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150w HPS in stacked Rubbermaid - HGL GROW !


Active member
I got the lamp from a hardware shop! It is a Security lamp... 150w High Pressure Sodium, of course! ;)

I disassembled the light box to separate the socket/bulb from the ballast/enclosure...

I used the reflector that was already inside the security lamp. The lamp/socket is mounted on a display rack that I custumized. it fit perfectly!

Sorry for my poor english :p

its alright bro, i totally understood all of that :p

i think i saw one of these at my hardware store, i guess ill have to buy it and dissasemble it. see how that goes!

thanks for the info man!


Active member
it cost me $70 CAD taxed!

Very easy to disassemble and reconnect!

You can see a picture of the light setup in the first page... the major concerns with that kind of lamp is heat... that thing is HOT as FUCK !

You touch it... you get burn! You only have to touch it .1 second and it's done... it hurt!

The air outake is right next to the bulb... but sadly my fan aren't sucking enough air.. the cab stay over 90 degrees at all time! I hope fixing the carbon filter will raise the airflow and therefor reduce considerably the heat...!


I always love seeing stacked rubbermaids.Just the fact that they look like storage containers in your closet is sweet!

DUDE! I saw these security lights at ace hardware and they came in different wattages,70 and 150.I'll be getting two of those for the cab I plan to build next.Hmmmm.
great idea PG!!

HGL, another proud canadian eh? me too! awesome to have a canadian around, where are you from?

im thinking this week im going to stop by canadian tire and look for the big fixture like this i saw, and thanks for the warning on the heat! i always burn myself on stuff, its annoying :p worst ive had was a saudering iron to the arm! that hurt like a bitch.

where is the fan exactly? is it inside the cab? or is it outside at the back like i noticed in the first picture? if so your probubly loosing alot of the fans power by having it so far away, best thing would be too have it right next to the bulb, pushing the hot air out your ducting, and then a second fan pushing that air through your carbon filter.

just my two cents :)

do you know what strain these girlies are? sorry if i havent caught it, but they look very sativa to me :)

christoph :lurk:


What are the temps of the cab and the room it's in?

The only reservation about using HPS in my future cab will be temp control,since daytime temps here get to 30-33c.I wish I lived in a cooler climate just for this reason. I've got a friend who's into PC modding and overclocking that can help me out with airflow. He'll also help me experiment with cold cathode lighting and an LED panel. All in due time though. :D


Active member
Whats up guys!

Here is two picture of my air/carbon filter setup!

Inside of the carbon filter... The carbon filter is too thick... the box where the arrow point is filled with carbon.. but the air flow is too restricted!


Here is the outside of the box with the fan in place! It is 2x 120mm computer fan... I think they were rated at over 60CFM each.. it might be even more! They are now connected to only 5Volt DC adapter so they doesn't blow alot! we will make the filter smaller (about 1/2 inch thick) and connect a 9volt adapter on them!


Any suggestion on my carbon filter?
4 volt! no wonder its not pushing enough, usually you want a 12 volt adapter, or as high as the fans can run atleast. i still think you should get a fan right inside ur box, if you dont (you havent confirmed yet :p)

anyways, how are the plants doing?? the thinner layer of carbon will help loads.

christoph :lurk:


Active member
There is no fan currently inside the cab... I plan on installing another 120mm with less CFM and aim it directly to to lamp/top of canopy!

The plant are doing relatively great except for them that are directly under the lamp... they are finding it hot I think... I hope the added 120mm inside the cab and a smaller layer of carbon will help them!


hgl How are things going with this cab? Just a note for u take it with a grain of salt...HPS light gives off radiation that cause plastics to give off a toxic fumes u can research
it...My last cab had a 150 hps in a plastic box but after i found out about this building a new box was all i could think about...


Active member
First time I ear that concerning the radiation... will search a bit.. give me your link&URL if you have any of interrest! :p

Currently things are not going very well... We juste CAN'T get the carbon filter to work... no enough air is sucked out of the cab... there is NO or almost ANY air suction at the outake of the cab... We spend like 4-5 hours to try to fix this without success... I'm pissed off! haha....

We made a little test.... We lighted up a cigarette and dropped it inside the cab.. exited the room, closed the door, waited 5 to 10 minutes.. went back inside the room and the smoke sent was all over the room.... god damn..

I don't know what to do next....
alright, here comes the cavalry! assuming that your setup inside the cab still looks the same, i've draw where your fan needs to grow, and the arrows point to were the air flow should be going.

sucking air across the bulb and through your vent tubing, should greatly decrease your heat problem.

also, i would suggest getting a glass tube, and hooking it up over your HPS bulb, as a heat shield for your poor plants.

hope this helps man!



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buy a new carbon filter man...ive got a pretty small one hanging in my closet and no one smells a thing!
you should really put a fan inside your box or pm and mold will probably pop up
also did you put the hps ballast inside your box or outside?...the reason i ask is because i use a 175w in my cab with the ballast outside and there are zero heat issues...just an idea for you


Man this is one of the coolest micro grows I've seen! Those little girls sure came around (from the deficiency in the beginning), and have turned into bushy green monsters!! Please keep us updated all through flowering. I'm very excited about this my friend.

SUBSCRIBED for sure.


Active member
The ballast is outside the growbox but the temperature issue come from the fact that almost any air is sucked outside the box...

I'm trying to add a piece of tubing over the light but the problem is that I find any at a reasonable price...

I'm pretty sure the scrubber I made is too thick or does not permit enough air flow... I'll add one 120mm fan inside the box to blow on the light/canopy. I know that putting another fan blowing inside the tubing would help to send heat and air out of the cab... but the air would be stuck at the carbon filter anyway... The carbon filter is the problem!!! I need to change the fucker at soon as possible jesus christ... :mad:


Active member
The thing is that the plant are ready for 12/12 and they were ready about 4 weeks ago... I'm a bit pissed off that my friend didn't wanted to do it 4 weeks ago... We,ll have to cut them down or I don't know.. they already tall and are about not even 1 foot from the HPS bulb.... they are getting very close to the light... DAMNIT!

At least I have >50 healthy clones that I managed to take from those baby ;)


I'll try to post some picture of them soon!
awesome man, i dont know why ur carbon is restricting air flow so much, but hey, atleast the warm air would be outside of your cab, in the vent system, and not inside the cab with the plants, ide say just hook up the fan where i tried to show, hopefully it made sense, and it should reduce your heat a little bit. also, another thing about air flow to keep in mind is that, the more space between your filter, and your fan, the more suction and pressure you loose, all that tubing may seem like a good idea, but its really diminishing your pressure of your fans, i would say, get that filter as close as possible too your cob, even attach it too the back, the ducting inside is great, sucking the warm air directly from the bulb, but the duct outside, is just wasting pressure IMHO.

you can always LST your babies man, no worries on height, unless you really dont have the time or space to lst, then you might have to do some topping, but LST would be your best bet, if you dont want to lose any part of the plant, another foolproof way of stopping some vertical growth is to pinch the main stem near the base of the plant, and it will buldge out over a few days, and heal itself, this causes the plant to send its juices towards fixing that, and not vertical growth, and just pinch between each node, progressively, after it finishes healing, the prior pinch, of course, or it might stress the plant out.

just a bit of advice on reducing vertical growth.

christoph. :lurk:


Active member

Temperature are extremely hot! But the plant are taking it not that bad... no picture sorry. In the cab, it run around 90 Fahrenheit!!!

We still can't find any solution for the filter... I'm pretty sure the box with the scrubber is not well build/adapted so the the fan isn't sucking air at all!!! There is almost no sucking at the end of the tubing inside the cab. And I'm pretty sure the fan is well over 50-60CFM, which would definably give some air suction inside the cab.

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