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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


I have two 150w HPS, can I join the club?


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Most def no restrictions on how many lol

I got a question for everyone out there I burnt the shit out of my seedling and now just put it under a 2liter what should I do? When it was at 12/12 it was fine then I chopped my SD and put it to 24/0 and this is what happened :comfort:

I chopped the Sour D:dance013:


grams per square foot of canopy

grams per square foot of canopy

curiousity (pride) driven...

calculated my vertical light canopy.

dimensions of the cool tube: 10" height 5" diameter (2.5" radius)
top of rez to top of plant: 17"-19" avg 18"
getting between 113-140 each run. avg 127 (still have room for more.)

total area 322.01325 minus top and bottom surface area = 282.74

r=2.5 inches
h=18 inches

.45 grams per inch^2 (range .40 to .50 with low/high Grams)

upside limit might be .60
which is obviously what i want to do. lol

law of small numbers can really skew the numbers.
The radius size seems suspect but plant literally bear hug the light. Light is completely shaded by plant.

my growers pride remains strong.
setup:150 hps dwc gh lucas + tiny bit of powder kool bloom
strain: sk#1

to any authority: All fictitious info. I lie I lie I lie just like you.


Anyone know of any "pro" style small reflectors sized for 150w's? Aircooled would be even better. After a while sheet metal and aluminum duct tape just don't do it for you anymore.


weed fiend
brindle, you could always put a 150 in a larger, air-cooled hood. The problem with 150s is the small footprint they're typically enclosed. Depending on the configuration, flanges and ducting add to the length or width. Ducting requires a gradual bend in order to maintain airflow. Before you know it, the dimensions are too long or wide for the average 150 cab/tent.

IMO, even if you could find a 150-sized air cooled hood, air flow would be restricted and the hood wouldn't cool effectively.

A 150 really doesn't need air cooling. It's all in the passive intake. A pc fan blowing on a bare bulb is probably the coolest method, even cooler than a tube.

I mulled sheet metal vs pro reflectors. The reflector that came with my security lamp was plain sheet metal. I bought a pebble finish aluminum bat wing, cut off the bracket and mounted it to the cab ceiling. Hope this helps.


weed fiend
You've got all the makings of a cool running setup. A bare bulb is more efficient than glassed. It takes a fan blowing on the bulb to get the canopy closer but it's worth the trouble. The additional air circulation helps canopies absorb CO2, especially dense canopies.

I use one pc fan and blow it between the hot spot and canopy. I only made the cool tube before I learned that (bare bulb/fan) is the win/win. I'd ditch the tube but it's also my duct.

If you go with one pc fan, consider a 120mm. Try not to direct it straight at plants. A 120mm can blow over tender plants. But you'll benefit from the additional air for flowering canopies. If a 120mm is too big, you might consider a couple of 80 or 100mm.


Most def no restrictions on how many lol

I got a question for everyone out there I burnt the shit out of my seedling and now just put it under a 2liter what should I do? When it was at 12/12 it was fine then I chopped my SD and put it to 24/0 and this is what happened :comfort:

I chopped the Sour D:dance013:

hey Growbox420... could be light burn! keep your seedlings covered and a little distance from your HPS. I've done it a few times too... hehe... btw nice job on the sour D, looks great. Mind if I asked what you yielded from that crop?


first grow , Nirvana NL - continued...

first grow , Nirvana NL - continued...

Hello everybody. This time I'm here for advice: my girl-plant is 26 days now. I keep it under 2 CFLs 23W (100 equivalent). Plant is 3 - 3 1/2" tall and getting kinda bushy. Judging from the pic - should I start lighting with 150W HPS or can I keep using CFLs for little longer... I plan to SCRoG with about 24" headroom available.


Baba Ku

Active member
When you say 24" headroom, is that what you will have above the screen or the whole box height?
Growing in a screen means you will need to continue the veg and train the plant into the screen until it is about full, and then flower. You will need to continue training the stems until the flowers set. Although with lots of headroom above, you could stop training when you go into flower and allow the stems to grow through the screen a bit.

I have grown pot in small 150 boxes just about every way you can thing of, and I always prefer doing small lamps vertical. IN a 2x2 x3 150 box you could throw six of the plants you are showing in flower right now and have same dandys.
I can almost guarantee you would end up with more bud from the vertical than the scrog. And the scrog will eat up lots of time as well due to the time it takes to train things in.
And with a 150, sog is the least productive of all.

If it were me, I would start pulling the top of that plant over horizontal now.LST will cause the shoot on the lower part of the plant to kick into overdrive and will give you lots of nice shoots to cut off real fast. Get a half dozen of them rooted and veg them for a couple weeks. Put as many as you can around the hanging lamp, including the mom if she will fit,..just leave one of the clones out to veg.

Which brings us to this...some new growers with a single box will be highly satisfied and never want for more, but others will find real fast that they need an additional box or space to veg things and to prepare for the next run.
If you decide you can't or don't want to do a second box or space, then I would stick with the scrog plan.
And at the stage you are at now you should probably go ahead and get the plant in the container it is going to finish in. Start letting it grow up and into your screen now.


Baba Ku: thanx for fast reply. Due to my setup requirements vertical is not an option. As to my avail. space - I have total of 28" distance from a bottom of my cab to a lamp. Pot size and 6-7" for screen will take around foot off those 28". Still, I don't know if CFLs can penetrate to lower parts of a plant allowing all that small grow... I have another chamber in my box with hps ready to go so I don't want to waste any time knowing that my girl-plant could do better with hps. or maybe should I add extra CFL and let it veg a little longer with CFLs only?


:bump:31 days of 12/12 here

2x150 hps

running 12 ladies in a SOG method. sensi skunk #1 x (sam skunk mans haze x skunk)

some topped, some grown au-natural

another month and I might have some smoke



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Baba Ku

Active member
I usually veg only with 23w CFL's.

If you get used to always LSTing your plants, you will lesson the need for penetration from the lights. Doing it right, all you really need is one CFL per plant to veg them to full maturity.

And you can always set up vertically, or how ever you want to. If there is a will there is a way..and probably also a thread around that would cover just about any situation you may run into.


Baba Ku: OK, I'll just stick with CFLs then and try some LST. As far as efficiency of vertical set up - I did some reading earlier and it seems to be very efficient. However, in my case it may be difficult to adopt. My box is in the middle of my living room so it has to be stealth. Additionally, box is exposed in front, back and top. That leaves me with only one wall to fit intakes, outtakes, electrical wiring etc. (ironically, its the small wall of my cab). Adopting vertical light might pose the need of additional air ducting -> stronger fans -> more noise to cope with. At this point I'll just keep it the way it is. It's my first grow for my personal use so I'll be happy with whatever results I will get, learning as I go.

Other thing - today I noticed green algae(?) around roots. I know somebody posted here question weather it's a good or bad thing to happen but I can't recall it now. So should I be concerned?

Again, thanx Baba Ku


weed fiend
Hello everybody. This time I'm here for advice: my girl-plant is 26 days now. I keep it under 2 CFLs 23W (100 equivalent). Plant is 3 - 3 1/2" tall and getting kinda bushy. Judging from the pic - should I start lighting with 150W HPS or can I keep using CFLs for little longer... I plan to SCRoG with about 24" headroom available.


Based on your wattage, the HPS would veg faster.