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104w Stealth Micro Cab CFL Super Lemon Haze grow

Lol told you they would come! Fantastic news brother.

She's looking extremely healthy so you're doing something right with her nutes that's for sure. I think the screen was an essential addition to your space. You will be maximising every inch of it now.

PS. I noticed something back on page one before and thought I would ask you about it. Why did you put some of those hydroton balls in the bottom of your air pot?

Hey Penguin!, I hope shes healthy! I'm a tad bit worried though because this morning when I checked on her before I left she had a couple tiny brown spots on her leaves but it didnt look like nute burn. Other then that roots were looking good and she sure does seem to like the nutes. Also, the reason why I put the hydroton in the bottom was to help shield the rockwool from being too wet.

Plant seems to look healthy except for these little brown spots.
I have no clue what they are and I don't think it's nute burn.



I've fed her with GH flora 3 part at 1 tsp each Flora gro, micro and bloom along with 2 ML rapid start in 1 gallon RO water and have also sprinkled in a lil Great white mycorrhizae. The ec is at 1.3 and pH at 5.9, water temp 71 F . I'm going to increase the bloom nute on the next res change I just didnt want to give her full bloom nutes right away. Anyone know what the brown spots are?


the reason why I put the hydroton in the bottom was to help shield the rockwool from being too wet.

Ah k no worries. She's still looking great mate!

I've had brown spots come up before like that. Mine was cos those particular leaves were sitting right in front of my intake fan and it was making them too cold.

Could be any number of things though like ph lockout or signs of stress. Seeing as they're isolated spots though and not forming in any pattern (ie, not slowly engulfing the whole leaf in a brown colour from the tips down) you should be fine.


Its a slight calcium deficeincy from using ro water. I wouldnt even do anything. If it progresses foliar feed with epsom salt, or add some tap to your ro water. Id opt for foliar personally.
Hey guys thanks for your answers and I must say you were right it was a small nute defiency and I fixed it by just simply adding some botanicare sweet berry. Here is how she looks:


This is my first time doing a scrog with only 3 days veg. I wonder if I should keep tucking her under the screen until its full or if maybe I should just leave her alone so she doesnt stress out too much on me :thinking:

She has been on 12/12 for about 25 days now I think and well I'm not sure if its best to just leave her alone at this point.

In any case I like how shes progressing and she smells mighty gooood :yay:


Active member
Looking good. If you see any flowers that are hidden under the larger branches go ahead and move the larger branches so they get some light also. Don't pull any leaves off of the plant. Can't wait to watch buds form.
Hey 5th, thanks for the advice bro I was very tempted in taking some leaves from under the screen but something told me to leave them alone and now you said it too so I'm definitely not messing with them. I thought some people removed leaves from under the screen though? Hmm. Maybe because they are veggin longer .


Active member
Thats exactly right, because they are vegging longer. More bush then a 70's porno. You might have a leaf or two to pluck later on.
Day 35 12/12

Day 35 12/12





She suffered calcium deficiency about a week ago and it totally fucked up her roots . They are looking better now in the picture above but man did those roots look like shit about a week ago.

What happened was when I thought I fixed the calcium deficiency I actually DIDN'T and it got worse! More tiny small brown spots took over the leaves in a pattern form. Only a few leaves had them but then the roots had gotten a tan color to them and they no longer looked white, live and fuzzy.

I panicked and thought i had root rot so I gave them an h202 flush and the plants seemed to love it but the roots were still looking tan and weak and all the bennies were dead now you could just tell because there was no fuzz on the roots at all.

I did some research and found out that calcium deficiency will fuck the roots up and make them vulnerable, so I fixed her up a light nute mix with some cal mag and rapid start and put some more great white mycorrhizae in the root zone and the tan roots have been turning white and looking live again.

The growth did get stunted for like a good 3 days but shes looking ok now
Hey Penguin, thanks for checking in!

She is at around day 51 flower and looking good.
I moved her out of the micro cab and into my closet under a 400w HPS and into a 5 gallon res and I must say she is thriving! I was worried at first transplating this late in flower but it had to be done and I'm so happy I did!

I got some Next generation grapefruit diesel and a Super sonic crystal storm from samsara going in the micro cab right now and they are doing OK except for two of them have droopy leaves and I cant seem to fix it right now. Anyhow, I'll post up some pics tomorrow and give more detail!
DAY 53 flower :

A little blury but I'll have some close ups soon! She is in a 5 gallon bucket right now at 2.0 EC with lucas formula and AN Overdrive.

And here are the babies under 104watts CFL 18/6 at day 7:


They are all grapefruit diesel except for the smallest one at the bottom of the screen which is the super sonic crystal storm auto that I got as a freebie which should be the biggest one right now being that shes an auto!

I don't know what her deal is (supersonic) but from the looks of it she isn't liking the enviroment! I know she shouldn't be in there with the diesel ladies because she is an auto and from what I've heard they can be very sensitive but I thought I'd gamble to see what happens and well.. I dont like the looks of her!

Heres a closer pic of her:


ph is at 5.5, ec at 0.4 with jut plain phed water and GH rapid start at 1 ml/gal, water temp at 71F and cab temp is at 80F and theres plenty of bubbles in the res with netpots sitting about an inch from the water. I thought it was maybe lack of oxygen so I added another air pump but it didn't fix anything. She has been like this pretty much since those first sets of leaves showed they have been curled like that the whole time. Shes got a healthy looking root going but not so healthy looking up top but she does continue to grow. Oh yea I forgot to mention I accidently broke one of her cotyledons off when I was trying to remove the shell off her and I have no clue if maybe this has anything to do with her being bitchy right now.

And then theres this grapefruit diesel lady who's also being a pain in the ass but she aint no auto :


She got a little bit of light burn but shes ok. She was also droopy for the past 2 days like the supersonic but shes perking up slowly now.

I'm really considering removing the auto and putting her into some soil and right under the 400W along with Miss Lemon but then she'd only get 12 hours of light! Maybe it would be better then 100 watts at 18/6 anyway. :thinking:
Day 60 flower

Day 60 flower



Hey Guys thought you would enjoy these! She swelled up pretty good after giving her "AN Overdrive" and "Botanicare sweet", not sure if its the overdrive I started giving her about a week ago or the genetics but those trichs and the weight came in pretty quick after feeding her the stuff. The EC is at 2.3! She seems to like it.
I'm debating whether I should start the flush for two weeks or let her do her thing for another week before starting the flush. I do not have a magnifying glass so I have no idea how the trichs are looking, definitely going to get one today but then even still I don't think I know how to check em .. lol I never checked em on any of my past grows and bud was still fire to me. Any input would be appreciated!