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1284 Protest March in Denver


Anyone feel like going for a walk? I will be there for sure


VETO MARCH against HB 10-1284
Saturday May 15th 2010
Civic Center Park 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
East Side , between Colfax & 14th @ Broadway


For those able to participate in the march, we will walk south on Broadway to 7th and then walk east 4 blocks to Logan .
Governor’s Park 12:15 to 3:00
Northeast corner of 7th & Logan
For those individuals that are sick and disabled and not able to make the 11 block walk, please meet us at Governor’s Park. This will allow time for you to get situated and be as comfortable as possible.
Peaceful gathering to OPPOSE HB10-1284
This is a gathering to actively demonstrate to our Governor that
“We the People of Colorado ”
Are asking for a VETO on HB10-1284
1. It is Unconstitutional; It destroys what the voters passed in 2000 for Patients and Caregivers
2. It is Monopolistic; Due to State and local fees and numerous other guidelines
3. It is Exclusionary; Caregivers and Dispensaries that provide medicine at low cost or no cost will not be able to continue helping their patients. A 5 patient limit was adopted, L.140 for caregivers that are not a dispensary model. This undermines the caregiver’s ability to produce enough to meet the needs of their patients. Caregivers will have to pay licensing fees as well as deal with Armed Revenue Auditors according to Sen. Romer.

Please bring what you need to be comfortable! Water, Chairs, Blankets & Food. Please bring something with you to contain anything you will need to throw away. Please be responsible and leave the parks as we found them! This is a ZERO Waste Event! Please bring everyone possible that you can! It’s time for our voices to be heard!!! Thank you for your time and efforts!
WEAR GREEN!!! BRING your VETO HB10-1284 SIGNS and whatever else you need to say!!!
STRONG DRUM CIRCLE * BRING YOUR DRUMS * Coalition for Alternative Healing Access
If it is raining on Saturday, everyone assemble at The Governor’s Park at 12:00 PM


We need lobbyists! When was the last time a protest accomplished anything? Easy on the drum circle, we don't need this to look like a hippie gathering


A March sounds great... Why on Saturday? Why not a weekday? If we are going to make a difference/change we have to be seen.. we have to get in peoples way.. we have to be heard..

Just wondering how effective an unnoticed march, or rally really is?
Not knocking this thing at all, just curious why we choose the weekend? Hope all this effort does not get over looked due to the day?

Drum circles? Do we want to look like a bunch of college hippies? March/protest make your point and go home.. Take this seriously.. its not a Phish show!!

I'm with you. Why does our movement continually have to be associated with hippies? I am not a hippie. Nor have I ever been a hippie. I'm a blue collar working guy and I stay as far way from hippies as I can. The best growers I know...AREN'T hippies.

I'm just happen to love Mary Jane and want to be taken more seriously than the hippie movement (that I can't even take seriously anymore) that seems to be dragged behind the Marijuana movement.


I love hippies. Definatley got a hippie state of mind, i just wear nice clothes and get haircuts.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
^I used too. then I got sick of it. vanity is a waste of money. I wear stuff based on how funny it is.