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12 Buckets and 1200 Watts...


Sup Everyone... :canabis:

Just wanted to start a log of my first run with my new system. This was built from Blaze's tut and works like a charm. Had a few leaks but epoxied them and all is well.. Hoping to get some good mothers to work with. Here's a list of what's going on in the Lab...

-3 400w MH for Vegging ( 2 switchables for flowering )

-8 Bagseed...( Really good smoke from a buddy of mine. Pics of the 1/2 oz are in the post..maybe someone can tell what it is by looking.. )

-1 Skunk x Haze ( Skunkman)

-Room temps stay around 60-65 degrees..nice and cool..and PH is always between 5.4- 5.8

I have some WW, NL x BB, and Chrystal all set from Nirvana. I wanted to start with something that I wouldn't mind making mistakes with to get my feet wet with the whole RDWC thing. So far they have been vegging about 2 weeks and I have a couple more beans that should be ready to pop in a few days. I will add them to the veg chamber over the next few days hopefully...

Any comments are welcome :smoker:



Very nice setup. How long do you plan to veg? If it were my grow, I would move the rows closer together until they actually need that much room, as they could be getting more light if closer together, and you may only need to run 2 lamps.


Thanks freeradical.

I will probably veg them until they are about 10 inches..not sure of the pheno so we shall see what happens. I have about 4.5 feet of clearance in case they wanna stretch out a bit during my flower.

I have a 1k switchable en route along with some of the reflective material for the walls.... and my space is about 4 x 8 so I should have plenty of light in about 2 days... :jump:
Very nice. I only wish I had the same room... Not too mention the available power. I have a 400W HPS Digital setup waiting for flower. I'm not even too sure if I'll be able to use it... might just wait until spring and go outdoors.


Active member
damn man
only thing i would say that could top ur room off is some panda film..
but hey i like the brick too!!
enjoy your harvest


SG- Thanks dude...I would say go ahead and fire that 400 up...get it green!! :rasta:

Sneakinman- Thanks bro. I have another 1k on the way along with some wall material. Thinking about changing my order since I have been reading about these CMH bulbs and I have an extra HPS ballast. 1 bulb versus a whole new light setup..I am leaning towards the bulb...lol

I will hopefully update with some new pics later today.. :joint:

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Stick with the HPS for flower. I only run CMH for veg, which it's great for. CMH also allows me to have only HPS ballasts for great growth during flower(with hps) AND veg(with cmh).


That's my kinda setup there.Extremely clean,and optimal conditions for the plants.Nice & easy for the user...who could ask for more?!


P@ZD@T said:
That's my kinda setup there.Extremely clean,and optimal conditions for the plants.Nice & easy for the user...who could ask for more?!

youve got it bruv....luv this style, il be in here shouting and balling when they explode dude, all the best :rasta:



Quick Photo Updates 11/26/2008

Quick Photo Updates 11/26/2008

Thanks guys for all the kind words. Gives me inspiration to make this one happy winter.... :joint:

Forgot to mention in the beginning..I am running GH Flora Series and I use Koolbloom during flower

Here are a few shots of the garden from this morning..

Room Temps: 64 degrees
PPMs: 635
PH: 5.5


This first one has some mutant leaves?? Not sure what it will do so I am just growing it out.....



Updates 12-8-2008 (Still Vegging)

Updates 12-8-2008 (Still Vegging)

Just a few quick updates...Hoping the two larger ones end up being ladies...Enjoy... :joint:


Ph: 5.6

PPMs: 1200

Room temps: 65 degrees

This first pic shows some moveable reflector panels I made from 1x3's and a staple gun. They are about 3 x 6 and totally help with the light distribution to the lower nodes.

The two in the middle are the largest and growing like "weeds"..lol

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Looks very good man, you seem to have done a very clean build. Only reason I cant still use buckets, is my res temps just got too hot in summer, looks like you have managed yours well.


More Photos....

More Photos....

Just a few more pics... :canabis:

Here are some closeups of the panels. Basically rectangular frame with some Sunleaves Ultra Reflect stapled. Hoping they help with those lower nodes...



Thanks eidanyosoy

I have my setup in a basement and its always nice and cool. With the lights off the temps go down to about 60 degrees and with them on the room is about 75- 80 degrees.


Active member
Looks good man...I'll stay tuned. Do you run airstones or the air diffuser? Careful not to let your room temps dip too much in the 12hr dark cycle....don't want to stunt them.

Good luck


Thanks Jip and SpoCannabis.

Right now I am doing the air diffusers. They seem to do fine with the Eco 8's. Plus I have a couple of those bubble wands in my controller to help put more oxygen in the nuts while they are being ran through the system.


Active member
Yeah, I have often wondered about the amount of DO in the system, being as how it is a recirc, there is probably less need for mass amounts in each bucket via the air diffuser.

Are you powering all 12 from the Eco8? Does it put out a substantial amount of air??


Well right now I am running 2 Eco 8's for the 12 buckets. After this run, I plan on adding 8 more buckets for a total of 20, so I have one extra Eco 8 on standby for the upgrade. At 40 bucks each, they are pretty good and not all too noisy. I think the rubber feet on the bottom help out with the vibrations.

I got mine here if you are interested...


And the air diffusers are here....like 3 bucks apiece.

