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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


weed fiend
Disco- I have one of those luclux ones but its medium base and doesnt fit my lamp

ebay has medium to mogul adapters, they might even be at the hardware store or Walmart

you didnt mention that you had a nice size inline fan hooked up :rolleyes:
2" from tops -cool tubed and 2" from tops with an inline hooked i can see doing

i know it depends on canopy as well.. the closer you go the less overall canopy you will cover but the higher you go you loose lumens per sq/ft.. i put my hand at 5" from the bulb and it seems alittle to hot for my liking and the light doesnt cover or give an even canopy so ill stay at 10" :kos:

Do you have a fan blowing between the bulb and the canopy? That REALLY helps. Even a 3" pc fan blowing on the hot spot makes a big difference.

I woke up this morning and grabbed the bottle of neem oil I bought yesterday. Today was to be the day I wasted those little spider mite fucks... but when I pulled my plants out, I noticed the spiders didn't really matter because under all those really beautiful, dense budsites were balls. *cries* I gave one the chop because they were everywhere, there was no possibility I could pick them off for the next 6 weeks. I found a few on a second one, so I'm sure in a few days that will be covered in them and need a chopping too. That will leave me with 1 plant.

I am so bummed out. This was my first hydro grow, and I was absolutely blown away by the results until this point.

Is hermaphroditing someting that's carried along genetically? I can't think of anything else that might have caused this.
same thing just happened to a whole crop (5) of northern lights i had in lc'smix..they were topped and i've been draggin them around for 4.5 months in 5 gallon buckets..after they were into bud about 3 weeks they started growin little green things and they stayed green..what a downer. i've worked my ass off on that shit.


New member
Hi the Club !

i'm interested by information about 150W and pyrex bake a round ..

Some one allready use it for 150 ? is there some light loss with this system ?

I'm planning to use 2 150 (mh and hps) with diy cool tube ...

now, pictures of my scrog nl5xHaze with one 150 bulb :)

(one pix per week=14week)



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
:laughing: Umm: What was the question again teacher, & do I have to show my work? LOL
:chin:*sticks tounge out side of mouth* Lets see...# of bulbs (Excuse me, LAMPS) divided by # of posts, or would that be # of posts per day??? LOL
:wave: Welcome ne0b0rn
Stay safe n high yall :rasta:
Last edited:


Hi 150 Watters!
Having problem with fitting perfectly my space - grow after grow I feel like I could do better, but Im not sure wtf I did wrong.
I use 2 x 150W in 50cm(around 20 inches)x 100cm(40i) closet.
What number of plants would you suggest to me to optimize my yield ,2 bigger ones in for ex. 4-5 gal pots or maybe 4 in 3 gal pots?
What number of plants do you usually put under one 150W?
Ahh I always plant seeds , not cloning.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
piosh: Container size does matter to some extent, but IMO, you aren't going to see much difference between 3 or 5 gallon pots. Depending on what you're growing, pot size is strain dependent. For example, you wouldn't want to grow a sativa dom plant in a 5 gallon bucket! :yoinks: Container size also depends on what grow method you use. SOG, LST/SCROG, vert-scrog...
Give us a few more details Bro, as well as how you feel you're falling short. Also, your space is 50cmX100cm, is that LxW, what about how high?
Stay safe :rasta:


Thx for such fast answering me vinter.
Easiest - check my profile/albums - mass of grows there.
Btw would you call sativa dom something like 60sativa/40indica ?
Atm I have Ices in my box flipped them when they was around 20 cm tall and now I have almost 3ft monsters - "overgew my lights"
for example

actual grow in mid stretch phase (btw I lsted rly hard - maybe too hard??)
I feel like its too dense to get optimal light amount on plant in the middle
I use like 130cm of total height


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Yes, I would call that a sativa dominant plant, especially if they stretched that much in flower!
How about the full dementions of your grow space, and grow method?


weed fiend
I use 2 x 150W in 50cm(around 20 inches)x 100cm(40i) closet. What number of plants would you suggest to me to optimize my yield ,2 bigger ones in for ex. 4-5 gal pots or maybe 4 in 3 gal pots?
What number of plants do you usually put under one 150W?
Ahh I always plant seeds , not cloning.

I hear ya, piosh. I consider myself in the same dilemma from time to time. I have about half the space you do and only one bulb. I can use a single 3 gal pot or as many as 16 2 liter soda bottles. The big pot takes a long veg and I have to be careful not to outgrow the limited space. The 2 liter soda bottles require much less veg. The thing they have in common is I want to fill the pot with roots by the time it's in mid flower.

vintner is right, you don't want to give a leggy sativa too much root room or you'll have a challenge keeping growth inside the limitations of your lights.

It all depends on your veg time and whether you give the plants enough time to establish a root system in the pot size you select. You can always flower early in a big pot but it's not efficient use of the soil mix. Roots will grow bigger in flower but only so much due to the relatively small output of 150w HID. Strain may also determine how much root growth you get in the first two or three weeks of flower.

If you have the benefit of growing the same strain back to back, you'll get a chance to evaluate the situation and tweak where necessary. For example you could look at the root ball of a harvested plant to determine if you would benefit from more or less soil. If the root ball hasn't inundated the pot your using, consider vegging longer or a smaller pot next time. Each have their pros and cons, you'll have to consider your weakest link in the system and avoid going any bigger than that. You can always upgrade the weak spots if you want to increase yield significantly.

1 gram per watt is an industry goal and some boast better yields than that. I hope it's trim standards and not necessarily my lackluster yields. The best I've ever done is .8 but I go a long way to remove the stuff that won't be smoked. Getting things dialed in is easy compared to setup efficiency, IMO.:witch:


weed fiend
Thx for such fast answering me vinter.
Easiest - check my profile/albums - mass of grows there.
Btw would you call sativa dom something like 60sativa/40indica ?
Atm I have Ices in my box flipped them when they was around 20 cm tall and now I have almost 3ft monsters - "overgew my lights"
for example

actual grow in mid stretch phase (btw I lsted rly hard - maybe too hard??)
I feel like its too dense to get optimal light amount on plant in the middle
I use like 130cm of total height

Looks like you still have room, might have to tie the tallest tops down. They grow just as big that way,maybe a little bigger.

I have to tie em down all the time. It messes up the footprint sometimes but what ya gonna do? On the bright side you'll have a great yield. In my experience, the most convenient grows aren't always the record breakers.
I have a spot that is 2 ft.long by 2 ft. wide by 5 to6 ft.tall.my ?is should Iget one 250 hps or try to put 2 150hps in there ?? or 1 150 hps with 23watt cfls on the side for side light ?? right now I have a bathroom vanity light in there it has 4 socckets Im using 3 of the4 in 2 of them I have spliters to 2 bulbs then in the middle I have a single bulb.all 5 bulbs Im using now are 23watt cfls. I have 4 plants in this spot right now all 4 are 30 days old today from inseed to today.2 of the 4 are female just started preflowering.anyway in my album is my plants from last weekend??check em out if you like and any help with the hps ?will be great.I have to update to this week pics.and plus they are under more watts 115 now ,before 80 watts4ft.t12,2bulbs.


weed fiend
woodie1369, a 250 will penetrate deeper and give you about 62wpsf, two 150s will give you 75wpsf but won't penetrate as deep. It might depend on your grow style. SOG might do better with the 250 and SCROG/LST might do better with the 150s. The 150s will penetrate about a foot and you'll get 15 to 18 inches with the 250.
with the 150w HPS what would be the minumum distance be for between the light and trellis? the light will be adjustable but im worried about the girls growing to close to the light when i run out of adjustment.

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