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1000W DWC 3x3 ScROG


"easy growing type"
Hi and welcome to my grow.
I love growing - it brings me a sense of peace that I can't find anywhere other than my indoor garden.

Nothing fancy here but I'll run down what I have going:

1- Hydrohut Mini 3x3
1- Aircooled Daystar Hood w. 6" Duct
1- 940W Eye Hortilux HPS Conversion Bulb
1- 1000W MH magnetic coil ballast
1- Home-made Trellis for ScROG w. 3" holes
2- 265cfm dayton fans - one for light and one for hut
1- 6.5 gallon bucket fitted with three (4ft air diffusers)
1- 6in. net pot for bucket filled with hydroton
4- check valves attached to airlines
1- DuraPump 1100Gph airpump

Well that's all I have. Like I said it's nothing fancy but hopefully effective.
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"easy growing type"
Note: This grow was started on December 1st. The seedling sprouted a few days prior to that but was placed under 24/0 HPS on the 1st of December. I initially started the seedling with a 400W HPS and after 3 weeks went into my larger 1000.

I'll start this log by posting pictures and listing what I've done to date.


"easy growing type"
Excellent sealing job

Excellent sealing job

fred_light said:
Nice. I'll be watching and learning :)

Hello fred_light and thankyou for stopping by. It was nice visiting your page as well. I'm really impressed with the way you sealed everything in plastic. Great Job! I'll be watching and learning from you just the same :)


"easy growing type"
Pictures from December 6th

Pictures from December 6th

Fan Setup

Haze 6 days

Haze 6 days
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"easy growing type"
More Pictures

More Pictures

I'm just going to post the photos in an ascending order for all to see. My apologies if my format is sloppy and unexplained. Please feel free to post any questions as well as suggestions - after all you are indeed the masters - I'm only reproducing what most of you have already done ;-)

Haze 12 Days

Haze 16 Days - I can't believe I foliar fed with a pH of 5.8. Notice how I fried the leaves :-( I wound up cutting those leaves away

Haze 17 Days

3x3 Home Made Trellis - supported by brass wire as well as constructed

Haze 18 Days - under trellis

Haze 20 Days

From 24/0 on 400 to 24/0 on 1000 - Week 3

Haze 22 Days - Stripped all leaves to promote lateral branch and foliage growth. I normally strip away neighboring leaves if lateral branch extends a half inch or more. I also use a method called "pinching" which I impose on every new internode in order to keep the plant short and wide. Notice the darker areas on the tips of all the branches including the main stem - this is because I've just crushed them. I never top - I always crush to slow upward growth and keep 'em wide. I had a buddy say that a sativa can never be short. Let's see.

Haze 24 Days - Foliage returns
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"easy growing type"


Shoot - I knew I forgot something...

I'm using Flora Micro and Flora Bloom - Lucas Calculations on 0-5-10 but I replace nutrients every 7 days. I started at 400, then 600, then 800 and I'm now using 1000. Every week I go up 200ppms. Water always maintains at 5.5pH. I dose it according to the Lucas formula which for 5 gallons winds up being 800 or so I just dose again till my favored ppm is reached. By the way - some of you might say I'm a bit abusive but I torture my plants in veg. I treat them like royalty in flower.


"easy growing type"
More Pictures

More Pictures

Here go more pictures of my grow.

Closeup of the main stem at Day 26. You can see the discoloration in the stem from where I've been pinching.

Haze 26 Days - Oldest branches are about the same length as the main stem.

Haze 28 Days - Top view.

Haze 30 Days - Side view. Time for another leaf trim and I think it's time to train those branches.

Haze 30 Days - Two hours later and certainly lighter LoL.

I screwed in some Pan-head metal screws along with pizza box twine to hold down the branches. I want a haze bush :violin:

Haze 30 Days - trimmed and tied down for 1st training session at the SDG gym with fitness instructor "seargent Slaughter LoL"

Haze 32 Days - Two days after heavy trim and train.

Haze 34 Days - Looks like a nice fill.

Haze 34 Days - Another trim (so you think I'm crazy?) :nono: Just a partial, I wanted to clear the top so that the lower branches can fill as well.

Haze Day 36 - Plant switched to 18/6. This is the 1st darkness she's ever known. Planning on getting a bit of stretch as she is definitely a stocky one.

Haze Day 36 - A closeup shot of my haze plant. She certainly moving along much faster now. Eats up 1/3 of a gallon a day now.

Haze Day 37 - 15 inches wide and 9.5 inches tall :)

Haze Day 37 - 5 more inches before we make it to the screen. Ahh and then the REAL progress begins ;-)
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Active member
K+ Lookin nice and squatty my friend ;-) :smoker: Tagged. How long you plannin on veggin that one girl to fill that screen up??


"easy growing type"
Hi SpoCannabis - Thankyou!

Hi SpoCannabis - Thankyou!

SpoCannabis said:
K+ Lookin nice and squatty my friend ;-) :smoker: Tagged. How long you plannin on veggin that one girl to fill that screen up??

Hi SpoCannabis,
Thanks for the comment my friend. I was thinking 2 months but at this point I just want that top to go 3in. over the screen so that I can bend it under. That should start a chain reaction and explode. On day 35 I switched the lights from 24/0 to 18/6 in order for it to stretch a bit. In light hours she's a month and a half old respectively. I've never ScROG'ed before but I've seen what it can do.. Now if only I can get it to happen in my garden LoL. Using the haze cause I love my trippy weed :jump:
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I hate you. My haze seeds were DOA and I blame you. :muahaha:

Not really but, I am jealous. pH 5.5 was bad for my Thunks, I found a mild pH swing kept her happier than any single reading. While my Destroyer responds better to crushing/supercropping, the Thunk laughed, kicked sand in my face and stole my girl. Topping pissed her off royally and she grew double fast. Should you have stems that refuse to stop strecthing out, try tying them to themselves.

I called it "pigtailing" because few turned back to the light, they just kept going in a circle. Buds along the cusp vie for supremacy while the "top" keeps growing. It was the only thing that kept the Thunk's stretch under control.


Active member
hey SDG looks like ur quite the taskmaster getting that bitch to grow like she needs to! nice!

are you able to change the water in the bucket without removing the top? the only reason i ask is that it might be tough to lift the top basket once the plant gets all worked into the screen...i did a sweet 4x8 scrog once, love the scrog but i did that one in promix...

i love the haze too, looking forward to seeing urs pop!



If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Looking really good! I just have one question... and i went back through to see if this was addressed? With all this effort, how are you sure this IS a girl?

I mean, i'm praying for ya..
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"easy growing type"
SpoCannabis said:
Excellent bro!! Good luck ;-). Yeah, I am a huge haze fan also :canabis:

Thankyou SpoCannabis and yeah man I love haze. I like to call it brain weed ;-) You can't fall asleep on haze.


"easy growing type"
FreezerBoy said:
I hate you. My haze seeds were DOA and I blame you. :muahaha:

Not really but, I am jealous. pH 5.5 was bad for my Thunks, I found a mild pH swing kept her happier than any single reading. While my Destroyer responds better to crushing/supercropping, the Thunk laughed, kicked sand in my face and stole my girl. Topping pissed her off royally and she grew double fast. Should you have stems that refuse to stop strecthing out, try tying them to themselves.

I called it "pigtailing" because few turned back to the light, they just kept going in a circle. Buds along the cusp vie for supremacy while the "top" keeps growing. It was the only thing that kept the Thunk's stretch under control.

Hi FreezerBoy,
Loving that technique for sure. As of this morning I grabbed the main top and bent it down as you illustrated in pic 1. She's already trying to reach back up. Great info - yeah so far she hasn't demonstrated any temperment but then again anything can happen ;-) LoL @ the Thunk's attitude... You showed her!!!


"easy growing type"
funker said:
hey SDG looks like ur quite the taskmaster getting that bitch to grow like she needs to! nice!

are you able to change the water in the bucket without removing the top? the only reason i ask is that it might be tough to lift the top basket once the plant gets all worked into the screen...i did a sweet 4x8 scrog once, love the scrog but i did that one in promix...

i love the haze too, looking forward to seeing urs pop!


Hi funker,
You're on the money there. I can see it being a problem and I've been planning up something for 2 weeks now. Since I don't have a drain valve - I'll be using a 1/2" 90degree barbed elbow with grommet and attach a hose to it that will remain static. Just like the water level viewer. Once nutes need changing - I'll siphon the water out from there and reintroduce fully calibrated nutes into it as well. Haven't gotten around to getting a hydro ball valve but whichever comes first. ;-)

I love promix. Using it now on a skunk for a future grow. I like my plants old b4 flower. So letting that one veg out for a few months or till after haze grow. ;-) Do you have pics of your ScROG. I'll check it out...


"easy growing type"
Natagonnaworrie said:
Looking really good! I just have one question... and i went bad through to see if this was addressed? With all this effort, how are you sure this IS a girl?

I mean, i'm praying for ya..

;-) LoL My heart tells me so... When I look into her eyes and see that twinkle.. I know she's meant to be ;-)

LoL I got the seeds from a lb of haze a buddy brought over to bag up. The smoke was amazing and that last 2 seeds from the seeds we collected were female too. :) Which is another reason I wanted scrog. Hermie tendencies erupt near the bottom so I wanted to prevent that... LoL I was wondering who'd ask ;-) Thanks.

Damn I'm being told I can't reply to anymore posts for another 24 hours... :-(
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