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15 plant coco grow, recurring Nutrient/Magnesium deficiency problem


Hey bro, my roommate and I are having the same problem in coco w/house and garden nutes and tap water... so if you figure out what it is let me know! I have used recycled washed coco and new coco, so I know that's not the problem.

I have been giving them epsom salt at 1/2 tsp per gallon, but my veggies are still showing signs and my girls in flower are starting to as well! ARRRggh!

Anyways I will check back, lemme know if you get it fixed please :D

What are you thinking it could be? I'm leaning towards my tap water because it started after I switched cities to a diff. water supply...which means R/O water maybe but I'm not stoked about how expensive that is. Do you let your tap water sit out? I haven't been doing that either...


Here are the rest of the pics of my next ones again. I took 23 cuttings, from which I`ll choose between 12 and 15 of the best for my next grow which I intend to sgrog.

I`ve got to look into the sgrog set up. I`ve just done a little grow tent sgrog with two plants, but I think I went a bit over the top with filling the canopy up. I`m thinking of erecting a 3x2 meter wooden frame to fit above my 3 tanks and having 12-15 plants to fill out the screen net, all in 12 liter pots. I`ve been using 7 litre pots up until now.

This design will leave just a 2 foot gap around 3 sides of the grow so I`ll also need good access from beneath the canopy. The trays that the pots sit in are 6 inches off the ground, the 12 liter pots are around 12 inches tall. I believe the recommended hieght for the screen is around 8 inches (20cms) above the pots, but I`m guessing it would be ok to raise this to maybe 12 inches (30cms), this would give me plenty of room to manouvre between underneath the canopy between the three trays.

I`m really keen to dial this next grow in properly and get well and truly back on top of things, and I`d appreciate any help along the way. I may just keep this thread going for the next grow, or I may start another one up, but I`ll let you know if I do that.

:joint: Cheers, Tokesome :joint:


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Oops and a couple more.

I`ll try and get some of my flowering plants up over the next couple of days.



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Hey bro, my roommate and I are having the same problem in coco w/house and garden nutes and tap water... so if you figure out what it is let me know! I have used recycled washed coco and new coco, so I know that's not the problem.

I have been giving them epsom salt at 1/2 tsp per gallon, but my veggies are still showing signs and my girls in flower are starting to as well! ARRRggh!

Anyways I will check back, lemme know if you get it fixed please :D

What are you thinking it could be? I'm leaning towards my tap water because it started after I switched cities to a diff. water supply...which means R/O water maybe but I'm not stoked about how expensive that is. Do you let your tap water sit out? I haven't been doing that either...

Hey Fatty Budz, I reckon its cos I was using the hydroton pebbles at the bottom of my coco. I really freakin hope its that, I cant see it being anything else. A friend is growing from the same water supply and she`s doing amazing with the same stock plants. Are you using straight coco or are you mixing it with something. How big are your pots? Can you post a pic or two here for us to compare?

I dont know about house and garden nutes, are you taking ec readings and are you adjusting ph?



Day 53/63ish

Day 53/63ish

Hi, I just caught the grow at lights off and thought I`d snap a few shots. One of each tank, and a few attempts to ge some detailed shots of the buds.

My slr lenses just wont get close enough for proper macro, maybe I`ll have to invest in a macro lens some time.

:joint: T


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Day 53/63ish

Day 53/63ish

The buds are ripening nicely with plenty of trich`s, the growth is pretty slow though and my fingers hurt from crossing em now:D


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Cheers BC, round 10 days or so, will leave the bottoms for another week though probably. this one always has the hairs go brown from quite early on. . . . even when they`re grown well.



Here is a shot of some of the damage on the leaves...

We're both using different size containers from .5 gallon to 2 gallon and we're getting the same problems...We have both mixed our coco with perlite, but I know lots of other people who do this without any problems...my roommate is also starting a tray of soil plants and they are having the problem as well..

I will run straight coco next time if that seems to help your situation. I have them ph'd at 5.8 (was around 6 last run and same thing happened,) and I'm not sure on EC but I know they're not burned.


Hey Phattybudz, what are your nutes designed for, coco or soil? How are you measuring your ph? If its with a meter or drip test kit. I found my ph meter was reading .5 higher than it should. My ph was always trying to go up and I kept trying to bring it down, and as a result I reckon my plants were having a ph in the high 4`s/low 5`s for a while. Definitely worth checking, even if you doubt it could be this as it only takes a little knock to lose its calibration.

Anywhere around 5.8-6.2 is fine and wont be your problem so long as your readings are properly accurate, but I could understand your ph rising if you`re giving it too low by accident. I calibrate my meter at least once a week now and surprised how often it needs a bit of adjistment. I also use a drip colour test kit to back up my ph reading.

Coco specific nutes will work better than others in coco, though that wouldn`t account for the soil grown ones. Of course soil grown should have a higher ph than coco.

You`re not letting the coco dry out in between feeds are you?

Are you growing just one strain, or do you have problems with multi strains?

How much perlite are you mixing in with the coco?



Hi T,
Guys from the Dales call themselves Dalesman, that's what I meant. He's not on ICM. Biker dude and good shroom grower...just getting into growing the herb. I met him on one of the shroom forums. That's what you should do if you want to get into growing. Unfortunately both the big shroom forums are run by A-holes. It isn't that hard doing small production using brown rice flour cakes. Helps to have a pressure cooker. I can find a good tutorial for you if you want to give it a shot. PM me.

Your cloning technique sounds good. Similar to mine. Recently been re-thinking using a dome though. Sometimes it;s hard to wean them from the high humidity and if I lose any...that's when it happens. Hope yours do good.

Phatty, that leaf sure looks like Mg deficiency. If it doesn't improve by adding epsom salts...then it would seem that the Mg is being locked out by something. Hope you guys get it all figured out. My initial thinking for Tokesome's grow was tap water...too much Ca++ but that hasn't panned out. Just thinking out loud...


Yeah I`ll pm you soon for that ET. can borrow a pressure cooker.

I`m gonna show every single step of this next grow and hope to avoid all the problems I`ve been having.

I need to learn some more about sgrog growing, ie how to go about filling the screen and how dense to have the canopy. Can anyone put me onto a really good sgrog tutorial/thread? I`d like to see a fairly large one, mine is going to be 2x3 meters.



Active member
hmm... pico uses screens pretty well; do a search for some of his stuff; meets the large requirement for sure.

ideally the canopy should cover as much space as possibly horizontally; hence the screen. The height of the screen should take into account stretch and the depth of light penetration; a larger light can penetrate deeper allowing a taller canopy of denser buds


Thanks, I`ll check his stuff out. I know the principles behind the sgrog etc, its just that I think I went well over the top filling up the screen before flowering, like 70% and then carried on through the stretch part of flowering. I wouldn`t let any shoots or tops come through the net until virtually 100% was covered and virtually evry 2 inch square of the netting had a shoot coming through and was very dense. Poor plants suffered like my others though, but still produced 4 oz per plant.

Toke ;-)


Hey Toke, I am using coco specific nutes, I know it's not PH for sure because we doublecheck with ph drops and because we both had higher PH last run with the same problems.. I never let my coco dry out, I'm running maybe 20-30% perlite, and I'm having the problem with all of my strains. One thing I noticed is that it takes longer for the bigger plants to be affected.

ET said, "My initial thinking for Tokesome's grow was tap water...too much Ca++ but that hasn't panned out. Just thinking out loud..."

I'm leaning towards it being the tap water as well...is there something that disproves it could be the water? I know someone in your area uses tap water as well Toke but 2 households in the same area can have different water...

The only other thing I thought that it could be was my nutrients--contaminated or gone bad somehow? So my options may be to buy an RO machine and test that, or buy new base nutes? Either way sounds terrible but I'll do what I have to.

This is seriously killing me, sooo much work for so little payoff...add mites in too and my grow-fun level is at -500.

Thanks for the collaboration guys!


Hey Toke, I am using coco specific nutes, I know it's not PH for sure because we doublecheck with ph drops and because we both had higher PH last run with the same problems.. I never let my coco dry out, I'm running maybe 20-30% perlite, and I'm having the problem with all of my strains. One thing I noticed is that it takes longer for the bigger plants to be affected.

ET said, "My initial thinking for Tokesome's grow was tap water...too much Ca++ but that hasn't panned out. Just thinking out loud..."

I'm leaning towards it being the tap water as well...is there something that disproves it could be the water? I know someone in your area uses tap water as well Toke but 2 households in the same area can have different water...

The only other thing I thought that it could be was my nutrients--contaminated or gone bad somehow? So my options may be to buy an RO machine and test that, or buy new base nutes? Either way sounds terrible but I'll do what I have to.

This is seriously killing me, sooo much work for so little payoff...add mites in too and my grow-fun level is at -500.

Thanks for the collaboration guys!

I hear you on that one Phatty, I got 19 from an expected 60 oz last grow, this ones gonna be well down too. I`m hoping that my hytroton is affecting things with mine, using a thick layer of them at the bottom and 70/30 coco/hydroton mix in 7 liter pots, as I`m going with the same strain again. I am going to aquire some other clones of two other species though and if I see the same signs I`ll ditch and switch.

My mate who is doing fine with the same stock only lives a few streets from me, so I`m sure it`ll be coming off the same water supply. I have a small 2 plant tent grow where I might try bottled water.

Yours do look remarkably similar to mine mate, have you tried a different strain? What strain is it btw?



I`m running a little low on weed and its at least a couple of weeks before any of this grow will be dry, so I`ve been going through my rainy day scraps with a view to making some BHO. I find it a total pain in the ass to smoke, but I love the hit.

Its funny, whenever I run short on weed I always end up with a real treat. I have about an ounce of crumbs from the bottom of tupperwares that I use to store the bud in. Its a mixture of lavender and cheese and it should make some lovely BHO. I should have it done in half an hour or so, so I may get back and post a couple of pics of the results.
Toke ;-)


Mmm I`ve been looking fwd to some BHO for some time now:woohoo:.

You`ll see from the pics that I discharge the butane straight into a bowl of warm water, I find it so much easier than heating and scraping from a pyrex dish. This way you simply scoop it off the surface of the water and just the one rim to scrape where it makes a tide mark on the bowl. Its really the simplest way of making some lovely honey oil.

I flushed all my flowering plants today and filled the res` up with EC11-12 including just a little PK13/14. Also added the last of the Bloom stimulator, but dont think its worth the nearly £60 it cost for the 2 liters I`ve used. They`ll have this until Friday and then they`ll be on the final plain water week prior to harvest.

I`ll be checking out Pico`s sgrog techniques over the next couple of days, though I cant find any grow journels of Pico`s when I do a search.


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The BHO is still purging itself of butane. I speed this up a little by heating the spoon up a bit.

The 2nd to last pic is of a couple of spoonfuls I made and smoked:laughing:. I just scraped a joints worth off my old spoon and it sat me right down.:joint:



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ET said, "My initial thinking for Tokesome's grow was tap water...too much Ca++ but that hasn't panned out. Just thinking out loud..."

I'm leaning towards it being the tap water as well...is there something that disproves it could be the water?

Phatty, I made that statement thinking that Toke had switched over to bottled water. It's been a long thread and I haven't been around for all of it. Perhaps I'm wrong. So what is it Toke? Still using the tap water on your main grow?

PS: Hash looked tasty. Envious...