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1000w Multi Bucket RDWC

Time For an update the plants are looking good. Still no signs of anymore powdery. As soon as I see any I will spray it, Im done with that stuff. I am definitely making a sulfur burner.For the next run. I will run it the first few days they go in. Here are a few pics for ya.

Day 46 12/12




The nuggets are still small but super fruity smelling and full of crystals.





The Dehumidifier is working wonders bringing in a little warmth and taken down the RH.


Here are the ladies getting ready to go in, they will be vegging for about 2 more weeks of whenever the other get done I suppose. I am changing over to all Organic Soil in both rooms, so I have to pack the DWC System. Here is a pic of those ladies and the mom's I have.




I am hoping for 1# maybe more. Should be do able if I can get an average of 1.5 oz a plant. Crossings my fingers.
Jyden thanks alot it was my first time. And it went well but so many things to learn and change. Iam gonna switch over to Organic Soil with only guano teas. I seem to be getting the best results from this. Hydro was fun though, hopefully I will get that 1# I am looking for.
Definitely lookin' like quality if not quantity -- although that may go your way as well. Totally agree w/jyden -- outstanding for 1st time in hydro. Methinks you're giving up too soon!

PM is a beeyotch; at the first sign I spray down the entire batch, and keep the sprayer handy on all future visits. And when I say spray, I mean SPRAY! Drench the little ladies like they're in a wet t-shirt contest.

Looks like you've got it under control at this point. And "under control" is all you need.

As for RH, my dehuey didn't help much (if at all) with PM, but it virtually eliminated bud rot, which can be a total heart-breaker, as it usually infects the fattest, juiciest buds. And it is especially prevalent in this neck o the woods, given all the moisture in the air at this time of year. You may have saved yourself a world of pain and not even realized it.
Ancientmariner Thanks for the compliment on the grow, it is gonna turn out great. Buy I am still gonna switch over to the soil, cause it eliminates cost. Honestly I don't really like indoor at all it seems to be a huge consumer game and the nute companies and brands that produce all the plastic shit are making a ridiculous amount of money of this industry. Granted it employs many people, Iam a person driven towards more sustainable practice and growing indoor is not sustainable at this moment. Outdoor is my forte, you have all the dirt you need and all the light you would ever need by far for free from blessed mother nature. Even making guano teas is on a fine line of sustainability cause usually you have to import those using petroleum fuel. I guess Iam now rambling, I had a great time doing this hydro and enjoyed every step with you guys.
Damn so Last night I went in and flush the system which is a bitch and that is part of the reason why I don't want to deal with hydro anymore. Cause it takes several hours to get all the water out of the system cause it was poorly designed. Here is a pic of how it works everything moves in a circuit at the end of the circuit is a white bucket with a small 40gph pump that pumps the water into the clear contaner which then is pump out to my washer drain. Like I said pain in the ass, if anyone that is ready this is thinking about running a RDWC system plan for drainage so you don't have to deal with what I have.

Anyway now that I explained that learning experience lets get to the nuggets. Iam not seeing any amber trichs now but they seemed to be cloudy. Almost on 8 weeks we will see if she is finished up in the next week.

Day 51 12/12


















Here is a sneak preview of the next group of ladies. Actually here is a time lapse of one week. I am seeing amazing growth. This cut is Pineapple Express, the source from which I got it says it is a super crystally, dense, good yeilder. We will see, I will be starting a new thread for those ladies here in the next week or so for now her you go.


Wow no feedback yet huh, you guys must be speechless or something, lol. Anyhow today is the day that we are gonna finally harvest. It was such a challenging first time with the PM and humidity but it was well worth the herb looks so good, really good medicine. Here are a couple of photos I took before the harvest and I will get some up after it dries out give you an update on what kinda yield and a smoke report when all is ready thanks everyone who gave advice. I really appreciate you being there. I have those Pineapple Expresses ready to go.Im gonna transplant them in a couple days into 3 gal smart pots, let them come out of Transplant shock and then bam put them in this room under the HPS 12/12 get em going I will create a new thread since they are gonna be grown in soil. Enjoy

Day 57 12/12





Oh yea here is a recent photo the The Pineapple Express


Well-known member
Very nice them babies look really healthy. I would dunk all them plants for the hell of it in the zone penetrator combo just for safety measures. Good luck on the harvest I hope you get your 1#


dude i don't know how there was no love for those past couple updates, i think it is an awesome grow, good usage of space.....congrats man you aren't long from harvest...be lookin for that pineapple express thread, curious as to how that "strain" is
Thanks Growshower and BigGreen. Here are a couple of harvest photos for your enjoyment.












I only harvested 6 plants and the rest are still in there, I did move them in the middle and lowered the light as much as I could so those plants would fatten up a bit more they were a little smaller than the middle six that I harvested.
Looks like chopping the fans stunted the growth of ur nugs, they look great i just think they could have been potentially much higher volume. Great job.
Stirctlybongz You know I totally agree with you on this one. I know that chopping those fan leaves decreased the yield but a good amount, darn it. Now I know when you have powdery Mildew don't just hack away get some spray and kill it that way for then you can leave the leaves to absorb energy and the buds would definitely be bigger. Good learning experience for all.

Grow2bfree Thanks alot I hope you enjoyed the crystaly pictures.


Nice grow BG, those nugs look tasty and so crystally. Well done. Bad luck on the PM issue and I have to agree with stricktlybongz and you about the yield factor. Anyway you learnt from it and thats part of growing huh.

Well done again, can't wait to see your next run.

Peace keke :joint:


Active member
Well I just read this thread and this is my plan i read the blazeoneup sticky and plan on making it. Ive just now started my room and getting parts. any suggestions? i plan on making it almost exactly as blaze did. Any advise? Thanks GWE
GWE Hey my friend my number one advice as far as my experience is first off build a sulfer burner hah for the powdery mildew. Here is a link to build your own.

Second, Design your system so it can easily be drained. The best way to do this is build it on a table about 12 inch of the ground with a shut off valve on your controller or which ever buckey suits you. Good luck my friend. Hope all works well for ya.

Keke NZ
Thanks buddy I am glad I have some backup downstairs with the XJ13. But hopefully the Querkle will pay for itself at least, if not the next run will make up for it.
Well I guess this wraps it up for the Querkle. Iam glad it is over and the PM is Gone. That was a nightmare. We didn't yield what we wanted but Iam not disappointed anyway since it was the first time doing hydro and indoor all together. The total yield was just over 9oz so it did fair. The next round is gonna kick it's ass though. Here are some nug shots, we got alot of purps hope you like em. Next grow thread is already going so come check it out on the signature.








nice budz...when i get a proper internet connect i may run a journal of the latest...extrema shhhhhh...till then puffin on like 3 phenos of ko kush x el monstra, i guess beans have there strengths, ill be tuned into ur soil grows sad u ditched the bucks
Alright you called for it. Let me see....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Smoke Report: Good medicine very smooth smoke. It has a fruity berry flavor to it. As soon as you take a hit you feel your head change and it leaves a really nice after taste in your mouth. Excellent meds. this is definetly a good strain. I want to run it again in soil cause I believe it can produce even better nugs with the organic teas. If you like dense nugs this is a strain for you.