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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Cozy Amnesia

hmmm...maybe I should enlarge my intake and see if it makes a difference.


New member
I finally get to meet you guys!!!!!!

I finally get to meet you guys!!!!!!

Hey guys, i thought this would be a good way to introduce myself to the community. This is my first time growing and i am truly excited, yet anxious at the same time. If you are a season grower or just know a lot about growing please do me a favor and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, trust me i really appreciate all your input.


-Garden Style: Lst
-Growing Medium: Soil by fox farms
-Pot/Container Size: 6 inches i think
-Room Size: 18x15x36.5 (L*W*H)
-Lightting & Wattage: Nvision 60 watts equivalent (2) brightwhite (2) daylight & 2 flouros from wall mart that are suppose to be equiv to 75 watts & my sun systelm 150 hps w/reflector and ballast
-Average Temp & Humidity: Since its hot right now in so cal, my average temp during day is 85-90f in the cab and room temp is 80f and at night its just a little cooler. The humidity ranges from 55% to 45%.
-Number of Plants: 2, do you think i have room for another??
-Nutrients: I have the nutrients/fertilizer/bloom from fox farms.
-Strain: right now i have bubble gum. It wasn't by choice. The clinic i went to only had one strain today and I didn't want to wait for more to come in.
-Abuse?: Yup, so far I've accidentally left all my lights on in my cab which kept the heat at 110f degrees.
I was asleep when that happened adn they were probably subjected to all that heat for 8 hours. But my babies came back and look great :D :D :D :D

I bought my HPS before i found this 150 watt forum. I just went into a local hydro and told them my dimensions and they gave me this one. After reading the entire forum (took me 4 days) i think i got a good deal, $89.00 for 150 watt sunsystem hps.

Sorry for the long first post, but nice to met you all :smoke: :yes: :smoke: :yes:


*ill post pictures as soon as i get enough post*


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

bojo, Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride.

Sounds like you've thought things out and are well on your way. If you've read a good deal of this thread, you'll notice that the most common area that pops up with new cabinet systems is ventilation and cooling. There are so-called standard guidelines that many follow, however there are so many variables from system to system that trial and error seems to be the norm. With your size box, and the lighting you've selected, you should be able to bring your temps down to within 7 or 8 degrees of ambient. The key is always the same: keep all electricals except your growing lamp outside of the grow-space, and move as much air thru as possible.

In the case you, and other indoor-farmers new to our style of growing, can't get your temps down to where you want them, let me repeat one of my old mantras.... You can grow in temps that are quite high. There are plenty of strains that grow naturally around the world in direct sun right on the equator. Just pick your genetics wisely, and give them the conditions they would have had in their natural habitat.

Good luck and throw up some pic's when you are able.

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New member
pd- thank you for the welcome. Funny that you mentioned trial and error. The cab took another week of tweaking to get the temps right. I probably spent more than I should have on my first grow but it was a good learning experience. I went through couple of setups and finally found one that suites my plants and my needs.


uh-uh come over tonight, there'll be fightin in the parkin lot and fuckin in the mooon light...
heh, Hed PE is the shit. FLOWERS. anyways. high as balls.
uh...oh, right. bag seed is a female :joint: ,
bubblicious is forming alot of pistils.
suppercropped and LST'ed my Thunk...
blah blah heres a pic of the bubblicious.

I need a camera bc i cant get close enough or
clear enough on my damn cell. all you 150 watt wonders
need to send some of those vibes my way,
need my ladies to plump up! :joint:


Custom User Title
So I just moved one of my containers up about 6" and it got the canopy much more even and closer to the light. Yield will definitely be better because of that slight adjustment. The comparison isn't that great but you can kinda see the difference.

3 weeks in with my 4th grow. I'm very happy with my 150w HPS.:respect:


New member
My Stealth Grow Cab As Promised ...

My Stealth Grow Cab As Promised ...

The little cab on the left will eventually be turned into a veg room.

This was my first light set up.

This is my second light set up. I added a chain to adjust my hps as the plants grow and i added 8 1 3/4 inch holes around for ventilation. Now the cabin is 1 f degree less then ambient during night and 5 degree above ambient during day.

Hope You Enjoyed :rasta: :rasta:


New member
Can anyone recommend an exhaust system with either a blower or inline fan with a carbon scrubber. here are my dimensions.

Length = 24", Width= 15", Height= 36"

And heres a picture of my cab so far. I need this new set up to be easily replace my old exhaust fan set up.

Exhaust fan is at the top leading out of the box and 8 - 1 3/4" passive intake holes at bottom.

Cozy Amnesia

I recommend a 4" vortex. I've never heard any small time grower have a single problem with one, even with a filter. They're pretty economical compared to the big ones.


Then I will be the first to contest against them, especially for small grows like 150hps cabinets.
First of all, 172cfm is over kill for a small grow, but it is not necccessarily a bad thing.
What is a bad thing is the sound it makes, even when hooked up with a carbon can filter like the can 9000.
If you grow in your bedroom, you will probably find the fan too loud to sleep with. I am a light sleeper, but still, the fan sounds like a mini jet engine, and I am not the first to state that.
My first cabinet I designed, I bought the vortex 172cfm and can 9000 from MDhydro. I then built custom insulated ducting with a large amount of fiber glass and ductape. Then built a second attic, to go on top of my grow-box, just to house the massive amounts of insulation. THEN, I built a custom foam-exhaust scilencer/muffler to scilence it further. After all that work and like $400, it was still to loud to sleep next to!

Now if you have it in a basement, or a seperate room, then it may be okay. But you may still hear it through the walls, as you would a standard bathroom fan.

I suggest you get a Panasonic whisper fan, and I will stand by them no matter what. I have three, they have been going for 10+ grows and over two years, 24/7, and I have no problems or sound increase. Just make sure you get the right model, with the lowest sone level, and then custom build a carbon tray, which is as simple as childrens Lego's. (DONT BUY A CAN FILTER FOR THE LOW CFM PANASONICS), and don't over kill it with carbon. You only need about an 1 to 1-1/2" layer, then some super cheap air condition filter material to rest below, and on top the carbon.

Also, Bojo, your dimensions are Length = 24", Width= 15", Height= 36"

The fan itself is 1 foot. The CAN 9000 is 2 feet. So the whole thing is way to long. You could do what I did with the vortex in the same space you have...That is, make them side by side. But 15" deep is not deep enough to run them side by side with 180 degree of ducting. So you really should go with a panasonic.
The only problem I see is your vent hole is dead center of your grow-box's cealing. :redface:
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Bulénath said:
I suggest you get a Panasonic whisper fan, and I will stand by them no matter what. I have three, they have been going for 10+ grows and over two years, 24/7, and I have no problems or sound increase. Just make sure you get the right model, with the lowest sone level, and then custom build a carbon tray, which is as simple as childrens Lego's.

I'm getting ready to build my second cab, this one for a friend for whom discreetness is a top priority; The panasonic whisper fan looks like a great fit for him - Which specific model are you using? Any suggestions for a source with reasonable pricing?



Active member
bulenath ... thats a pretty nice fan/filter set-up you have built . is that black box the original housing for the panasonic ?


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

Good morning gang. To all of our 150 Club members that are observing the Jewish High Holy Days, I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year and an easy fast.



yep, it's a good morning!

the birds are singing, the sky is blue, the temp is cool, the thc is filling my lungs, and there's love in my heart.

yep, it's a good morning!


So ive been supercropping like a mad man and i think
ive finally evened out the canopy on my Thunk...so yes
today is a good day as well over here lol.
Bubblicious is only gonna grow fatter from her on out.
Good vibes all around, peace and smoke that weed! :joint:
just for fun, a quick pictorial of the life of bubblicious lol.



ambr0sia said:
I'm getting ready to build my second cab, this one for a friend for whom discreetness is a top priority; The panasonic whisper fan looks like a great fit for him - Which specific model are you using? Any suggestions for a source with reasonable pricing?


I am using two 80cfm, <0.3 sone models with my custom carbon trays, each to exhaust it's own 150hps in it's own cabinet. Also a no longer made 70cfm <0.3 sone model that I removed from the large black metal box/casing, and hooked directly up to a specifically made rectangular exhuast hole, that I am using for my Veg cabinet.

My Veg cabinet is a really small Mills Pride, so with the 70cfm fan it gets like 15-20 air exchanges per minute. This keeps the 3 x 19 watt CFL's cool without internal fans, and also the humidity at it's relative peak.

As for resonable pricing, check Ebay, or Rewci.com- or how ever it's spelled.
I got all of mine off of Ebay, but because I live far away from everything, shipping cost was the biggest difference in price when comparing sources.

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