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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


weed fiend
Back in business.

Back in business.

Hi guys! I lost my password a few months back and decided to reenlist. Here's what I've been up to with the 150:

I tried to post the pic and got this message:

"Your Post contains one or more URLs, please remove them before submitting your message again."

I guess I've got one of my user settings messed up? Does anybody know what's wrong? Operator error? lol


PS you can click on my gallery if you want to see the pic, peace.


You need a few posts, 5 I think, before you can use the tool to include images.

Until then, you can include images, you just have to manually type them in instead of using the interface.

-Q :rasta:


weed fiend
Quazi said:
You need a few posts, 5 I think, before you can use the tool to include images.

Until then, you can include images, you just have to manually type them in instead of using the interface.

-Q :rasta:

Thanks Quazi!


weed fiend
ok, second time's a charm.



half cat half man half baked
My cab in progress is 30Wx17Dx28H on the inside. The 80CFM whisper is 12Wx12Dx8H, but another 3.5'' is used for the filter plus another inch is needed to leave room for air flow. I haven't drilled the 4'' exhaust hole yet because I'm not sure where I want to put the fan! If the fan goes inside the cab it will steal about 1.5 sq ft from the 150w.

If I wanted to mount the fan on the top of the cab like it is designed for it would work great, but I'd have to throw a tupperware or something over it for stealth. Why do you think a scrubber would have to work against gravity Bulénath? I don't see how gravity has anything to do with it. What if we used a square design like yours and used 2 layers of mesh/filter to hold the carbon in between. I don't see any reason why this would be any different than the other way.

Anyway, I plan on putting the fan inside the box for now as I can always change it after seeing how the current layout will work.

Sorry picture quality is poor, but it is all I have to offer!


It is lockable.


My clone of Bulénath's filter :)


Messy silicone work. I used little bits of foam to keep the 2'' PVC in place. I went with 6 2'' because it gives me 18.8 sq inches of intake and my fan outputs 12.5 sq inches. I'm going to be using an air filter (1000 rating) on the intakes because catman has cats who shed :kitty: so I wanted more sq in to make up for the loss of air flow the filters have. I wouldn't have even thought of this and it could have ended up being a disaster, thanks for the thread Quazi.


"duck" taped


Picked up 2 sheets of this at $6 sheet at Hobby Lobby. I'm going to make a frame for the inside of the cabinet and then use a solid piece of the foam to use as a door. I'm hoping the negative air pressure will hold it tight enough to be light proof. The hinges for the cab our on the inside and the only other way I thought about doing it is with panda film and Velcro or a zipper. Both are costly and tricky and hopefully I can get away with doing this without wrecking it later down the road.

I still need to make one more trip to get some AC filter screens and then I'll be able to test out temperatures with the carbon filter.


Hey guys... I just finished rigging up a 150w hps vaportight from econolights... i think the final product (including the few random tools to build it) came out to about 65$. Not bad at all. I dont have any pics yet.... i am between moving and have to wait a little while before i can get setup. I cant wait tho, i havent been able to grow a full crop in over 2 years (and as such, havent smoked in the same amount of time).

I want to thank Quazi, Pipedreams, and a few others who have inspired me to get back to it.

Also.... what kind of yields are you guys realistically able to pull with a single 150 watter? A gram per watt seems a little harder to attain with the light penetration of a 150 (as opposed to a 600w or 1000w hps). Im thinking somewhere between 70-100 dry grams would be a fantastic first run harvest.... but id love to hear and see what you guys have produced.

Thanks again for sparking the flame of my love for growing... and may your bowls stay packed forevermore



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
150w scrog

150w scrog

If I remember correctly, I got 88g. IMHO, scrog, LST, or Vscrog is a necesity w/a 150. Take good notes and get a few strains dailed in and your :yes: :rasta:


Really haven't got my stuff dialed in so only about 30+ grams dry. I would say this is the minimum you will get. If everything goes average you should be getting 2 ounces at least.


New member
this is my first post here i come from the days of OG..long time lurker at ic

hi all need some advice on setup, i have used a 430w before and a 150w since i was 17, but im in an apartment now, and stealth is a concern, i thought about the 150, but 2-3z's not really enough, the 250 i seen peeps gettin 5-6z's, but what level of stealth can be achieved?

how much hotter is a 250, compared to 150? and what i minimum for a fan to cool and filter?

i just ask cause i wasted so much money when i got my 400, ideas are great but had to change design few times due to temps, costs money every time. and the fan to cool a 400 hardly stealth. my box is not built yet so size is changeable.

thankx all

oh...and i got raided before so i have to completely start over with equip, so dont reply just use the 150 you have cause i dont have it.

but let me tell you that is the biggest problem im haveing is rebuying things i have already bought before.

just trying to decide on 150 or 250?


New member
Hey, i'm pretty interested in these panasonic whisper fans, but was unable to find em in european voltages. Does anyone know of a european supplier or prehaps a european stealthfan solution? any comments much appreaciated.



weed fiend
snuggy1955 said:
this is my first post here i come from the days of OG..long time lurker at ic

hi all need some advice on setup, i have used a 430w before and a 150w since i was 17, but im in an apartment now, and stealth is a concern, i thought about the 150, but 2-3z's not really enough, the 250 i seen peeps gettin 5-6z's, but what level of stealth can be achieved?

how much hotter is a 250, compared to 150? and what i minimum for a fan to cool and filter?

i just ask cause i wasted so much money when i got my 400, ideas are great but had to change design few times due to temps, costs money every time. and the fan to cool a 400 hardly stealth. my box is not built yet so size is changeable.

thankx all

oh...and i got raided before so i have to completely start over with equip, so dont reply just use the 150 you have cause i dont have it.

but let me tell you that is the biggest problem im haveing is rebuying things i have already bought before.

just trying to decide on 150 or 250?

How long since you got raided? I hope you're not in the same jurisdiction.You might want to factor in cabinet/tent/closet? size when shopping for a fan. I'm in the same boat. 3 oz per run is not quite enough (and not "easy" to achieve.) Some fans you'll hear the air rush and others you'll hear the motor whine or both. Check the design forum on fan mufflers. That might be a way to quiet things down enough. One grower used a small cardboard box lined with foam, duct taped to the exhaust of the fan ad said this does ok. Also, see if any 250 club members know a comparison on 250 vs 150 vs heat. A cool tube might help if your exhaust duct is free of resistance. You may find a tube isn't necessary (will depend on the cabinet size and air flow.) A computer fan blowing on the bulb may help if you don't go with a tube.

I live in an area where summers are long and hot. The cab I grow in has the intake in the bottom panel (about 3" off the floor.) I put the cab over a central air vent to help with the excess heat. Hope this helps.


New member
Damn dudes, ive been trying to join this forum/club for months, i love this shit. Alot of inspiration. Im doing a verticle tub grow right now, id love to share some pics but i cant seem to get past loading them from my gallery to my post, then it says : "Your Post contains one or more URLs, please remove them before submitting your message again."

Alright hopefully this works... But heatwise i use 3 120mm comp fans (pretty damn quet) and the cool tube does wonders. i can get my hand an inch to two away comfortably. Im hoping to get some good results off this. Well see...

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FWIW, it's taken me this long to figure out that the style of fan Bulenath uses is not the Panasonic Whisperline, but rather the WhisperCeiling - No wonder I haven't been able to find them for sale anywhere all this time! Apparently the Whisperline only refers to the in-line style, which don't have the incredibly space-efficient qualities of their easily carbon-filtered brethren.

A few quick question regarding the WhisperCeiling for those in the know:

1) Are they speed controllable? If so, is there any particular controller I should be using?

2) Which CFM model do y'all reckon would be more than adequate for a 150W cab? This would, of course, be accounting for a Bulenath-style carbon filter as well.

3) How many grows have you done with yours, Bulenath? I know I've asked you this before, but as the apparently limited use of these models here or elsewhere in a growing context has me hesitant to make the leap, I've gotta check in again: How are they holding up?

Hope the holidays are finishing up a treat for my fellow 150W'rs! :smoke:


New member
ambr0sia said:
FWIW, it's taken me this long to figure out that the style of fan Bulenath uses is not the Panasonic Whisperline, but rather the WhisperCeiling - No wonder I haven't been able to find them for sale anywhere all this time! Apparently the Whisperline only refers to the in-line style, which don't have the incredibly space-efficient qualities of their easily carbon-filtered brethren.

A few quick question regarding the WhisperCeiling for those in the know:

1) Are they speed controllable? If so, is there any particular controller I should be using?

2) Which CFM model do y'all reckon would be more than adequate for a 150W cab? This would, of course, be accounting for a Bulenath-style carbon filter as well.

3) How many grows have you done with yours, Bulenath? I know I've asked you this before, but as the apparently limited use of these models here or elsewhere in a growing context has me hesitant to make the leap, I've gotta check in again: How are they holding up?

Hope the holidays are finishing up a treat for my fellow 150W'rs! :smoke:

I dont know about that fan but i can say that my fans are 63 cfm, i have one for intake, one for exaust, and one for the cool tube. so a totall of 63 cfms really, exausting. but when your talking carbon filters, that shit id imagine youd need to double up on cfm, at least thats what id do. With this size hps id go with a 150cfm blower personally.. hope this helps :rasta:


weed fiend
ambr0sia said:
A few quick question regarding the WhisperCeiling for those in the know:

1) Are they speed controllable? If so, is there any particular controller I should be using?

2) Which CFM model do y'all reckon would be more than adequate for a 150W cab? This would, of course, be accounting for a Bulenath-style carbon filter as well.

Here's a speed controller that actually lists motor types: (Ebay)

I'll bet there's a pdf on the Panasonic web site that shows more specs than the brief info they put on technical sales ads. It may list the motor type. If not, a call to their toll free technical sales may help.
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weed fiend
InquisitiveBud said:
Damn dudes, ive been trying to join this forum/club for months, i love this shit. Alot of inspiration. Im doing a verticle tub grow right now, id love to share some pics but i cant seem to get past loading them from my gallery to my post, then it says : "Your Post contains one or more URLs, please remove them before submitting your message again."

Alright hopefully this works... But heatwise i use 3 120mm comp fans (pretty damn quet) and the cool tube does wonders. i can get my hand an inch to two away comfortably. Im hoping to get some good results off this. Well see...

Nice setup. Looks like you've got lots a room in that tub. Makes me think of that fella in Europe that pulled 155g with his vertical scrog. Good luck with your progress, I'm primed to see more pics.
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New member
thankx disco for prompt reply, no after jail term and now 18 months probation i moved states, and am done probation in 6 weeks. so time to start up again

i cant help it, i love building systems and raising plants, even if it kills me i am who i am.

i posted in 250 forum about heat comparison, nothing yet. for yield im thinking of 250, but thats alot harder to keep temps down, and stealth.

can anyone help with this?

i thought that hps had ballast,cap, and ign. but the ballast im looking at only has two components. any help?


Active member
a suggestion ... check out the mills pride club thread. i think most of those growers use a 250 in their cabinet, so there should be a ton of experience to draw from .

if you scroll back a little ways in this thread, pipedream did an entry re: capacitors. suffice to say that if your ballast wasn't manufactured with one then you don't need to give it a second thought.
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half cat half man half baked
About the 150w vs 250w.

My 150w design is all for stealth and by far the biggest hurdle is the noise from ventilation. You probably want to read and become familiar with the following quote and all that pertains to it if you want the quietest methods we know.

ambr0sia said:
FWIW, it's taken me this long to figure out that the style of fan Bulenath uses is not the Panasonic Whisperline, but rather the WhisperCeiling - No wonder I haven't been able to find them for sale anywhere all this time! Apparently the Whisperline only refers to the in-line style, which don't have the incredibly space-efficient qualities of their easily carbon-filtered brethren.

A few quick question regarding the WhisperCeiling for those in the know:

1) Are they speed controllable? If so, is there any particular controller I should be using?

2) Which CFM model do y'all reckon would be more than adequate for a 150W cab? This would, of course, be accounting for a Bulenath-style carbon filter as well.

3) How many grows have you done with yours, Bulenath? I know I've asked you this before, but as the apparently limited use of these models here or elsewhere in a growing context has me hesitant to make the leap, I've gotta check in again: How are they holding up?

Hope the holidays are finishing up a treat for my fellow 150W'rs! :smoke:

Hi ambr0sia,

Next to my name on the left you see "filter." Click on that and read some of my recent posts...they tell you the size of my cab and lots of rambling about the whisper fans.

My cab is nearly complete and I've already begun to test it out!
I have a Panasonic FV-08VK1 and it is rated for 80cfm. This one and a few others are different because they are DC motors. When they have a "load" or static pressure on them they automatically speed up a bit to maintain the rated CFM. There is a deluxe model that has speed control should you need less, but I'm assuming you'll want something big enough where 80cfm is probably a minimum.

The 150w has been on for a hour and with an ambient temperature of 70F it has risen to 78F and is steady. I'm very pleased with this, but this is without any carbon in the filter or covers on the intakes! I have 2 120mm 110CFM rated 12v fans with speed controllers to move air around inside. I'm going to pull this off for now and see how far a long it is until summer before a cool tube is needed :)

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