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120W LED PC grow DJ Short F-13 and DP auto blueberry


I sent you an email thanks for reaching out i remember the newbie struggle when I first started to lurk on the forums

The gorilla glue is something I heard about then then got to smoke it in Oregon from a dispensary and instantly understood what the hype was about it's incredible
I ran it the last two times though and I really enjoy popping new seeds


Well it's on its way to you solofoe, fear not the queen won't give you any grief! Jeremy corbyn may hunt you down though he's actually a political weapon of mass destruction.. lol


Well they've both come down and are now hanging. Decided to harvest after taking one of the 4 main tops down, drying it quickly in a day and seperating all of the seeds from it for the friend who built me the case. He wanted to do some crossing so i've sent him the 12 seeds i got out of what ending up being a 1.5gram flower. Crazy how loaded it was with seeds. I kept about half a gram as a tester and sent the other half to my friend along with some pollen, the seeds and dj shorts books for him to have a play with.

Initial smoke report: (on a main top cola which a had been dried within 12 hours and obviously was lacking in the smoothness and smell catergories ) Well to do the story justice I must first explain that i'd been having a tbreak for my uni exams, i'm a fairly hefty smoker and have been for the best part of 5 years now but even so a break of about 14 days usually means i'm pretty damn laid out and mellow when i do eventually smoke.
On this occasion though it rewrites the books for me, what i got was entirely what i deserved. I decided to smoke the entire .7/8g piece in my friends large glass bong he'd left at mine and initially besides a bit of a harsh taste it was quite pleasant. Very sativary and up, i went to my living room to watch the political debates on tv, stopping breifly innthe kitchen to gather enough snacks to last a whole week from my fridge on the way. Everything was fine until about T+10 mins i'm absolutely soaring. Too much so for my liking, (now this probably wouldn't have been the case of at least not tothe same extent, had I not had a cider earlier in the evening and not smoked for a good while by my standards)
I know understand though what dj short was referring to when he stated and i paraphrase here - 'that the f13 buzz can invoke quite the terror if consumed in excess' and that it can be 'trippy' - it seriously was at it's peak. (The political debate kept seeing the speaker being questioned by members of the public from the audience, maybe they were all just really ugly people anyway but I actuslly witnessed faces morphing slightly and becoming visually more unappealing the longer i looked) What followed was the closest thing to a panic attack i'd ever experienced. I couldn't regulate my breathing and keep it slow and calm as much as I tried, nor my body temperature i was suddenly blisteringly hot and uncomforable in a matter of seconds and had to remove things like socks and t shirt. After a a few minutes of trying to calmly wait this out I attempted to get to my kitchen sink from the living room and this was no easy feat passing the mirror on the way I caught a glimpse of myself and my entire body was pale and white and my eyes even looked dialated like i'd eaten a fat helping of mandy or something similarly amphetamine like ..lol
Anyway this whole episode slowly passed after about 20 minutes of reassuring myself and I eased into an EXTREMELY pleasant and delightful high which saw me painting for hours watching nature docuentaries like wild alaska, and then descending on the snacks i'd prepared like a one man plague of locusts.
I'm coining the initial creeping intensity of the buzz down to my horrificly low tbreak induced tolerance and the rediculous smoking method I'd chosen.
Needless to say the rest of the high was a gorgeous and near mild physcadelic experience, which led me to chop both plants because of how good it was. I'm sure this truthful report will get shat all over by "weed powers that be" on this forum but i felt it was definitely needing to be told.
At any rate it was a hell of a step up from my usually daily smoking routine where the buzz is entirely more subtle.

I Strongly reccomend everyone to try this amazing plant, if i have enough seeds i may offer some up for people to have a play with aswell!


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:biggrin: will dry trim them in a week so they keep their flavour and smell, then it's unto the jar for summer


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Nice looking buds friend I like the purpleing in the buds... I assume they colorchanged without cool temps?


Hey joe, yeah they sure did. The temps in my case were getting way above what I read was healthy peaking consistently at about 30-31C, and jot falling below an absolute low of 18 at night but usually about 22 for the past few weeks


My cab stays a pretty consistent 25-30c sometimes on really hot days I go a little over but the bridgelux leds seem to be running so much cooler than my previous Chinese cob build


Well-known member
nice smoke report, good times! :D I remember when i stumbled upon one pheno of F13, the initial smoke test was starting very nice, reaching high euphoric levels, just a lovely feeling and suddenly i was so high i was scared to even go outside of the room. I was sure not to be able to communicate like a human being so i decided to read something on net. By a chance i found some weird page, dont remember the content but i do remember me reading every single word on that site, everything, totally mesmerized. I was so high for good 3 hours, i didnt even want to smoke that pheno again :D Some F13 examples can be extremely strong and trippy.


I got your package today and immediately applied to the plants but there was some moisture in the package and I'm not sure that the pollen will be viable but in a couple of days I should know for sure weather it took... in any case I really appreciate you going through the trouble of sending it across the globe much obliged friend


Hi mate sorry for the issue with that moisture in the pollen i'd not let it thaw out properly with the bag open so that was silly of me, funnily enough I ended up having over 200 seeds from the grow, such a seed crop! so if the pollen doesn't work you'd like 20 to play with give me a shout!


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Hey guys just a quick update on whats happening. Of these two plants the slightly less purple but more producing plant has been successfully revegged and shall be put into flower indoors soon once she fills out more. Will post an update when i'm next home in about 10 days time. Fingers crossed she keeps on growing the way she is outdoors until im back. The first pic shows the stump that i tied to revegg, the growth was painstakingly slow at first but sped up once she got a few leaves as you can see! The last pic is the 2 f13's i've had outside in a long windowsill style pot, they'd been left outside as the 4 runts i'd seperated from the original dj seed pack. 2 were males and used for seeding the girl i'm now revegging, of the other two, one's still a weird mutant runt with little new growth and a wierd slightly grinspoon style of flowering. The other has completely been revived in the last month or so, growth has boomed, and its growing the most unique single bladed fan leaves and some that are even curled to the point of being circular which i've NEVER seen a plant do before even when stressed to the max, so hopefully she gives me some interesting results aswell.
What an awesome strain dj's given us to play with.


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That revegged stump from the pc has just started flowering in my conservatory. What a whopper she'll turn out to be.


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