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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Yours are about the same age as mine but much bigger. Mine havent branched out much at all, and are one their sixth or seventh nodes. There is some new growth on the bottom nodes, but it is very small and undeveloped. Right now they are under about 130w of cfls, mixed spectrum. I'll get some new pictures up in a bit.


Can anyone help me out with posting pictures in an edited post? For some reason I cant save the changes.

Here are some pics of the Ice and Safari mix. I retransplanted the drooping one into a diluted soil mix. It is definitely over watered at this point, but when I transplanted the roots looked white and health and strong.

I want to throw the 150 back up by this time next week, time to buy an inline.


Active member
Nice blwd, they look great! I had the safari mix as well, very vigorous plants indeed. They can take a real beating heat wise, and are pretty forgiving in general. I wanted to try the Ice too, But got Chrystal instead. Keep me posted!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey eveyone!!! Thanks for the help and feedback...my cab is complete now with all the goodies...


I can't remote the ballast because all the bolts on the HPS areimpossible to remove to get at the ballast...anyone ever de-construct 1 of these Sunmasters????

Bueno Time

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ICMag Donor
BC Chronic

Yes you can remote ballast the Sun System 150w HPS. I bought one myself and ended up taking it apart and remote ballasting it so I could fit the bulb in my cab perpendicular (at a 90 degree angle) to the width of the cab for better light coverage. I have no pictures of the process but there are 3 screws on the top of the unit that you remove and 5 screws on the back panel where the on off switch and power cord are. Remove all 8 screws and remove the bulb from the socket. You should be able to pull the rear panel off with the ballast and everything attached. The reflector will slide out of the white hood casing as well. Then just extend the wires between the ballast and the socket and bingo. Easy to do.

Edit: Are your screws stripped or just too tight to get them to break loose? Mine wasnt too bad the worst ones that required the most force to get to break loose were three of the five screws on the back panel that have those star shaped washers that help lock the screws in place from coming loose due to vibrations etc. Good luck.


BC dude, nice cab. That thing is going to crank out the dank

I have the same light and was also thinking about taking it apart at some point. Let us know if you get it figured out.
What do you have for exhaust? I am trying to upgrade mine and I'm looking for good ideas.

Orgaero, dude I almost got the Crystal but went with Ice instead haha. The Safari mix is certainly taking a beating so I'm glad to hear it's a survivor. I Was reading up on their strains and it says Satori doesn't like much food in the beginning of veg and I put it in hot ass soil and fed it, I know it's impossible to tell now but it would be nice to have satori. Good luck man, they look good.


Active member
Thanks bldw, remoting the ballast will definitely help with your heat dilemma. I have mine sitting on top of a tile on my grow cab as not to burn it. I've also read on here that the cooler the ballast is, the quieter it will run as well. I know we 150 guys don't really have to worry about noisy ballasts, but it will probably make it last longer or more efficient. Just use a heavy gauge extension cord to make the connection from your ballast to the socket and ground to the hood if there's no spot for the green (ground) wire. I've also read that keeping the starter away from the heat of the ballast will make it last longer. OBVIOUSLY DON'T FUCK AROUND WITH IT WHILE IT'S PLUGGED IN! There are great pictured tutorials on icmag's diy link-o-rama. Good luck fellas, and BE SAFE!
Last edited:


Yeah man I am definitely taking it apart. What did you use for/ where did you get your cool tube? I think with a new fan and scrubber and a vertical 150w I will be set for flower. I'm headed over to diy now to see what's up.


Word there are tons on eBay. Do they come in different sizes/ what size do you use? I'm going to look around for some good designs, I don't think I have a shot in he'll of using this hps without one.

Edit: so I took a look around and found a great thread for setting it up. Couple questions, did you switch out the socket the light screws into? If I just want a passive intake should I leave the bottom open and just run a fan with ducting up and out?


Active member
Bldw, the bake a round only comes in one size. Yeah, I do prefer a medium socket for this set up as the airflow is not impeded as much. You can get the socket and medium base lamp at home depot for under $25. I prefer to use the matte white porcelain socket with the small metal bracket on it. I use forked wire terminations for the black and white and a ring termination for the ground. I take the small bracket off, sandwich the ground (Ring termination) in between the socket and bracket and screw it back on, then just tighten the forked terminations under the other screws. I usually do the black to the silver screw and white to the gold, but I don't think it matters. Let me know if you don' know what I'm talking about and I'll post a pic.


1 small clone = early harvest

1 small clone = early harvest

Good to see new blood in here and new grows. Looking good guys!

I have a good friend coming to town next week and this person prefers strong, speedy, racey highs.

Well I'll have these buds ready to smoke when that person arrives.

I harvested 1 of the smaller clones a month or so early. The pheno with the strong head high. I've grown these out enough to know that early harvest like this with more clear than cloudy trics will give what that person wants.

When I tried it early awhile back, to be honest, it gave me the worst fucking panic attack in my life! haha The first 10 mintues was a strong intense racey high that turned into paranoid panic attack with heart beating out my chest for over an hr nonstop.

So heres the buds that my friend will LOVE. 2 each his own I say.


Acro those buds are money, your a good friend haha. Thanks for the welcome, when I saw this thread it was like day 1 after I bought my light, to date the most expensive single purchase so far. I was so excited I knew I would be blowin it up. Kinda ironic that 150 is on hold right now though.

Orgaero, thanks for the info dude. I might have something lying around that will work, but either way I still need to order/find bake a round. I need to drop that 150 back in asap. I need to order all manner of things.... So do you leave the bottom end open or screen or duct, etc.?


Active member
The terminations crimp onto the ends of your wires using the yellow handled crimpers in pic 1, you can get them usually as a package deal($6 at home depot). I recommend using the blue (smaller) terms, but I used the red for demonstrative purposes. In pic 2 you can see I bent the ring term at 90*, so it'll fit under the bracket as in pics 3 & 5. Pic 4 shows the screw on the inside that removes/ holds the bracket. Pic 5 shows everything done. Good luck buddy! I wish I could write under the pics! What a P.I.T.A.!


Thanks guys. Buds are denser and trics are more abundant due to the added 150watts of 4100k cfls to 150hps.

Smells minty fresh. Way too early for my needs, but like I said, my friend likes that kind of high. Let that plant go 4-5 more weeks and its a strong head high that I can handle with nice body to balance it out.

I still have buds left from previous harvest, curing in jar still. :)

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