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150W CMH supersilent hidden Growbox


Hey NE, nice set up!
I love ist when someone tells 150W ist enough for ones smoke

I´ll start over in my new Flat with a box that may use 150 Hci, 2x70W Hci or at least 5x24W or 5x14W T5.. we will see

Thank you for sharing your experience with CMH/Hci...
Hey Grow Ing., thx a lot. Lucky i don't need medical mj, i only smoke for fun and have plenty of stuff to do sober so i don't consume that much. Think the 150W CMH is great. My growing is not (yet) but i think the lamp shows its potential to build decent buds even with my slightly messed up plants. Think this box will provide me with at least as much weed as i want, if not more. I'm storing some, so i gonna have a box filled with different good cured weed in a few months :).
Really looking forward to your downsize project! Homegrowing FTW. LG :)

Sth different...
Here's a pic of how you can wire a S&P Silent (with Thermostat). It's originally for Ratrix, but i thought it's a good Idea to share this with all of you...it's german, but simple to translate via internet :)


Last one is a week ago...time for an update...

guys, i really need your help/expertise. Think my plants are missing something (N, zinc, magnesium, sulfur, ???) i don't know...
It starts usually in the first weeks of bloom (after 3-4 weeks, when the stretch happens) that lower leafs are becoming yellow/pale (see in pics).
How does this look like to you?

Is it to little N? Could this be an Ph issue and or is related to going low/late with BioBizz Grow?

I'm using biobizz light mix + plenty earthwormcastings + coco + slow release organic fertilizer (bonemeal, hornmeal, colzameal, grapeseedmeal,...) i also put a little palmashpowder, seaweedpowder, powdered limestonerock, guano in the soil and added mykorhizzae.

As the environment was/is a little to alcalic due to probably/maybe to much palmash or limestone, ore because i watered with Ph 8-8.5 in their first 3(4) weeks (damn*grwl*). Now every watering is Ph'd to 6,5 or slighlty less. Need to test soil again.

Basically i'm wondering, is this a lock-out problem (Ph), or did i supply to little N (or whatever nutrient???). i waterd with sometimes 1-3 ml boibizz grow and later bit more plagron alga bloom - most time some biobizz algamic(seaweedextraxt).
Started to spray liquid nettle brew ( nettle manure?).

So see yourself.
BS1212(bamboo stalks) day 58 -- Pure and Grapefruit day 44 -- DieselHaze and Pure day 14


Gonna plant transplant the newer plants into sth. proven - Hawita Flor Spezial Substrat (humus-soil + clayearth) pre-nuted for 4 weeks (pH 5,8 N: 180 mg/l Phos: 180 mg/l Potass: 200mg/l). Hope this works out better. I will try 2 liter pots this time. New seeds will be set up to greminate tomorrow. At least this works out perfect 100% succes so far. :) ...Gonna go with smaller pots and more plants (got many seeds in fridge, new seeds will be made with TP-pollen in a few days). Maybe i should build a veg-section soon, so i can grow SCROGs or simply indica plants in decent size. No possibility to veg outdoors this year.

Hope you guys have ideas on how to carry my plants through. I don't want my plants to eat up itself. How can i provide they keep their leaves (green) to late flowering?

thanks! take care everyone :)


Hey NE1, It looks like you need nitrogen, even in flower the plant still need it. When the leaves turn yellow at bottom it is nitrogen, at top Cal-mag. Good Luck!!...rw


Per aspera ad astra
use canna flores or th. like that. you need a fertilizer that contains N... about nearly 3-4-4 (and factors) is okay for the 1th half of flower. later you substitute with pk13/14. maybe 1/3 3-4-4 plus full strengh pk 13/14 might go well...
stop fertilizers about 2 weeks befor harvest, melasse will add some flavor if used in the 2. last week. last week only small amounds of clear water...


Active member
Do you have anything circulating airflow in the cab itself, that was somethign my cab was missing for a while, nice setup thought for stealth and clean :D


:thank you: guys,
I'm to busy with work these days so i can't go and buy sth..
I got BioBizz Grow, which is 8-4-4 (the 8 N is 4 Ammonium nitrogen and 4 Nitrate), hope this ain't to slow releasing. Will combine this with some AlgaBloom and little Guano Topfeed to provide enough flowernutes.
Gonna try to stop at a Pharmacist asap to get some epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) for spraying to bring magnesium up quick.
Hope all this is gonna work out and plants can finish in decent condition.

Hello :). Yes i got one of these 2speed fans, growshops sell for homeboxes, in the top back right corner. It's only covered by the cooltube on the pix. When i got time again, i'll probably go for 4 PC-fans to reduce noise and spread wind more even.

:) NE1


last one is about a week ago... time for a picture update..

Due to limitations here are only the interesting pics. The Pure-01 and Grapefruit-03 on their 52th day of 12/12 from seed and Diesel Haze-01 at her 22nd day of 12/12 from seed can be seen in the state of the box pic at beginning, the rest got detail-pics...

state of the box:

BS1212-01 at her 66th day 12/12 from seed:

Grapefruit-01 at her 52th day 12/12 from seed:

Grapefruit-01 at her 52th day gettin frosty :) ... massive resin production compared to other plants i had before. Smells simply beautifull, super sweet, pinapple, strawberry... this one will be a good smoke i think:

Grapefruit-02 at her 52th day 12/12 from seed...different pheno:

What do you think?
Have a nice day everyone :)


Killerweed31: great job grower, plants look so sweet
Gracias amigo :)

Sorry for beeing away for quite a long time ..lots a wurk.

So here's an update finally ..pics are a few days old. Will do another one on the Grapefruit harvest.
This was GF (&TP) @ 64 days 12/12fs:

My nicest GF :)

left: BS12/12 @ 77 days 12/12fs - right: Diesel Haze @ 34 days 12/12fs:

The Diesel Haze is a real beauty so far - so stoked how this turns out. She got shagged by a nice Pure boy on her lower assets. Hope this wasn't to early. BTW: When is the best time to pollinate?

I harvested the Pure dwarf yesterday. Trichs 20-60-20. Bud ist tiny but hard as a rock. Sorry for bad picture quality...this was actually the best i took :)...scissorhash

Grapefruit need a few more days...been flushed few days ago, but Trichs ain't ready yet. The wide squatted one (front right in pics) is still bulking up nicely. Maybe one more week for her, 1-2 days less for the other two.
Besides the shown plants there are 3x First sativa (reg) in the box @ 12/12fs and 2x Far Out (fem), 2x The Pure (reg), 2x Grapefruit (fem), 2x Super Silver Cheese (fem) vegging under 70W CMH in a corner of my room (no veg box yet).
Have a nice day everyone :)