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12/12 Micro Grow Narrowing stems , wilted leaves with PICS


Yes, every little crinkle and crevice is preventing it from reflecting light and in a sense trapping it from reflecting back. Flat white or die :headbange !

And not tryna be a dick, but seriously braddahs, you goin fight about snails? Were on a weed forum, off-topic ish is generally taken wayy less serious. It's like in grade school when a bully call's you "faggot" and laughs on the inside seeing you get fumed, (NOT saying KIWI's a bully, I have yet to encounter that side of him...) ignore it, and your the bigger person (like fishing, it's easy to see the one who's trollin')...

This reached out to me as I got someone tryna extort me, jealous of my living situation, and their trollin mad hard, and I just realized you know what, fuck it, not worth losing braincells over, do my own thang...


Well i guess that can be done.. I have alot of hobbies so there's plenty of paint.
Extortionists can only be handled one way. The hard way.
Neekz you are taking into account these are 12/12 all the way?
Also the height is a serious factor and too much height = operation over. It is a small tabletop aquarium, you can see the base of a bulb in one pic
It's nightime so i can't disturb them buut

2 cfls and one aquarium cfl that's built into the hood of the cab (an aquarium)
a light cycle temperature of 85 degrees F
One big pc fan to regulate exhaust, 125mm i think?. one ten gallon aquarium air pump with no air stone pumping fresh air.
Dechlorinated tap water.

If i had to buy a bag of soil for this specific arrangement, for minimum care , what kind should i get? (please something i could get at like a lowes or something)


I'd recommend soil that doesn't have any "slow release fert" in it. I don't know the names off any that you could get specifically because i haven't got a lowes in my area. But i can tell you that marijuana doesn't usually take kindly to slow release ferts on top of ferts that you want to add yourself further down the track.

Also another tip is to get some perlite. No matter what soil you decide to buy it wont have enough perlite in it. Get some perlite mix it anywhere between 20/80perlite/soil to 50/50 depending on your climate and how often you want to water. The roots loves lots of oxygen and the perlite is what helps oxygen get to the roots by creating little pockets in the soil which would usually get compacted down over time without the perlite there.

If you are going to just use 1 fan i suggest you use it to expel the air out of the cab rather than bringing air in. A lot of beginers think that fresh air coming in is better than hot stale air going out, i used to think the same thing. But trust me a passive intake is much much better, and try aim to have your exhaust fan up the top of the cab where the heat will rise. Have the intake hole around half the size of the exhaust to get that negative pressure.

EDIT : Sorry mate just read your post again and have seen that you have already decided to put the "Big pc fan to regulate exhaust". So ignore the last paragraph


Thanks for the advice kiwi.
Also thanks neekz i just painted it flat white and it now looks like it's made of porcelain :biggrin:


looks fine to me... careful about leaving water droplets on those leaves... they can act as magnifying glasses and it is possible to damage your leaves if your light is intense enough


Active member
Hi Tehmaster
The symptoms you describe in thread tile is called Damping off. When a seedling is infected it will pretty much kill the seedling , I have never had one recover. Luckily its only a problem when they are that small. The ones that hasnt died by about 2 weeks of age shouldnt be affected by it after that .. The easiest way to prevent this is to sterilize your sowing medium.
Good luck with the grow :D

"Damping off (or damping-off) is a horticultural disease or condition, caused by a number of different pathogens that kill or weaken seeds or seedlings before or after they germinate. It is most prevalent in wet and cool conditions." From wiki


Yes, and most plants that survive "dampening " end up stunted a bit, till their roots recover. Good thing they are too, cause I just imagined tryna grow in an aquarium, and am cramped just thinkin about it.


Looks like you were misting them ? If you were I would stop , I used to do that back when I started and learned the hard way. Also are you letting the soil dry out enough?? Btw What type of soil are you using?


looks fine to me... careful about leaving water droplets on those leaves... they can act as magnifying glasses and it is possible to damage your leaves if your light is intense enough

I did think about this, but the environment seems to get rid of them pretty quickly. I'll make sure to not leave them there just incase.


Looks like you were misting them ? If you were I would stop , I used to do that back when I started and learned the hard way. Also are you letting the soil dry out enough?? Btw What type of soil are you using?

No, no misting, but they are in a cramped environment and i water them with a water bottle of dechlorinated tap water. I just slowly drip the water on there.

What do you mean let the soil dry out enough ? These are very small containers in an 84 F environment, do you think you could give me an estimate of about how long/how dry?

Also the soil was not even new soil, of an unknown variety taken from an outdoor pot with no plants. The soil was allowed a long time and cool environment to cut out the bacteria/pests. I know it's not that good to do. So let's take a step forward.
what kind of soil would you recommend a beginner to get from like a home/garden lowes home depot style store?


Hi Tehmaster
The symptoms you describe in thread tile is called Damping off. When a seedling is infected it will pretty much kill the seedling , I have never had one recover. Luckily its only a problem when they are that small. The ones that hasnt died by about 2 weeks of age shouldnt be affected by it after that .. The easiest way to prevent this is to sterilize your sowing medium.
Good luck with the grow :D

"Damping off (or damping-off) is a horticultural disease or condition, caused by a number of different pathogens that kill or weaken seeds or seedlings before or after they germinate. It is most prevalent in wet and cool conditions." From wiki

Thank you for the advice it has yet to recover.


Yes, and most plants that survive "dampening " end up stunted a bit, till their roots recover. Good thing they are too, cause I just imagined tryna grow in an aquarium, and am cramped just thinkin about it.

Well you know that stealth is a must in this sitch,
and when i painted it flat white. . . .
It illuminated the room like an angel. When it flipped on, usually being 100% discreet looking like it's just in storage, boom! :faint:
Now it looks like a lantern. I double coated it and everything.
So i had to handle that by putting things on the outside.
Pics to come:dance013:


Ya I forgot to mention that, lol, usually a coat of black outside. Soil, I use Black Gold All-natural Organic, from walmart. It's just perlite, peat, and worm castings so it's pretty mellow and should help you from burning anything. I cut it to a 70/25 ratio soil/perlite (1-8qt bag perlite/1-16qt bag soil). One of the bigger advancements for a new grower, becoming less worried of the roots drying out (Think about nature, most MJ plants grow in areas with long drought seasons, If they can stand Afghanistan im sure an extra day without water won't hurt). More oxygen=more vigorous growth. Next grow you WILL see the difference, it's night and day.



This guy is still sick

The champ with some soil splashed on the leaves


No, no misting, but they are in a cramped environment and i water them with a water bottle of dechlorinated tap water. I just slowly drip the water on there.

What do you mean let the soil dry out enough ? These are very small containers in an 84 F environment, do you think you could give me an estimate of about how long/how dry?

Also the soil was not even new soil, of an unknown variety taken from an outdoor pot with no plants. The soil was allowed a long time and cool environment to cut out the bacteria/pests. I know it's not that good to do. So let's take a step forward.
what kind of soil would you recommend a beginner to get from like a home/garden lowes home depot style store?

I mean by not letting the soil stay wet all the time , water it then feel how heavy it is usually you only water it and have a 10% run off and thats enough , but feel how heavy it is when u water then wait till it gets lighter and the first half inch of the soil is dry then you know its time to water again.


Oh believe me the bulbs haven't lost intensity, when pictures are taken above the lights it won't regulate right on the camera, if i put the camera inside it takes perfect illuminated ones. That fuckin cup man... idk how to get that to happen , it seems to be a bitch to take apart.


congrats, you've got 3 healthy plants!

should be fun from here on out. you could transplant in a week or two and begin flowering if you wanted. get those lights as close as possible without burning the tips. maybe hang the big light vertically in the center of the plants.

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