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1000W grow (SWT #3 and Copenhagen Kush)


Active member
Some time ago I made the flower room a little bigger and added a 400W in addition to the 600W I had in there.
This has worked out pretty well and now I'm at day 18 on a promising grow that I would love to share with you. Method is still soil and in fact I'm going more "slack" than ever!
I've switched from Biobizz grow + bloom to a mixture of Hornum nutrients (A local danish tomato fertilizer that can be found in every store) and Biobizz bloom. I might even skip the bloom too and just add some PK 13/14 - or perhaps just add some phosphate rock to the soil.
Also the soil is a mixture of fresh bought soil, used soil (from growing potatoes in pots outside) and free compost (from the local recycling station).
The reason why I'm not afraid of this is that I already caught spidermites earlier this year and it's been a blessing because now I don't have to worry about moving plants in or taking cuttings from my guerilla spots. I did manage to bring in a single caterpillar though that seemed to like munching on the leaves and some of the plants I have brought in have leaf miners. But I don't think any of these can establish a serious population in an indoor setting - and I've also had the pleasure of seeing a couple of centipedes.

Anyway - last day was a horrible shock because I came home to find 5-10 cm water in my entire basement because of rains.
The water was just touching the underside of my ballasts but fortunately they weren't on. Then I decided to move them to a higher position and wait one day before I turned them on again:)
The next day I was fearing that they would blow up when I turned on the electric but they went on with no problems. This pic should illustrate how stupid I was - the ballasts were simply placed on tiles resting on a couple of wooded beams...

On to the grow - first 9 swt#3 plants in 12 l buckets under the 400W lamp. I'm quite satisfied with these :)

20 Copenhagen Kush under the 600W lamp (along with a row of small autos to the right)
These are very columnar plants with a healthy stretch except perhaps for a couple of runts. It's still too early to talk about resin but all of them seem to be preparing themselves for some nice bud-building. I vegged these for around a month before I put them in flower - made some mistakes and forgot to water a couple of times when vegging but these are very forgiving plants. The runts are probably my own fault.


Some time ago I made the flower room a little bigger and added a 400W in addition to the 600W I had in there.
This has worked out pretty well and now I'm at day 18 on a promising grow that I would love to share with you. Method is still soil and in fact I'm going more "slack" than ever!
I've switched from Biobizz grow + bloom to a mixture of Hornum nutrients (A local danish tomato fertilizer that can be found in every store) and Biobizz bloom. I might even skip the bloom too and just add some PK 13/14 - or perhaps just add some phosphate rock to the soil.
Also the soil is a mixture of fresh bought soil, used soil (from growing potatoes in pots outside) and free compost (from the local recycling station).
The reason why I'm not afraid of this is that I already caught spidermites earlier this year and it's been a blessing because now I don't have to worry about moving plants in or taking cuttings from my guerilla spots. I did manage to bring in a single caterpillar though that seemed to like munching on the leaves and some of the plants I have brought in have leaf miners. But I don't think any of these can establish a serious population in an indoor setting - and I've also had the pleasure of seeing a couple of centipedes.

Anyway - last day was a horrible shock because I came home to find 5-10 cm water in my entire basement because of rains.
The water was just touching the underside of my ballasts but fortunately they weren't on. Then I decided to move them to a higher position and wait one day before I turned them on again:)
The next day I was fearing that they would blow up when I turned on the electric but they went on with no problems. This pic should illustrate how stupid I was - the ballasts were simply placed on tiles resting on a couple of wooded beams...

On to the grow - first 9 swt#3 plants in 12 l buckets under the 400W lamp. I'm quite satisfied with these :)

20 Copenhagen Kush under the 600W lamp (along with a row of small autos to the right)
These are very columnar plants with a healthy stretch except perhaps for a couple of runts. It's still too early to talk about resin but all of them seem to be preparing themselves for some nice bud-building. I vegged these for around a month before I put them in flower - made some mistakes and forgot to water a couple of times when vegging but these are very forgiving plants. The runts are probably my own fault.

Damn, you got your ballast 20 cm from where you watering?

Looks dangerous man.. take care

Thanks for sharing!


Active member
Yeah I know - I would prefer to hang them on the wall but the 600W ballast is simply so heavy that I wouldn't trust a couple of screws to hold it securely.


New member
Would the 600w still be too heavy if you were to secure it into a stud, or place a board anchored to the stud on the wall and then screw the ballast into that?


Active member
The wall is a brick wall so I'm sure with good anchoring for the screws a board should be able to do the trick - got one already and also might have the right screws around.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
The Swt #3's look great very healthy! :good: Will be keeping an eye on this one! :canabis:

Much love brother! :joint:


Active member
Thanks - they're a little less healthy looking now because the thrips and spider mites are taking their toll on the older leaves.
They're budding up very well though - I could get used to growing fewer plants in larger containers when they respond to topping like swt does.
The Copenhagen Kush is a heavy stretcher - up to 1m now from 25cm plants when I put them in flower. All are spearshaped with little branching - som even have their buds close to the stem from top to bottom. The buds themselves are elongating nicely so I'm sure this has yield potential.


Very nice. When will you harvest. How tall are the 9 under the 400? Other then the "autos" and few "runts" they all look very similar. You must be happy so far.


Active member
They're both on day 29 now I think.
The swt normally comes down around day 52-56 so a little less than a month for her.
They're 50-60 cm tall now and I wouldn't be surprised to harvest 40 grams from each. With 9 12 liter pots like that under the 400W (borrowing a little light from the 600W...) this should work out pretty well.


20 Copenhagen Kush under the 600W to the right.
These like to grow and the early resin seems to be sweet lemony with a hint of strawberry here and there. It seems to me though that it might be changing to more mature and rough flavors as the plants grow older...


Active member
Thanks - time for an update for the Kush side.
The combination of flood, spider mites and thrips have taken their toll on the lower fan leaves but the tops are pretty nice:)

A little closer - I'm gonna have to return with a better camera to really show the resin coverage of this baby.

Tarus Bulbar

WOW them ladies are lookn sweet bro!!
Even tho the pic isnt perfect,I can still
tell its totally sugar coated

Cheers blackone


Active member
The Swt was harvested some time ago and the CFP was harvested yesterday around day 65 or so.
Flooding, insect damage and a couple of missed waterings have taken their toll on the plants so they're not looking as fresh as they should be unfortunately. Still the bud I harvested was prima quality. Some phenos are catching a slight red/purple/blue hue in late flower.

I'm trying to do a reveg of 3 of the best plants but really it was hard to select 3 because there were so many crazy phenos. In fact every single plant showed superb trichome coverage with around one third going into overdrive mode.






hey blackone, nice to see your copenhagen kush and sweet tooth plants .. well grown, just bad luck with the mites / thrips :)


Active member
Thanks - the animals suck but I've learned to live with them somewhat.
I think that they're to blame for my unability to reveg the Copenhagen Kush into mothers and they also prevent me from taking beautiful pics so I would rather see them dead.


Active member
Dec 25: 12 niterider mystery cross seedplants to 12/12.
6 Males were replaced with new plants around Dec 30.
Last edited:


Active member
Finally a full room again. I haven't been very good at keeping up with the plantings lately. 15 or 16 Niterider crosses went in flower yesterday (Jan 3). Some of these plus some of the 6 that went in flower last day will of course be males but I think it's gonna fill out.

Just wanted to show a picture of what I call my "djungelvrål" pheno. The strain is a cross between my sweet tooth female and something that was given to me with the name (C99*Big Daddy)*Big Daddy written on it. I wish I knew what Big Daddy is - someone suggested it might be GDP but I haven't seen any purple in the seeds I grew out before.

