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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


bought to start my 150

bought to start my 150

Hey everybody. I want to buy a 150 watt sun system. Or should I go with HTGsupply.com's 150 watt system?

Anywho, what I'd like to know is....can I just buy a 150 watt metal halide conversion bulb for these systems? Id like to veg with metal halide and not CFL. They are pretty cheap on 1000bulbs.com

You think I will get a nice yield from one plant in a 2x2x4'7" space with one 150watter? Id be happy with 2-3 ZIPS. Even 2. EVEN 1, SHIT!!

I have GFCI outlets in my grow area. Its a basement. Is it safe to run an extension cord to my DR60 Tent, and connect that to a power strip? Then all I need to grow and plug in to power strip is
carbon fan, small fan to move air, and light. Is that to much of a load?


New member
Hey everybody. I want to buy a 150 watt sun system. Or should I go with HTGsupply.com's 150 watt system?

Anywho, what I'd like to know is....can I just buy a 150 watt metal halide conversion bulb for these systems? Id like to veg with metal halide and not CFL. They are pretty cheap on 1000bulbs.com

You think I will get a nice yield from one plant in a 2x2x4'7" space with one 150watter? Id be happy with 2-3 ZIPS. Even 2. EVEN 1, SHIT!!

I have GFCI outlets in my grow area. Its a basement. Is it safe to run an extension cord to my DR60 Tent, and connect that to a power strip? Then all I need to grow and plug in to power strip is
carbon fan, small fan to move air, and light. Is that to much of a load?

You got the right idea, not sure if they have conversion bulbs for 150w but I wouldnt be surprised. And yes you should definitely be able to grow one or maybe two plants. I use a 150 w myself and I have had good luck, but if I was you I would go on and get at least a 250w I hated I didnt do that myself, and really I have seen some at HTG 400w for $120 which aint too bad...


GlassHoler - Man those Diesel Ryders look great, they6 bring back some awesome memories :) I grew 9 in 2L soda bottles SOG style under a 150HPS, I got from 12 to 21g dry off each. How much do you think you will get per plant? How tall are they so far?



GlassHoler - Man those Diesel Ryders look great, they6 bring back some awesome memories :) I grew 9 in 2L soda bottles SOG style under a 150HPS, I got from 12 to 21g dry off each. How much do you think you will get per plant? How tall are they so far?


Dude, It was your Minifridge grow that inspired us! I found your thread and the rest is history :smokeit: I think I remember reading your on a break from growing because you had an addition to the family, so I hope all is going well! :whee:

Right now two of the girls are ~10", and we have a short fatty that is around 6". I'm trying to judge the gals off of your grow, so I'm thinking our best one is going to put down a solid 20-25 g's of delish bud. The short one will probably be closer to the 10-12 g side of the scale I'm hoping. I've been happy with the 2-liter pots, but I can't help but wonder if they would increase yield significantly in larger containers, what did you end up deciding? The buds are super dense already, and they are just starting to show some nice purple color, especially the shorty. The entire grow link is in my signature. Thanks for the good vibes man!


I would not mind putting a 250 watter in there, but do you think I would have heat issues in that space? I actually want the 250, but the wife wants the 150. There really isnt much price difference I keep telling her.

But I promised her I would use the 150. Let's see if I can get out of this one and go one size up.


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ICMag Donor
You will have issues no matter what size lamp you use if you do not provide what it takes for proper air exchange. Folks always seem to want to start out using a 150 thinking they will have an easy go of it and move up later. Thing is, a 150 puts out enough serious heat to need serious ventilation (intake, fan, exhaust) and if you do what it takes to control heat with a 150, you will more than likely be able to take care of a 250 or 400 with the same gear.
IMO, you really need to have your stuff together to harvest a nice grow using a 150. Whereas using a 250 in a space of 2x2 you can have the light higher and produce heftier flowers than you could ever with a 150. If it were me, and I only had one box of 2x2 to set up, I wouldn't hesitate to use a 400watt. Far more bang for the buck, and you will want to change it out soon if you go 150.
However, I love growing with a 150. It is a fun thing. But if you are going to grow for you and your lady, you are not going to be happy with the returns the 150 will bring you...until you are dialed in and have some experience, and know what it takes to produce with a small lamp.

150wHPS 18" x 22"


You will have issues no matter what size lamp you use if you do not provide what it takes for proper air exchange. Folks always seem to want to start out using a 150 thinking they will have an easy go of it and move up later. Thing is, a 150 puts out enough serious heat to need serious ventilation (intake, fan, exhaust) and if you do what it takes to control heat with a 150, you will more than likely be able to take care of a 250 or 400 with the same gear.
IMO, you really need to have your stuff together to harvest a nice grow using a 150. Whereas using a 250 in a space of 2x2 you can have the light higher and produce heftier flowers than you could ever with a 150. If it were me, and I only had one box of 2x2 to set up, I wouldn't hesitate to use a 400watt. Far more bang for the buck, and you will want to change it out soon if you go 150.
However, I love growing with a 150. It is a fun thing. But if you are going to grow for you and your lady, you are not going to be happy with the returns the 150 will bring you...until you are dialed in and have some experience, and know what it takes to produce with a small lamp.

Hoosierdaddy: Thank you for your two cents. It is much appreciated to hear yours and others opinions/advice/experience.

I understand that I will have issues no matter what light I use, if I do not have adequate ventilation. I plan on buying everything I need before I put my first bean in its new home.

Attached some pics I did, this is where the DR60 is going. Has to, or my two cats will demolish it. The stinky air has to get filtered and go somewhere right? I assume it goes out the top side vent. Can I just vent out into this room?

Something I have noticed. Hard not to. The folks I stay with smoke a carton of cigs in less then a week. ICK!! Anywho, it does seep into our room through the vents. I change the filter once a month, but that goddamn tobacco...itll kill ya!! Anywho, should I filter the intake vent as well? Or not worry about it?

:thank you:


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Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
I have never bothered to filter any of the intakes on my systems. This is NOT a place where you want to restrict air flow. You may however want to consider placing a screen over it to reduce the potential of creepy-crawly things moving into your plants and medium.


Pipedream: I didnt know you do NOT want to restrict airflow at intake. Thank you for that. Yes, I will probably get a screen of some kind to prevent creepy crawlers from fucking with my bitches. I would still like to know how much of an effect tobacco smoke will have on MJ plants. Ive been searching but nothing.

condor: Nice setup. It gives me hope.


Active member
I would still like to know how much of an effect tobacco smoke will have on MJ plants. Ive been searching but nothing.

Not much I would think. I smoke cigs and tend to my plants, often at the same time. The plants still look green, lush, vibrant and healthy even after blowing smoke directly on them.



weed fiend
Pipedream: I didnt know you do NOT want to restrict airflow at intake. Thank you for that. Yes, I will probably get a screen of some kind to prevent creepy crawlers from fucking with my bitches.

Always a good idea. I used to use vinyl window screen but my cab is not unlike a vacuum cleaner and screen gets clogged if the mesh is too fine. I started using used dryer sheets as a filter element. They get clogged even faster than screen but are more easily changeable. It also helps to keep dust from accumulating inside. Only downside is making sure to regularly clean or replace dust-clogged media, even if it's just screen.

I would still like to know how much of an effect tobacco smoke will have on MJ plants. Ive been searching but nothing.
I'm no expert but I agree with greenhead. I've been smoking regularly in the grow area for years and haven't noticed any negatives, other than making dust more apparent, lol. It probably doesn't do anything for carbon filter longevity.

You might search tobacco mosaic virus. It's associated with tobacco plants but some suggest smoking cigs that contain the virus might infect mj plants. I've had a leaf that yellowed on one side (once in 4 years) but haven't made the conclusion it's TMV related.


Active member
cfltime-Personally, if you haven't already bought the light, I would definitely go ahead and get a 250w light, even if it means putting the grow off for a couple weeks to save up for it, especially if you want to just get a prefab light. This is because you really don't get a remote ballast option with a 150w light, and that will make a huge temp difference in such a small space(when I converted my 150w to a remote ballast and a cool tube, it dropped my temps at least 10 degrees). Also, I have been kicking myself in the a** for not getting at least a 250w light, because the price difference is so minimal and I now have a slightly larger space to work with now(which means picking up another light, and yes it will be a bigger one, at least 400w)


Thanks guys for all that. I will most likely get a 250 watter with a remote ballast. The cooler the better for sure. I guess I will just vent right back into the room the tent is in to.


Active member
Is there a thread with rough return on investment with a 150HPS? What is the low, med high range of dry weight product at the end of the cycle? Is it me or does most of the 150 crop look like popcorn budz?

You don't need any thread for the answer to that question.

My 150HPS paid for itself after the very first grow.

How much is an ounce of bud in your area? Compare that to the price of a 150HPS. You can get multiple ounces from a single 150 grow, depending upon your setup, your strain, your mad growing skillz, and other varying factors. You could get anywhere from less than an ounce from a single grow and up to around 4 or maybe even 5 ounces, it all depends. And that's all dry weight obviously. That's more than a quarter pound of weed on the high range of yields from a 150.

And I think it must be you, because there's plenty of people who grow decent sized buds under a 150 and I certainly wouldn't characterize those buds as "popcorn" buds. Just look through all of the pictures on this thread. There's plenty of decent sized and impressive buds that have been grown with a 150. There's 429 pages in this thread, and you can't have looked at that many of them, if all you see is popcorn buds.

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Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
It really doesn't take long to get a 150 system properly dialed-in, and once you do, a single user will not be able to out-smoke it. Now if you plan to sell or share with a group, that's a different story. However if you remove that possibility from the equation, is additional cost of buying one, the added expense of running it, and the headache of dealing with all of the excess heat it generates really worth it? Like greenhead said... 429 pages, hundreds of users, and one of the most viewed Marijuana Growing Threads on the web all point to "NO". Not everyone out there is a Rosenthal, Cervantes, or Gypsy. Many of us are realistic of our individual needs and try to stay focused on them.

Here's a bud from one of six plants all grown at the same time under a single 150w HPS......