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111 mind freak

Big D

I just heard this and I did not see anything about it here.

if you add the year you were born and the age that you will be on your next birthday... no matter what the year and age it will total 111.

sorry if this is common knowledge.


Active member
Yes, interesting.

I thought this was going to be a thread about everyone seeing 1:11 or 11:11 on clocks at random times and shit like that.

Which happens to me all the time, btw. :ying:


Cautiously Optimistic
Wut? If I add the year I was born to the age I will be next year the sum will be 2011.

Big D

Wut? If I add the year I was born to the age I will be next year the sum will be 2011.

I just smoked some hash and figured that out. wow. it was told to me as the 111 thing. interesting either way.

It blew my mind!


Mathmatical brain twisters by Big D. :D So what blew your mind the math or the hash? :biglaugh:


Cannabrex Formulator
I was born in '71, am 39....that makes your theory incorrect...



Active member
I was born in '71, am 39....that makes your theory incorrect...


you have to add your Next birthday

wont next year they will all equal 112?

I dont think it works if your birthday has already occurred this year, i think it would be better to say the age you turn in 2011
Told everyone in my house to try it, minds are all blown. I haven't been this freaked out by numbers since 44 stalked me for 2 years 5 years ago. Every time I would look at the clock it would be -:44, I would look at the car's license plate in front of me, it would have 44 in it. Phone numbers on TV, 44 in it. I started to think my life was fake.


I hold El Roacho's
BD's trying to warp your minds because he has a plan for all of you, Don't give in amigo's he will turn your brain into a Mind Freak and Rule the World...


El Toker

I just heard this and I did not see anything about it here.

if you add the year you were born and the age that you will be on your next birthday... no matter what the year and age it will total 111.

that'll be one of them there "cannabis enhanced intellects" at work. It just goes to show how unfair the stereotype of stoned people talking stupid is.

Big D

dang I was way too high last night :laughing:

It's best to try it on the ladies :D
they will take a minute, trying to figure out what year they have to be born in to be 29 all over again.

whatever they say if it does not = 111..... they're lying about their age :D


Active member
if you spell the number "11" "eleven" backwards then forwards it says "n-evel-e-leven"....in other words it sounds out "an evil elevin".....something else about the "11" that is strange....it's "L' even....the actuall number looks like 2 "L's" that are even "ll".....its in the spell....
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