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1000w hps and power bill.


So do i have to worry about to high power bill while running a 1000w hps?

Also if im hoping to yield 800g can i just get a carbon scruffer or do i have to vent the air somewhere? the room would be 3ft wide by 6ft high and 4ft long. Is this room even necessary to use a 1000w?


real ting

Do some math. 1000 watts = 1 kw, power is charged by kwh, or kilowatt hours, so if you are in flowering that is 12 kwh a day, times 30 days in the average month, then multiply that by the cost of power in your area, you can find this on your power bill. If your power was 10 cents per kwh, that would come out to $36 a month.

Yes you do need a carbon scrubber unless you like getting busted, and yes you do need to vent the air somewhere, unless you plan on installing a sealed room, but I would recommend against this for your first grow. Shoot for 800g, but do not be dissapointed if you do not get it, that much weight out of a 1000w room is a very good harvest even for an experienced grower with a dialed setup.

You need to do a lot of reading about this and come up with your own plan of action, we can't build and run the grow room for you through the computer.


Active member
depending on where you live, running a 1k light will vary between $50 and $70+ a month.
but that is only for 12/12, if your running 24/0 or 20/4, obviously it will be more.

800g for a 1k is doable under the right circumstances, theyre are a lot of variables that come into play. soil/hydro, experience, strain, non interfering g/f who thinks she knows everything.

see? lots of variables.

a 1k put off 3500btu's of heat. doesnt sound like much, but in the small space youre going to need to vent the light or vent the grow, even if its just circulating in colder air with a boxfan. with that size you would be better off with a 600w, easier to control temps and not wasting lumens and electricity.


I have the same size light in roughly the same size area and its a bitch. heat is the killer here. If I had my druthers, I would go with 600's. my PG&E goes up like homey said 50-100$ month when im in full swing. In the end, its still waaaaay cheaper and better quality than what I can buy on the corner so I smile all the way when i pay my bill..


Im doing 1kw in a space 5 feet wide, 2.5 feet deep, and 12 feet tall.

Heat is an issue, I have a 4" squirrel cage fan exhausting the light into an attic (at some point I will upgrade to a 6" vortex), and I have small oscillating fan pointed at the light which brings cooler air in from a larger room.

With both of those fans going my temps range from 75-80 dg F. With the squirrel cage fan alone, and the room sealed off my temps approach 90 degrees.

Since this is my first run with this setup I dont want to say too much, other than that my plants are looking great, and based on what I have so far this will probably be the best indoor run Ive ever done.

So I think a 1 kw is doable in the space you described, you just need to have very, very good ventilation.

Also, the only reason I didnt go with a 600 watt HPS is because I think the light penetration from 1 kw is alot better.

Zen Master

if you are in a cheap area idk what the rates go for.

I'm in one of the more expensive areas I easily go past my baseline and it ends up being ~ .20c -.25c kWh which aint cheap.

including a fan to cool the light, I like to overestimate so I say $100 per 1000w per month. keeps it simple.


listen to them they know what they speak about .
1000w for your space will give you a hedake with the temps , better think of 600w
800 g from 1000w is 0.8/w it is a very good yield even for experinced growers.
Even if you veg for 2 months it is hard to harvest 800 grams Hydro or soil.
Better go for 600w and aim for 300g it is doable for a newb that makes his homework !!
I have some grows in my belt and i was happy when i am passing the 0.5g/watt mark.
Keep it simple , learn to read your plants and after that you can try hydro,sog,scrog and
everything you like to hit the ,8g/watt


Active member
If limited space and ventilation/cooling issues, the 600W HPS is often the very best alternative to a 1K light ... rockin' results, managable heat output.

I swear by 'em.



the only issue you'll run into is if your particular power company charges penalties for "using more than your allotment", then you get the kwh charge, and a big fat penalty

so you switch out every bulb in the house to a CFL, and only run what you need when you need it.

just be aware of what your "allotment" is, BEFORE you light up the big 1K



Tom 'Green' Thumb
In Brantford Canada area it is 50$ every two months, so 25$ a month, but that is on average with three weeks 18,6 and the next 8 weeks 12/12. Not too bad I must say. using 4 lights is no problem and not noticable - been doing it for 5 years at the same location. Just my 2 cents.



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
call your power company and ask the rate and do the math yourself, prices vary city to city, county to county, so your question is way to broad.....

if you grow indoors, you have to exhaust, no way around it, unless your going sealed with co2....

and contrary to what peeps are saying, the room will work fine for a 1000 watt. i have growm in a 3' X 3' X 6' tall shower with a 1000 watt, no heat issues as long as you have a decent exhaust fan, twice the room volume per minute....


Just pay the bill and you wont have any problems with a 1 k garden, and yes you need to vent somewhere, even into another room, just have a source of fresh air coming into the grow area (normally pulled in through negative pressure created from the exhaust fan.


My elec charges boil down to a hair over $0.10 a kWh, so a month of 12/12 costs under $40, but I think we're on the fairly cheap end for power costs.

I have 1k in a 4x4 tent, inside a larger room (about 8x12) that has the door & window closed almost always. I simply vent out of the tent into the room, and temps are never an issue with the fan on low. (filter->fan->hood->out)

also, fwiw, I was running a 400w in a wooden cabinet, and even with a huge ventillation fan on high I had mad problems with heat. Then I got into tents. Tents are massive win. They work great.


I use wooden cabs 3x3x6 with a 600, you just have to position all the equipment correctly and some rules of ventilation. After all a wooden cab and a tent are the same thing, just an enclosed space.

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