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1000w 4*4*7 grow tent

Glad to hear that you resolved your issues. I was just wondering why you chose a HPS for veg vs a MH (Metal Halide)?

Thks im starting to get excited with the progress lately:) loll I'm well aware about the mh for veg and hps for flower. With time I will but at the moment I'm tight on money,therefore my budget was 60$ with shipping for the cooltube cuz i had no choice with the heat issue with the batwing reflector and wired myself a 1000w magnetic ballast for 100$ and for 100$ thks to a friend got some 12awg wire,20a breaker,3m used hortilux 1000w light bulb,new hortilux 1000w light,used carbon filter off a buddy on mine. Well use light for a few shots intell I hopefully find a nice deal on a dimmable ballast. Will post pics by next week.
Anyways for the record I don't trust any1 so I threw out the used light that I got lmfaoo. Just came back from the local hydro store and got myself some treats for the girls.:) just picked up some SM-90 & gro4organics 's new product of earthworm casting. We'll see how it goes and I'll post the results with time . If anyone has some gd experience with this products plz let me noe .

Is that normal that the top leafs are thin like tht on the auto cuz the rest of the plant has fat leaves I was thinking it was the light to close/heat stress so as u see on the other picture I posted 2 mins ago I raised the light to 2ft. Room temps are 25-27'c mostly chillin 25.6 and for humidity 33-50% mostly 40%
So I found out the thin leaves are a normal sign of the plants starting to flower. Also got myself some new goodies for the setup. Got a ppm pen,mental clips to hold up my t5 lights, 2x6" clip on fans, advanced nutrients big bud & sweetness candy, 420 scoop, sm90. Since I watered with the new nutrients... Crazy results, big difference the girls took it very good. Thks to advanced nutrients ��


New member
I normally pull 2 lbs per 1k in my 4x4 tents. 16 plants per tent in soil and ebb n flow tents pull a few ounces more. Not really hard to do if you have proper genetics.


Thks guys so I'm guessing to veg around 2 months for the auto flowers and around 2.5-3 months ish For the kushers loll If I pull 12 I'll be more then happy I was thinking alot less like a 1-1.5oz per plant and around 20g for the auto flowers.

You dont really get to choose the veg time for auto's. They will flower automatically, regardless of photoperiod.

A 2 month veg is a LONG one and those plants are going to be huge.

Maybe I am misunderstanding....
I would hope for more like .7 per watt. It's achievable, I've done it with a couple of 600 watts growing skunk #1 X hindu kush. I would bet hat shit was like up in the 18 to low 20's percent cannabanoids too. So maybe 1.5 lbs but you should get from 1 to 1.5 lbs. If you get more than that than you are the prodigal son. Good luck.
So I'm sorry to post three times in a row on your thread but I just caught up on reading and I can't delete my older posts to consolidate it all. I saw you got some goodies, that's great, I'm glad you are enjoying your self. Advanced nutrients is a rip off though, this isn't meant as a criticism, just fair warning. You already bought there stuff and by all means it's good enough to use so go ahead and use it but there are cheaper better products on the market. That bud candy in particluar really pisses me off. It's just black strap molasses, really fucking expensive black strap molasses. Not better mind you, just more expensive. Earth Juice sells molasses for $15 a gallon and labels it as what it is. I use it too. Advanced nutrients sells it for 4 times as much and labels all there products as magic bullets. It's bull shit. Also the big bloom doesn't have anything but phosphorus and potassium. It seems like it should be used as a supplement in conjunction with a well rounded nutrient that has some nitrogen and micro nutrients in it during blooming. You always need a full range of micro nutrients when growing indoors in pots. I see you are growing in soil. I like soil, it's more forgiving. The best deal I have found for a good well rounded cannabis nutrient is Age Old Organics. They run about 45$ a gallon for a nice well round nutrient with some micro nutrients. Using organic in soil is the way to go to. You know that bud candy stuff you got, that feeds the soil microbes more than anything. You know that big bloom you got, well that kills your soil microbes because it's a strong mineral salt, and your plant roots don't like that so much. Botanicare and earth juice are also a pretty good brands to go with. Epsom salt is a cheap form of magnesium that old gardeners have been using forever. 1 to 2 tsp per gallon of water is all you need. Look up micro nutrients on the internet. There is a lot of them. I personally use composted chicken manure from a local organic farm, kelp I collect from the beach, the age old grow and bloom formulas as a supplement, epsom salt as a foliar spray here and there, black strap molasses here and there, and earth juice micro blast here and there. I could probably get away with not using the micro blast or using it instead of the epsom salt but I wanted to cover my bases for all nutrients. Epsom salt is the second ingredient in the micro blast, it's just listed as magnesium sulfate, instead of what we know it as, epsom salt.


New member
I totally agree with squidbilly about the controlled intake. That's exactly what I was planning on doing for the most control over airflow, without running fans full tilt. Haven't gotten to kicking on the 600w cool tube etc...I'm glad I read your thread, so I can try that exhaust style of filter/fan/duct/cool tube/duct. Thanks guys, looking forward to more updates and information from all ya'll.


I know a couple people yeilding close to a pound or a bit more, The key is from what they tell me... is 1plant per 1000watt lite and a big pot of dirt:biggrin: when they put 2or3 the yeild starts coming down and if they get root bound the yeild comes down.

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