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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Cozy Amnesia said:
Introducing the S&P TD-125:
Looks slick! I'm in the process of selecting and purchasing my new fan / filter combo, and S&P is certainly on my list. I'm curious, though - Why did you go with S&P when a Vortex 4" @ a rougly equivilant CFM is only ~$30 more and comes w/ a 10 year warranty?

Cozy Amnesia said:
BTW, today is my 21st birthday.
Happy b'day, mate!

Cozy Amnesia said:
If you're going by the old saying that you should have 50 watts per square foot, then 3 sq ft is ideal for 150s. BUT this is a poor estimation. Due to intensity decreasing at an exponential rate the relation is not going to be linear, and each size light is going to behave very differently. Here is a graph showing the light intensity function (power/(4pi*r^2)) of three different popular HPS sizes. The red is a 150w, the green is 400w, and the blue is 1000w.


This graph though is not reflective of actual lumen output I don't think, but they're probably very similar. The area of the "sweet spot" would be in the distance that isn't too far away but not too close either. You can see that the 150 watt decreases at a much greater rate than the larger lights, and therefor the area of it's sweat spot will be much more limited.
Can you expand upon this a bit? Specifically, what would be the best W/sq.F ratio for a single 150W? I'm working on partitioning my new cab into veg, flower, and utility today, so this info is quite timely :smoke:


Cozy it sounds like your happy with the S&P mine is still serving my needs well so i'm sure you won't be dissapointed with it. I was wondering what sized ducting you were going to hook up to it since it has 5 inch ports but looks like you were able to use some 4inch like you said.

Really just wanted to tell ya Happy 21st Birthday :friends: :bongsmi:
I'll be 21 here in another 2 and half months myself.

And Happy Birthday to growdaddy also if he's being serious lol

Cozy Amnesia

Bulénath, no I had to install my own. The model I have only needs a two prong plug but I think models larger than than 150 needs a three prong. Compared to a bathroom fan, this is much quieter and more powerful than most. With ducting connected to both sides, it's slightly louder than my 60 cfm computer fan.

ambr0sia, I wanted something a little quieter than a vortex and the S&P seemed perfect. It's designed to work like an inline fan, good for pushing through a lot of ducting, but it's actually a sup'ed up axial fan so it's not very loud. This works for me because I needed something quiet (there is only a door between my grow room/closet and my bed) and I'm pushing the exhaust up 10-15 ft of ducting into my attic which has open vents to the outside.

About the light intensity stuff I was elaborating on, I was just trying to prove that "50 watts per square foot" is total BS and that it cannot be a ratio because. A true equation for calculating the square foot needed for a light source is possible to find, but would require a lot more research. But just observe the experimental results from this thread. The best grows with these lights are coming from those growing one or two plants in roughly 3-4 square feet.

Thanks to all for the happy b-day wished. I didn't even go out last night, it's finals week here on campus...worst time ever to turn 21.


Happy 21st! Go to Amsterdam, theres no routine in that. Bring a plane ticket and $1K cash and hang out for a while!

There are only a few vital factors that we already have right?
What other important aspects do we need more research on?

It seems roughly 50 watts per square foot for flowering is a near perfect ratio to start from. The general consensus will agree.

Assuming the bulb is centered correctly and perpendicular to the long sides of the cabinet, the next factor would be height of the bulb.

Well that can be determined by the back of your hand, regardless of what wattage HPS you use.

But I do agree,
that one plant per 1-2 square feet seems to be what works well for most, under any watt bulb, for most strains.

I will also agree in the pursuit of absolute perfection, there are too many small, individual factors. In fact so many, it is not even worth our while to calculate them all.

But there is a general consensus and it is damn near close to perfect.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
I try not to get caught up in the watt/sqFt thing. But from just observing the grows in my ~3sqFt cab, I can say that the harvest I had using 300watts in a horz position wasn't near what the same wattage in a vertical position yielded.
I now have 550 watts in the same vert set-up and it blows the yield of the 300w away.

I'm seeing an increased yield with both light positioning, and increased wattage.
I'm having a hard time grasping this "perfect" concept here.


I'm shocked at the number of younger people around here. My 22nd is in a couple weeks!

Do you have a link to details on your set-up? Specifically, I think your white cab is the smaller veg cab you have?

I'm looking at picking up a small night stand that I believe would fit perfectly in a pocket of my closet at around a 22" cube.

This is just the start of my project. I'm waiting on a bigger cabinet 42"W x 24"D x 41"T
But the only place I could fit this is outdoors on my 14th floor balcony. This will bring quite a bit of challenges including but not limited to temperatures, screening for insects and light-proofing. I had some great replies a few pages back, but is there anything I'm missing from this list anyone can think of? Noise wont be much of a concern as the street below me is quite busy.

The cold temps really just started outside here at around 14°F coldest. I'm going to need some sort of heater to control temperatures with the intake passing by the heater (perhaps with thermostat wired to exhaust to control temps?) and ballast to warm up the air before entering the chamber.

Here's a big question I have and still have no clue. Would it be easier to control root temperature from cold with hydro or soil? I've never grown hydro, but I'm afraid using soil, that the heated air will work fine for the foliage but keep the soil & roots cold/frozen during the winter. How would hydro work with a fish tank heater or something similar? Is this common?

Thanks for any and all help.
And Happy Birthday to all those who apply!


half cat half man half baked
Yeah...I'm the ~ same age =] I went to my last final today stoned...was 10-15 minutes late, first one to hand in test, and pretty sure I aced it :)

I've been stuck in the design phase.. these are my current plans.


Giving up about 1.25 sq feet and I'm not happy about that, but it's sacrificed for good reason.


Any Good Ideas

Any Good Ideas

HI Cozy Amnesia, LOVE YOUR SET UP. I use to have the waterfarm set, it wasnt resuculating. I often thought of a way to make it rec. So I have afew things left from be fore the deveorse. all I need is genentics. Im going to start a grow thread as soon as I gan get ll the info i need.
Peace all :rasta:

Cozy Amnesia

SkunkyDemon Thanks man! I learned a ton from my first grow and one thing I learned is that the number one factor to growing good weed is having good genetics. Sorry to hear that you're going through a divorce but at least the woman can't tell you not to grow weed now :rasta:

jasonk, the exhaust might create steam. Though if your using a cheap spacer heater, the dry heat might reduce the humidity enough to eliminate this problem. I can't help you with the hydro question though, I know nothing about that.

catman, you showed up 15 minutes late and still handed yours in before any one else? damn!

hoosierdaddy said:
I'm having a hard time grasping this "perfect" concept here.
Right, you can't just say "one square foot for every 50 watts" because, really, it deosn't matter. There are too variables. Like HOW you position the light or the use of a reflector, the wattage of the light, how close the plants are to the light. Higher wattage bulbs have more lumans per watt, stadium are more effecient than flat surfaces...the list goes on and on.

The point is...all the components and aspects of the grow have to work together. Lower wattage bulbs means it's more crucial to keep the light as close as possible to the lamp, which is what I'm trying to stress.

My 150 watter is in a grow box with 3.2 square feet of floor space. But when the buds are in bloom they're covering the area as close as possible to the cooltubes which, I can't say for sure, but I'd wager is more like 2 square feet and anything left out of this range is popcorn. This is typical from what I've seen around here.
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hoosierdaddy and cozy, I agree with the positioning of the light. My 150w is in the center but it's the 55w CFLs that I move around and position around the buds for maximum effect.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

jasonk, For the past few years now my cabinet has been in an unheated area where the winter temps get well below freezing. Here are just a couple of suggestions I can make based on my experience.....

Cold air is dense and holds more O2 and CO2 than warm air. As such you really only need a small amount of airflow to assure the health of your plants. That being said, use a very small fan directly on the bottom of the cabinet to exhaust used cooler air. In conjunction with it, place a small vent in the top directly over the lamp. Your system will now be drawing in cool air, allowing it to be warmed in the top of the box by your light, and then drawing it down around the plants. If you are going to use a lamp such as a E-Conolight Vapor-Tite, or other one-piece unit, leave the ballast attached for additional BTU's.

Stick with soil, and leave hydro and other non-soil mediums for warmer grows. The density of soil will offer much more insulation to your root-mass and buffer them from continous temperature swings.

Don't use thin plastic containers. They make very cheap decorative flower pots that are formed from painted/dyed styrofoam. Again offering a bit more protection.

Line your box with inexpensive white foam-core boards. They are cheap, give a nice reflective surface, easy to cut and glue in place, and will offer additional insulation so you don't loose those valuable BTU's.

After all of this, if additional heat is still needed, check out "GoldenRod Dehumidfiers" they are inexpensive, cost only pennies a day to run, and are totally safe in a confined space. Heck, you can even stick a short one right in each growing container. While used for all sorts of applications, they were originally designed to be placed in locked gun safes.

JMHO & $.02, but they are things that I've used with good results in the past.



Thanks again for the handy replies Cozey & Pipedream,

I'm not TOO worried about steam at this point, my balcony has a solid wood railing that noone can see through and the exhaust will be pointed behind my deepfreeze, right beside it on the patio. The windows around that area are already quite often steamed up from the inside so I doubt this would be noticeable. But definitely something to keep an eye out for.

I'm planning on still using a remote ballast set-up as the summers will eb when most of my growing will be done, im excited to use fresh air and get good airflow So i will most likely have 2 fans, one for winter one for summer, hopefully that I can switch the polarity to switch direction. There will be a small utility area with the ballast and heater which will serve as the intake during winter and exhaust during summer with the air leaving the utility room, passing by the bulb as well. I'll get a drawing together when I have some dimensions and free time to work with.

I'm starting slow with the veg box first.

happy holidays everyone!


Active member
GodBud day 28

GodBud day 28

look at this cute little godbud plant.
some kind'a runt.
looks like a small christmas tree!

happy holidays everyone!




Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Hey All, As we come down to the wire on the upcoming holidays, I wanted to pass along a bit of well-wishing. Being a bit lazy and stoned this morning, I decided to offer up one of my earlier writings.....

My Autobiographical Chronological History of Smoking

My first joint was in High School, when I was just a kid.

Then in three days at Woodstock, I finished half a lid.

Then non-stop in Viet Nam, while wearing Air Force Blue.

And then in Greenwich Village, and San Diego Zoo.

But then when I got married, I slowed down quite a bit.

I enjoyed dry martinis, but seldom took a hit.

My kids were young, life was good, I had to keep it cool.

I played the DARE hypocrite, “No drugs near my kids’ school”

They grew up, my health turned bad, I needed safe relief.

I turned back to an “old friend”, and no one gave me grief.

Yes, I’ve toked in Las Vegas, and Miami F-L-A.

In Denver’s highest mountains, and Jersey’s Barnegat Bay.

Last count was twenty-nine states, in which I dropped an ash.

In each one I made a friend, with whom I shared my stash.

Seventeen different countries, from Mexico to Spain.

With my sweetheart by my side, and pot to ease my pain.

Jamaica was fantastic, smokers abound in droves.

But the prettiest of all, Nova Scotia’s Peggy’s Cove.

I’ll travel and enjoy my weed, as long as God permits.

And maybe we’ll meet on the road, and trade a heavenly hit.

Now the seasons have arrived that speak of holiday cheer.

Kwanza, Channukah, or Christmas, whatever you hold dear.

I’d gladly share my stash with you, if distance would allow.

But cyber-tokes & wishes are what I can offer now.

I pray you are as blessed as I, with friends and family.

Like those that support me here, and on the big IC.

I pray you have a chance to see the places I have been.

But know the greatest beauty, is always found within.

So as I toke this joint for you, I’ll leave you with this thought.

The best of holiday gifts is never one that’s bought.

It comes right from your heart, and is offered in words and deeds.

And is given to those you know, that harbor unspoken needs.

Happy holidays my friends, stoners, straights and all,

Love, Peace, and Great Harvests, this year has been a ball.



half cat half man half baked
:smoke: This toke is for you pipedream :) And as soon as I ever have some plants of my own.. I'll have a life time's worth of tokes to be thankful for and I have you amongst others here at IC to thank for sharing the miracle of a micro grow with me!

I'd love to burn one with ya someday for real, I'm sure you have some great stories!

Have a good Holiday everyone!


jasonk said:
I'm shocked at the number of younger people around here. My 22nd is in a couple weeks!

Do you have a link to details on your set-up? Specifically, I think your white cab is the smaller veg cab you have?

I'm looking at picking up a small night stand that I believe would fit perfectly in a pocket of my closet at around a 22" cube.

This is just the start of my project. I'm waiting on a bigger cabinet 42"W x 24"D x 41"T
But the only place I could fit this is outdoors on my 14th floor balcony. This will bring quite a bit of challenges including but not limited to temperatures, screening for insects and light-proofing. I had some great replies a few pages back, but is there anything I'm missing from this list anyone can think of? Noise wont be much of a concern as the street below me is quite busy.

The cold temps really just started outside here at around 14°F coldest. I'm going to need some sort of heater to control temperatures with the intake passing by the heater (perhaps with thermostat wired to exhaust to control temps?) and ballast to warm up the air before entering the chamber.

Here's a big question I have and still have no clue. Would it be easier to control root temperature from cold with hydro or soil? I've never grown hydro, but I'm afraid using soil, that the heated air will work fine for the foliage but keep the soil & roots cold/frozen during the winter. How would hydro work with a fish tank heater or something similar? Is this common?

Thanks for any and all help.
And Happy Birthday to all those who apply!

I have a small white Veg cabinet, and a white flower cabinet that has a roughly 2.5 square foot flower chamber.

Which one(s) would you like dimensions on? The more specific the better I can answer your question.

I gota spread some Rep before giving you more.

Peggys Cove....Population 50! How beautiful that place is...

My goal is to one day spend a month in every single country in the world.
All I need is a bout $250K and I am gone forever...:)
...Living is cheap when you are on truley on the road, espeically in non-first world countries.

Aloha everyone~
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