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110w PL-L vertically or 125w horizontally..


Active member
horizontal...one plant with such low wattage will not really benefit from vertical lighting imo


Active member
Vertical done properly will get you a better yield with all the right factors in place...i.e. environment dialed in, genetics that stretch in a way that is beneficial to a vertical light setup, etc.

But if you just have one plant, I don't feel like you're getting anywhere near all of the "juice" out of your light with it hanging vertically.

Also, if you're using the big 125w CFL-looking veg lamps, they suck when hung vertically anyways. Believe me, I tried :tiphat:

imo what is more likely to get you a bigger yield is a properly dialed-in space to grow in and proper training moreso than the position of your lamp, on this small of a scale at least.

Have you ever done a regular horizontal grow? If not, I would consider dialing in your enviro + skills with that first before moving on. hope that helps


Bro its my first grow
well tryna be my first SUCCESSFUL grow
never been past 3 weeks wid a plant from seed
sumthing always pops up, but now im fine
i'm just gnna grow one plant on 12/12
but its a decision between the 125w horizonatally, or the 110w vertically

vertically the ' fixture ' itself, its going to be against the side of the cab
and its 2x55w bulbs


Active member
Bro its my first grow
well tryna be my first SUCCESSFUL grow
never been past 3 weeks wid a plant from seed
sumthing always pops up, but now im fine
i'm just gnna grow one plant on 12/12
but its a decision between the 125w horizonatally, or the 110w vertically

vertically the ' fixture ' itself, its going to be against the side of the cab
and its 2x55w bulbs

If it is your first time growing, I really would suggest sticking with the old standard and going for the horizontal setup. First timers have plenty of variables to consider without adding an entirely different and fairly new style of growing to the mix. Then maybe after this grow, if you take some clones, you can set em up vertically for the next round and see what kind of results you get then.

Obviously up to you, but in this case I feel like the only "smart" way to do it is horizontally. just my .02, hope it helps at least somewhat

i think the true vertical game is played with a horizontal veg of which u lst your plant maximizing your apical dominant hormones on the tips and via the lst spreading them evenly, then when its time to flower u tilt the plant on its side but on an angle and place your light vertical but def over your tops a little, plants ime dont like side lighting they like light from above them, makes sense. vertical done this way to me is the most practical n productive but it takes more work, i would just go horizontal n lst from begin to end, i think vert is over hyped and for very tall plants not small ones.


i think the true vertical game is played with a horizontal veg of which u lst your plant maximizing your apical dominant hormones on the tips and via the lst spreading them evenly, then when its time to flower u tilt the plant on its side but on an angle and place your light vertical but def over your tops a little, plants ime dont like side lighting they like light from above them, makes sense. vertical done this way to me is the most practical n productive but it takes more work, i would just go horizontal n lst from begin to end, i think vert is over hyped and for very tall plants not small ones.

thing is bro
i'm looking for a good yield with 12/12
i'm not sure a 125w CFL could do that
cuz i've not seen alot of grows with it
but 110w i've seen a lot

so i shud go with the horizontal 125w with reflector?
thing is bro
i'm looking for a good yield with 12/12
i'm not sure a 125w CFL could do that
cuz i've not seen alot of grows with it
but 110w i've seen a lot

so i shud go with the horizontal 125w with reflector?

if u get a 125clf i would veg as i said then run it vertical for sure, but the pl-l just keep it horizontal, to be honest with such a small set up i wouldnt fret over small issues, just get it started n in a way in which u will enjoy. :blowbubbles:


Dude just grow. You will change so much shit after your first grow. All this talk is distractions. Hook up whatever is easiest to keep cool and cheapest to setup and just do it.
Check out DiscoBiscuits cab. A curved scrog like his but under a 125cfl with two plants in soil will give you excellent experience and hopefully a decent first crop.
Have fun.
have fun is the best advice, u can run the pl-l vertical i just think it would be wise to atleast finish up vert with the cfl due to the weak intensity of the bulb and the way in which the bulb itself is designed. its all good, just have a great time growing a great plant.

but i would never buy a 125 watt cfl, there like 60 bucks to replace, just get a few 42cfls and save your receipt if one breaks or goes out its like 12 bucks or free to replace, the pl-l on the other hand are pretty dope tech.

City Twin

I’ve done a closet with one plant. 2 single tube reflectors. Start horiz and as the plant grows move to angled vertical on either side. Works quite well given the space to move and mount the lamps.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
its your first grow, keep it simple and do horizontal. (presuming your cab is the right dimensions). a lot of the vertical hype is misguided imo anyway. i think you can get yields just as big with horizontal anyway if you manage your canopy right ( i get gpw yields bigger than 99% of the vert growers on this site ayway) , and you;ll have the added benefit of still being able to see when you're older :)


Guest 88950

its your first grow, keep it simple and do horizontal. (presuming your cab is the right dimensions). a lot of the vertical hype is misguided imo anyway. i think you can get yields just as big with horizontal anyway if you manage your canopy right ( i get gpw yields bigger than 99% of the vert growers on this site ayway) , and you;ll have the added benefit of still being able to see when you're older :)


PL-L's horizontal and VG's mod-scrogg and your good to go.

you could also look in the pl-l thread and see many differen ways to grow with them. theres the high pod trash can grow where pl-l's are hung vert. to SuperPedro's cab with horizontal pl-l's.

i have (4) 55w pl-l's for vertical lighting in veg as well as main horizontal light. w/o horizontal lights i would get very little vertical growth but with both horiz / vert lighting i feel i get bushier plants.

theres 1,000 ways to grow so find what works for you by doing it.