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1000w 4x4 flood/drain SOG


Active member
the o2 content in the rootzone using the profit disks is ridiculous!,...I have some plants in bloom right now and the leaf blades are twice as wide indicating higher o2 levels.....this stuff holds little to no water and must be watered a minimum of twice a day....be sure to flush it well before using it with ph'd water,....I didnt flush it and my ph in the first week of veg was 8,....also a little too salty.

also took me almost 3 hours to transplant 25 plants into this stuff because of having to break up each puck in hot water by hand,...the easiest way is to throw them all into a rubbermaid tote and let them soak in hot ph'd water overnight,...then drain the tub and break them up.

I love the stuff but wont be using it anymore because of the prep work involved.

better to use empire organics coco which is loose but has the same courseness.

have fun!


interesting coco with 50% air and 50% water sounds far out. some one needs to do a proper introduction thread about this stuff in the new coco forum, would love to see it in action. :)


Active member
hey gaiusmarius,...I could say that growth has doubled using this stuff,....my lights are almost as high as I could get them right now,....and out of all the different coco's im using,...the roots are shooting out of the pots with this stuff and not the others.
also ive been growing the same strain for awhile now,...and when I grew it in this course coco the plant grew leaves that were an inch wide(indicating high o2 in roots)
and on average they are usually a half inch wide in other coco.

yeah thats the one indica sativa.


very good info guys .. 1 day i'll have to give them a try!!!

as for me atm .. i still have the original 4x4 with the 1k watt bulb burning away.... and if you guys remember what happened last time, wellll it happened again .. girls stretched to 3 feet and when the buds put on weight .. they all fell over.... bud it makes for some very interesting bud formation.... i find this way the whole branch finishes of the same as the top buds, instead of just the top buds... ramble ramble ramble.... pics ..



There is almost nothing more beautiful than a 4x4 filled with colas :woohoo: Great job vhGhost! :woohoo:


hehe next time put another net over them to support them. man is that gonna be a trimming party. have fun man and enjoy the fruits.
good pics i hella want to try that train wreck out again, i went in soil last time, neglected them a bit got a decent harvest but could do way better