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12v comp fans to 120


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
What do you think...seriously I'm thinking of getting some silk screens to shake out some trichomes...I just asked Mr Green Jeans he's thinking maybe 100lpi...what do you think?


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
You guys are funny...your adaptor says output: 12Vdc...1Amp. If Watts divided by Volts equal Amps(which is all I did). Just think 0.2 Amps per fan 0.2Amps x 5 fans = 1Amp. Up to four fans would be safer though. Say you don't get it again and I'm gonna whip you with an extension cord! :pointlaug :whip:


i do actually get it now. it was because you were including the units into it. and making it look soooo complicated. i get it now.

watts divided by volts give me amps.
2.16 / 12 = .16

i get it now. and because i have two fans its .32 amps. and since the adaptor can support 1 amp. im able to have more fants on it.



Active member
...sorry, i meant pictures of rigging the fans.

i have seen your thread. best of luck to you!


Active member
i had pretty much pieced this together in my head from assorted readings, but it's nice to have it all laid out here. now i can go out and buy my fans and adaptor with confidence. Princess Auto (canada) has tons of those fans and the Sally Ann, Value Village and other thrift stores have bags of these adaptors.

help save the planet by buying these adaptors and give them a new life, helping to grow a nice herb, rather than letting them wind up in landfills.

have an excellent day !
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