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1000W HPS vs. 1000W Combined Spectrum (Dual arc) - Which is better?



Hey all,

For those of u with experience, answer this please.

For flowering purposes, would you rather run 1000W HPS or 1000W combined spectrum bulbs (the ones that have 600W HPS and 400W MH in one bulb).

I can run either with my set up, they run off a standard HPS ballast and the bulbs are of a similar price (price not really an issue here anyway).

If anyone has experience with this or just a s*#t load of growing experience, please chime in and lend us your thoughts.
Much appreciated.


P.S - If you don't know about these new combined spec/dual arc bulbs, here's a link to check them out: http://www.specialty-lights.com/solarmax1-dual-hps-mh.html
There's probably a better site for info somewhere.
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Could be, could be ... I can see the 'theory' behind the benefits of having parts of the blue spectrum covered and more of the red spectrum covered for flowering, but i'm not sure if this theory is actually of any benefit when put into practice. The HPS is cheaper all round when it comes down to it, has more lumens overall too i believe, sounds like it would be the smarter option really but i'm keen to hear if any other people have experience with this sort of thing and can tell me otherwise.

Cheers for stopping in.


I run 4- 1kw and use it (dual bulb) in one spot, and i do notice less stretch and denser tops... now as far as saying its better or worse, I havent noticed a loss or gain in yield nor a quality gain....it is nice to see a blue color admist the sea of yellow, but not enough to purchase 3 more and make a full switch

Care Free 1

Active member
IMO if you are going to burn 1000 watts, then you should go for the single bulb HPS. I use the hortilux which is claimed to have a better spectrum than straight HPS. I always get great results with that setup.

Care Free 1


Hmm ... The less stretch thing sounds good, I'll do my widows and jocks under the 600W HPS and see how much they stretch during flower (my first run with these strains) ... If the stretch is a problem I could try going with the dual arc ... altho nothing a lil LST/topping couldn't fix hahaha.

Cheers for ur input word and Care Free. Keep it coming peoples

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