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150w HPS in stacked Rubbermaid - HGL GROW !


Cozy Amnesia

Wow man, your temps are bad (but I guess you don't need me to tell you that). Get a bigger fan!

When I was growing with a 150 HPS in a rubbermaid, I upgraded to the fan I have now which is ~140 CFM on the high setting. Search for the "S&P TD" series. I swear, they're made for growing in a rubbermaid. Let me see if I can scrounge up some pics...

The new fan:

The rubbermaids - you can see the two old fan that were replaced, one for the light and one for the interior cabin:

The weed it grew:


Active member
I don't think my fan are an issue right now... The scrubber is the main problem I'm pretty sure... but I agree with you that one of these fan would definatly help!

I'm just trying to do the best with what I have. I'm tired of spending money on a cab I can't control 100%.

I've spent more than $250 bucks for this and it is nowhere to getting the job done.

Cozy Amnesia

I don't think my fan are an issue right now... The scrubber is the main problem I'm pretty sure... but I agree with you that one of these fan would definatly help!

I'm just trying to do the best with what I have. I'm tired of spending money on a cab I can't control 100%.

I've spent more than $250 bucks for this and it is nowhere to getting the job done.

Yeah I hear ya. I spent a ton of money on a grow cab that ended up getting chopped to bits. I saved most of the components that I could, like the fan and bulbs. Then I found the cab that I'm growing in now for free, used all of my old stuff, and built a great cab that works perfectly for almost no cost. I guess it just takes a few trials before the perfect set up is found, but when it is, oh man is it sweat!


Active member
Sorry for the non-update.

I stopped worrying about those plants since my friend, who have them in is appartment, isn't as motivated as me, I just stopped asking question on the plant and he stopped talking of them to me... I don't even know if they are still alive.

I've worked hard to get clone to put them outside, and guess what, out of 40 clones I made, only 8 made out outside. And guess what... they are almost 10 feet TALL!!!!!!

I'M sick tired of putting effort in this and getting bad result like this... I can't do the work alone since I don't have my own place... Always need partner... and I'm starting to see why there a thread talking about why partner are bad.....

YES PARTNERS SUCK! Do shit on your own or don't do it.

God damn... that's it... Not sure what will happens next!
I don't think my fan are an issue right now... The scrubber is the main problem I'm pretty sure... but I agree with you that one of these fan would definatly help!

I'm just trying to do the best with what I have. I'm tired of spending money on a cab I can't control 100%.

I've spent more than $250 bucks for this and it is nowhere to getting the job done.

just get a 12 dollar fan from target, nice little sqaure one, tap it to the side, on the opposite side of the tub just cut a whole of equal size or half its size and blow fresh air right through it, done.