some sort of epoxy stick to both the foam insulation and plexiglass? with a STRONG hold?...

IMO, run a bead of Liquid Nails around the rim of plastic shelf where you made the cut. Liquid Nails if great stuff and will hold the two different types of polymer together. Where it's also good is for filling any undulations in the seam between the plexi and door polymer. It's soft enough to compress and viscous enough to fill any voids. Is as strong as any glue I've ever used. You can position your pieces even after they come in contact and doesn't take very long to dry. Much more forgiving than some epoxies or even contact cement that forces you to get it perfect the first time.

You'll need to be careful and not run a (too) large bead. Any excess will be a pain to wipe clean w/o solvent like lacquer thinner. Solvents may damage the plexi and/or door polymer.

Silicone window caulk (not the bath stuff) would be good to run a trim bead all the way around the seam. You can use your finger tip to dress the bead smooth. Some of these caulks are available in different colors to match your scheme.

Hope this makes sense.


weed fiend
If you don't have enough of the door rim left to glue to the plexi, get a 1" dowel. Cut spacers to length (the distance between the sheet metal and the plexi panel. You can use Liquid Nails to glue the spacers to the inside door sheet metal. Glue the other side of the spacer to the plexi. This isn't very hard to do, just hard to explain.
well the plastic lip thats left....well theres not that much. the way fridgidaire designed it forced me to cut it where i did. and its right on top of where the magnetic rubber seal goes. i wish i could gett these damn pics uploaded to give everyone a better idea of what we are working with. the stuff that iv been useing on the MDF is like liquid nail(PL Polyurathane Construction Adhesive), and thats what i had originally intended to use, but when i got a good look at where i needed to cut today i knew i was going to run into this problem. i however may be able to lay the fiber glass resin, let it dry, scuff it, and apply the adhesive that iv got to the resin and plexi glass.....hmm.

thanx for the input DB!! i also forgot i know just what silicone your talking about. already picked up some white for the flower cab and black for the utility cab.
lol thanx bro. my biggest problem is that im too picky/ocd. makes it hard to pull the trigger sometimes.

well i just got done on e bay priceing some plexi glass for the sump and other various parts. that stuff is not cheap. might just start with the sump plexi for now and progressively get more here and there.
alrite i got it figured out. heres the shots of the door after iv cut the plactic off. one on the work table and one mounted back on the fridge.

:freezing: hells ya just noticed the new smilies. got to gox mas shopping. peep out the pics and see if yall think my idea for mounting the plexi glass will work. peace.


Active member
i wasnt trying to be harsh i just always thought people did stealth micro and indoor growing to save money. to each his own. i wouldnt attach anything to foam the foam is the weakpoint and will eventually break off when you least expect it.

i looked at my grow(s) the most expensive parts of all of them were the lights, and recently the nutes which i bought 2 years ago and have hardly used 1/20th of 2, 1qt bottles. the most expensive things behind nutes was the box i bought for my last grows cost $30 the nutes cost about that much, and the 2 lights in total were $100 or so. over the past 10 years ive spent less than $200 i guess it will work out in the end when you save money on buying weed.

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